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Created March 6, 2014 17:16
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude as P
import Data.Array.Accelerate as A
ok :: Acc (Vector (Point Float))
-> Acc (Vector (Cluster Float))
-> Acc (Vector (Cluster Float))
ok = kmeans 1
fail1 :: Acc (Vector (Cluster Float))
-> Acc (Vector (Cluster Float))
fail1 =
let points = use (fromList (Z:.0) [])
in kmeans 1 points
fail2 :: Acc (Vector (Point Float), Vector (Cluster Float))
-> Acc (Vector (Cluster Float))
fail2 =
A.uncurry (kmeans 1)
-- This implementation works on 2D points. In future, generalise this to some
-- arbitrary "feature vector".
type Point a = (a, a)
-- Clusters consist of the centroid location as well as its identifier
type Id = Word32
type Cluster a = (Id, (a, a))
idOfCluster :: Elt a => Exp (Cluster a) -> Exp Id
idOfCluster = A.fst
centroidOfCluster :: Elt a => Exp (Cluster a) -> Exp (Point a)
centroidOfCluster = A.snd
-- We'll use this as an intermediate structure; it contains the number of points
-- in the set as well as the sum of the x and y coordinates respectively.
type PointSum a = (Word32, (a, a))
-- Get the distance (squared) between two points. Since we only compare this
-- value, we elide the square root.
distance :: (Elt a, IsNum a) => Exp (Point a) -> Exp (Point a) -> Exp a
distance u v =
let (x1,y1) = unlift u
(x2,y2) = unlift v
(x1-x2)^(2::Int) + (y1-y2)^(2::Int)
-- For each of the given points, return the cluster Id that that that point is
-- closest to.
:: forall a. (Elt a, IsFloating a, RealFloat a)
=> Acc (Vector (Cluster a))
-> Acc (Vector (Point a))
-> Acc (Vector Id)
findClosestCluster clusters points = (\p -> A.fst $ A.sfoldl (nearest p) z (constant Z) clusters) points
z = constant (-1, inf)
nearest :: Exp (Point a) -> Exp (Id, a) -> Exp (Cluster a) -> Exp (Id, a)
nearest p st c =
let d = A.snd st
d' = distance p (centroidOfCluster c)
d' <* d ? ( lift (idOfCluster c, d') , st )
-- Given a vector of points and a vector of clusters we, we first locate the
-- closest cluster to each point, assign that point to their closest cluster,
-- and compute the centroid of the cluster. This yields the new centroid
-- locations.
:: forall a. (Elt a, IsFloating a, RealFloat a)
=> Int
-> Acc (Vector (Point a))
-> Acc (Vector (Cluster a))
-> Acc (Vector (Cluster a))
makeNewClusters nclusters points clusters
-- TLM: This works fine if we combine everything into a single pipeline.
-- = pointSumToCluster
-- . makePointSum
-- . findClosestCluster clusters
-- $ points
-- TLM: This is the program I want to write, because it forces the result of
-- findClosestCluster, thereby reducing memory traffic (due to a different
-- accelerate bug: #116)
-- However, there is a sharing recovery bug _only_ when 'kmeans' is turned
-- into a function of one argument (either fail1 or fail2 above) which is
-- required to use 'run1'.
= findClosestCluster clusters >-> pointSumToCluster . makePointSum $ points
npts = size points
-- Turn the PointSum intermediate structure into the clusters, by averaging
-- the cumulative (x,y) positions.
pointSumToCluster :: Acc (Vector (PointSum a)) -> Acc (Vector (Cluster a))
pointSumToCluster ps =
A.generate (A.shape ps)
(\ix -> lift (A.fromIntegral (unindex1 ix), average (ps ! ix)))
average :: Exp (PointSum a) -> Exp (Point a)
average ps =
let (n, xy) = unlift ps :: (Exp Word32, Exp (Point a))
(x, y) = unlift xy
lift (x / A.fromIntegral n, y / A.fromIntegral n) -- TLM: what if there are no points in the cluster??
-- Reduce along the rows of 'pointSum' to get the cumulative (x,y) position
-- and number of points assigned to each centroid.
makePointSum :: Acc (Vector Id) -> Acc (Vector (PointSum a))
makePointSum = A.fold1 addPointSum . pointSum
-- The point sum is an intermediate 2D array (it gets fused away, so does
-- not exist in memory). The points are laid out along the innermost
-- dimension (rows), and down the column is each of the clusters.
-- For each point, we put its (x,y) coordinates into the row corresponding
-- to whichever cluster it is closest to, and zeros in each of the other
-- rows.
pointSum :: Acc (Vector Id) -> Acc (Array DIM2 (PointSum a))
pointSum nearest =
A.generate (lift (Z:.constant nclusters:.npts))
(\ix -> let Z:.i:.j = unlift ix :: Z :. Exp Int :. Exp Int
near = nearest ! index1 j
yes = lift (constant 1, points ! index1 j)
no = constant (0, (0,0))
near ==* A.fromIntegral i ? ( yes, no ))
addPointSum :: Exp (PointSum a) -> Exp (PointSum a) -> Exp (PointSum a)
addPointSum x y =
let (c1, u) = unlift x :: (Exp Word32, Exp (Point a))
(c2, v) = unlift y :: (Exp Word32, Exp (Point a))
(x1,y1) = unlift u :: (Exp a, Exp a)
(x2,y2) = unlift v :: (Exp a, Exp a)
lift (c1+c2, lift (x1+x2, y1+y2) :: Exp (Point a))
-- Alternative to computing the PointSum structure.
-- This method uses a forward permutation with atomic instructions to create
-- the array directly (this method is closer to what one might write
-- sequentially). This avoids a parallel reduction, but has very high
-- contention. Overall performance much lower, as:
-- number of clusters << number of points
makePointSum :: Acc (Vector (PointSum a))
makePointSum = A.permute addPointSum zeros near input
zeros = A.fill (constant (Z:.nclusters)) (constant (0,(0,0)))
input = (A.fill (A.shape points) (constant 1)) points
near ix = index1 (A.fromIntegral (nearest ! ix))
-- To complete the k-means algorithm, we loop repeatedly generating new clusters
-- positions, until the positions converge (or some maximum iteration limit is
-- reached?)
kmeans :: forall a. (Elt a, IsFloating a, RealFloat a)
=> Int -- number of clusters to generate
-> Acc (Vector (Point a)) -- the points to cluster
-> Acc (Vector (Cluster a)) -- initial cluster positions (guess)
-> Acc (Vector (Cluster a))
kmeans nclusters points clusters
= A.asnd
$ A.awhile (A.uncurry keepGoing)
(\cs -> let (_, old) = unlift cs :: (Acc (Vector (Cluster a)), Acc (Vector (Cluster a)))
new = makeNewClusters nclusters points old
lift (old,new))
(lift (clusters, makeNewClusters nclusters points clusters))
keepGoing :: Acc (Vector (Cluster a)) -> Acc (Vector (Cluster a)) -> Acc (Scalar Bool)
keepGoing xs ys
= A.or
$ A.zipWith (\c1 c2 -> let (x1,y1) = unlift (centroidOfCluster c1)
(x2,y2) = unlift (centroidOfCluster c2)
abs (x1-x2) >* 0.01 ||* abs (y1-y2) >* 0.01) xs ys
-- The largest non-infinite floating point number
inf :: forall a. RealFloat a => a
inf = encodeFloat m n
a = undefined :: a
b = floatRadix a
e = floatDigits a
(_, e') = floatRange a
m = b ^ e - 1
n = e' - e
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