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Last active December 4, 2021 02:43
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import { SyntheticEvent, useCallback, useReducer, useState } from 'react';
/** Controls a single form value. */
export interface FormValueController<T> {
/** The current value. */
readonly value: Readonly<T>;
/** Sets the value. */
set(value: T): void;
/** A map of form keys to errors found during their validation. */
export type FormErrors<T> = Partial<Record<keyof T, string>>;
export interface Form<T> {
/** All values of the form. */
readonly values: Readonly<T>;
/** Errors in the form. */
readonly errors: Readonly<FormErrors<T>>;
/** Whether the form is in the process of being submitted. */
readonly isSubmitting: boolean;
/** Sets a single value. */
set<K extends keyof T>(this: void, key: K, value: T[K]): void;
* Sets many values at once. Especially useful for prefilling data after a
* `fetch()`, for example.
setMany(this: void, data: Partial<T>): void;
/** Creates a controller for a value. */
control<K extends keyof T>(this: void, key: K): FormValueController<T[K]>;
/** Submits this form after validating input. */
onSubmit(this: void, e?: SyntheticEvent): void;
/** Resets all values. */
reset(this: void): void;
* Controls an HTML form.
* @param initialValues The initial values of the form inputs.
* @param onValidate Called to validate each input.
* @param onSubmit Called to submit the form.
export default function useForm<T>({
}: {
initialValues: T;
onValidate?: (values: Readonly<T>, errors: FormErrors<T>) => void;
onSubmit?: (values: Readonly<T>) => Promise<void> | void;
}): Form<T> {
const [values, dispatch] = useReducer(
// This reducer turns actions into reducers. See why in the `set()` function
// below.
(state: T, action: (state: T) => T) => action(state),
const [errors, setErrors] = useState<FormErrors<T>>({});
const [isSubmitting, setSubmitting] = useState(false);
const set = useCallback(<K extends keyof T>(k: K, v: T[K]) => {
dispatch((state) =>
// This action _is_ a reducer: only update the state when state[k] = v
// would actually change anything. This is done to avoid an infinite
// update loop if `set` is called synchronously in a component's render
// function.[k], v) ? state : { ...state, [k]: v });
// Clear any errors for this key that may have been set due to a previously
// failed submission. You might want to change this behavior depending on
// your desired UX.
setErrors((errors) => ({ ...errors, [k]: undefined }));
}, []);
return {
setMany: useCallback(
(data: Partial<T>) =>
// `setMany` just calls `set` for each entry in `data`.
Object.entries(data).forEach(([k, v]) =>
set(k as keyof T, v as T[keyof T])),
control: useCallback(
<K extends keyof T>(k: K): FormValueController<T[K]> => ({
value: values[k],
// You can think of this as a curried `set()`.
set: (v: T[K]) => set(k, v),
[values, set],
onSubmit: useCallback(
(e?: SyntheticEvent) => {
const errors: FormErrors<T> = {};
// Validation isn't required; we don't _have_ to pass in an `onValidate`
// function.
onValidate?.(values, errors);
if (Object.values(errors).some((e) => e !== undefined)) {
// Handling submission also isn't required; while it doesn't make much
// sense for a production application, it might be nice to not have to
// implement it right away during development.
const submit = onSubmit?.(values);
// If `onSubmit` returns a Promise instead of void (or undefined if
// there's no `onSubmit` function), then handle the `submitting` state
// variable:
if (submit) {
// Warning! This may throw a React warning if the component using this
// hook unmounts (because the promise could resolve after unmount).
// You may want to create another hook that can create promises that
// don't resolve after a component unmounts.
submit.then(() => setSubmitting(false));
[onValidate, onSubmit, values],
reset: useCallback(() => {
// Clear everything.
dispatch(() => initialValues);
}, [initialValues]),
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