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Created August 30, 2018 18:53
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Meaning chains with word embeddings
cpath = function(matrix, w1, w2, blacklist = c()) {
p1 = matrix[[w1]]
p2 = matrix[[w2]]
base_similarity = cosineSimilarity(p1, p2)
pairsims = matrix %*% t(rbind(p1, p2))
# Words closer to *either* candidate than the other word. These might be used eventually; mostly to save on computation in later steps.
decentsims = pairsims[apply(pairsims, 1, max) >= base_similarity[1],]
# Words closer to *both* candidates than the other word. The best of these is the intermediary.
greatsims = pairsims[apply(pairsims, 1, min) >= base_similarity[1],]
if (length(nrow(greatsims))==0 || nrow(greatsims) == 0) {
return(unique(c(w1, w2)))
pivot = order(-rowSums(greatsims))[1:4]
pivotwords = rownames(greatsims)[pivot]
pivotword = pivotwords[!pivotwords %in% c(w1,w2, blacklist)][1]
# highlight pivots.
message(w1, "<-->", toupper(pivotword), "<--->", w2)
if(is.null(pivotword) || {
return(unique(c(w1, w2)))
pivotpoint = matrix[[pivotword]]
# Really, this should *different* for the right and left side.
mat = matrix[rownames(matrix) %in% rownames(decentsims),]
left = cpath(mat, w1, pivotword, blacklist = c(w1, w2, blacklist))
right = cpath(mat, pivotword, w2, blacklist = c(w1, w2, blacklist))
return(unique(c(left, right)))
drawpath = function(w1, w2, save=F,nnoise = 1) {
pathed = cpath(model, w1, w2)
just_this = model %>% extract_vectors(pathed)
r = just_this %>% prcomp %>% `$`("rotation") %>% `[`(,c(1,2))
noisewords = sample(rownames(model), nnoise)
with_noise = model %>% extract_vectors(c(pathed, noisewords))
lotsa = with_noise %*% r %>% %>% rownames_to_column("word") %>%
mutate(labelled = word %in% pathed) %>%
mutate(word = ordered(word, levels = c(pathed, noisewords) )) %>% arrange(word)
g = lotsa %>%
ggplot() + aes(x=PC1,y = PC2, label = word) + geom_point(data = lotsa %>% filter(!labelled), size = .5, alpha = .33) + geom_path(data = lotsa %>% filter(labelled), alpha = .33) + geom_text(data = lotsa %>% filter(labelled)) + labs(title=paste("From", w1, "to", w2))
if (save)
{ggsave(g, width = 10, height = 8, filename = paste0("~/Pictures/", paste("From", w1, "to", w2), ".png"))}
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