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Created July 7, 2015 06:03
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lowerDicts $ ghostbuster feldspar_gadt nothing
-- pretty :: PP.Pretty a => a -> String
-- pretty = PP.prettyPrintStyleMode style mode
-- where
-- mode = PP.defaultMode { PP.classIndent = 2, PP.whereIndent = 2, PP.caseIndent = 2, PP.layout = PP.PPOffsideRule }
-- style = { PP.mode = PP.PageMode, PP.lineLength = 1000 }
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdefer-type-errors #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Ghostbuster where
import Prelude hiding (Int, Maybe(..), Bool(..))
data TypeDict a where
ExistentialDict :: TypeDict any
ArrowTyDict :: TypeDict a -> TypeDict b -> TypeDict (a -> b)
IntDict :: TypeDict Int
Tup2Dict :: TypeDict a -> TypeDict b -> TypeDict (Tup2 a b)
data TyEquality a b where
Refl :: TyEquality a a
data Typ arr where
Int :: Typ Int
Arr :: Typ v -> Typ w -> Typ (v -> w)
data Var env ans where
Zro :: Var (Tup2 e1 a) a
Suc :: Var e2 x -> Var (Tup2 e2 y) x
data Exp env ans where
Con :: Int -> Exp e1 Int
Add :: Exp e2 Int -> Exp e2 Int -> Exp e2 Int
Mul :: Exp e3 Int -> Exp e3 Int -> Exp e3 Int
Var :: Var e4 u -> Exp e4 u
Abs :: Typ r -> Exp (Tup2 e5 r) s -> Exp e5 (r -> s)
App :: Exp e6 (x -> y) -> Exp e6 x -> Exp e6 y
data Typ' where
Int' :: Typ'
Arr' :: Typ' -> Typ' -> Typ'
deriving Show
data SealedTyp where
SealedTyp :: TypeDict arr -> Typ arr -> SealedTyp
data Var' where
Zro' :: Var'
Suc' :: Var' -> Var'
deriving Show
data SealedVar env where
SealedVar :: TypeDict ans -> Var env ans -> SealedVar env
data Exp' where
Con' :: Int -> Exp'
Add' :: Exp' -> Exp' -> Exp'
Mul' :: Exp' -> Exp' -> Exp'
Var' :: Var' -> Exp'
Abs' :: Typ' -> Exp' -> Exp'
App' :: Exp' -> Exp' -> Exp'
deriving Show
data SealedExp env where
SealedExp :: TypeDict ans -> Exp env ans -> SealedExp env
data ArrowTy a b where
data Int where
One :: Int
Two :: Int
Three :: Int
deriving Show
data Maybe a where
Just :: a -> Maybe a
Nothing :: Maybe a
deriving Show
data Bool where
True :: Bool
False :: Bool
deriving Show
data Unit where
Unit :: Unit
deriving Show
data Tup2 a b where
Tup2 :: a -> b -> Tup2 a b
deriving Show
checkTEQ :: TypeDict t -> TypeDict u -> Maybe (TyEquality t u)
checkTEQ !x !y
= case x of
Tup2Dict a1 b1 -> case y of
Tup2Dict a2 b2 -> case checkTEQ a1 a2 of
Just Refl -> case checkTEQ b1 b2 of
Just Refl -> Just Refl
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
IntDict -> Nothing
ArrowTyDict a2 b2 -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
IntDict -> case y of
Tup2Dict a2 b2 -> Nothing
IntDict -> Just Refl
ArrowTyDict a2 b2 -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
ArrowTyDict a1 b1 -> case y of
Tup2Dict a2 b2 -> Nothing
IntDict -> Nothing
ArrowTyDict a2 b2 -> case checkTEQ a1 a2 of
Just Refl -> case checkTEQ b1 b2 of
Just Refl -> Just Refl
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
downTyp :: forall arr . TypeDict arr -> Typ arr -> Typ'
downTyp !arr_dict !orig
= case orig of
Int -> Int'
Arr a b -> Arr'
(let v_dict
= case arr_dict of
ArrowTyDict left right -> left
_ -> undefined
in v_dict)
(let w_dict
= case arr_dict of
ArrowTyDict left right -> right
_ -> undefined
in w_dict)
upTyp :: Typ' -> SealedTyp
upTyp Int' = let arr_dict = IntDict in SealedTyp arr_dict Int
upTyp (Arr' a b)
= case upTyp a of
SealedTyp arr_a'_dict a' -> let v_dict = arr_a'_dict in
case upTyp b of
SealedTyp arr_b'_dict b' -> let w_dict = arr_b'_dict in let arr_dict = ArrowTyDict v_dict w_dict in SealedTyp arr_dict (Arr a' b')
downVar :: forall env ans . TypeDict env -> TypeDict ans -> Var env ans -> Var'
downVar !env_dict !ans_dict !orig
= case orig of
Zro -> Zro'
Suc a -> Suc'
(let e2_dict
= case env_dict of
Tup2Dict a b -> a
_ -> undefined
in e2_dict)
(let x_dict = ans_dict in x_dict)
upVar :: forall env . TypeDict env -> Var' -> SealedVar env
upVar !env_dict !lower
= case lower of
Zro' -> case env_dict of
Tup2Dict e1_dict a_dict -> let ans_dict = a_dict in SealedVar ans_dict Zro
_ -> undefined
Suc' a -> case env_dict of
Tup2Dict e2_dict y_dict -> case upVar e2_dict a of
SealedVar ans_a'_dict a' -> let x_dict = ans_a'_dict in let ans_dict = x_dict in SealedVar ans_dict (Suc a')
_ -> undefined
downExp :: forall env ans . TypeDict env -> TypeDict ans -> Exp env ans -> Exp'
downExp !env_dict !ans_dict !orig
= case orig of
Con a -> Con' a
Add a b -> Add' (downExp (let e2_dict = env_dict in e2_dict) IntDict a) (downExp (let e2_dict = env_dict in e2_dict) IntDict b)
Mul a b -> Mul' (downExp (let e3_dict = env_dict in e3_dict) IntDict a) (downExp (let e3_dict = env_dict in e3_dict) IntDict b)
Var a -> Var' (downVar (let e4_dict = env_dict in e4_dict) (let u_dict = ans_dict in u_dict) a)
Abs a b -> Abs'
(let r_dict
= case ans_dict of
ArrowTyDict left right -> left
_ -> undefined
in r_dict)
(let e5_dict = env_dict in
let r_dict
= case ans_dict of
ArrowTyDict left right -> left
_ -> undefined
in Tup2Dict e5_dict r_dict)
(let s_dict
= case ans_dict of
ArrowTyDict left right -> right
_ -> undefined
in s_dict)
App a b -> App' (downExp (let e6_dict = env_dict in e6_dict) (let x_dict = ExistentialDict in let y_dict = ans_dict in ArrowTyDict x_dict y_dict) a) (downExp (let e6_dict = env_dict in e6_dict) (let x_dict = ExistentialDict in x_dict) b)
upExp :: forall env . TypeDict env -> Exp' -> SealedExp env
upExp !env_dict !lower
= case lower of
Con' a -> let e1_dict = env_dict in let ans_dict = IntDict in SealedExp ans_dict (Con a)
Add' a b -> let e2_dict = env_dict in
case upExp env_dict a of
SealedExp ans_a'_dict a' -> case ans_a'_dict of
IntDict -> case upExp env_dict b of
SealedExp ans_b'_dict b' -> case ans_b'_dict of
IntDict -> let ans_dict = IntDict in SealedExp ans_dict (Add a' b')
_ -> undefined
_ -> undefined
Mul' a b -> let e3_dict = env_dict in
case upExp env_dict a of
SealedExp ans_a'_dict a' -> case ans_a'_dict of
IntDict -> case upExp env_dict b of
SealedExp ans_b'_dict b' -> case ans_b'_dict of
IntDict -> let ans_dict = IntDict in SealedExp ans_dict (Mul a' b')
_ -> undefined
_ -> undefined
Var' a -> let e4_dict = env_dict in
case upVar env_dict a of
SealedVar ans_a'_dict a' -> let u_dict = ans_a'_dict in let ans_dict = u_dict in SealedExp ans_dict (Var a')
Abs' a b -> let e5_dict = env_dict in
case upTyp a of
SealedTyp arr_a'_dict a' -> let r_dict = arr_a'_dict in
case upExp (let e5_dict = e5_dict in let r_dict = arr_a'_dict in Tup2Dict e5_dict r_dict) b of
SealedExp ans_b'_dict b' -> let s_dict = ans_b'_dict in let ans_dict = ArrowTyDict r_dict s_dict in SealedExp ans_dict (Abs a' b')
App' a b -> let e6_dict = env_dict in
case upExp env_dict a of
SealedExp ans_a'_dict a' -> case ans_a'_dict of
ArrowTyDict x_dict y_dict -> case upExp env_dict b of
SealedExp ans_b'_dict b' -> case checkTEQ ans_b'_dict x_dict of
Just Refl -> let ans_dict = y_dict in SealedExp ans_dict (App a' b')
Nothing -> undefined
_ -> undefined
ghostbuster :: Maybe Int
ghostbuster = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = print ghostbuster
it :: ()
-- pretty :: PP.Pretty a => a -> String
-- pretty = PP.prettyPrintStyleMode style mode
-- where
-- mode = PP.defaultMode { PP.classIndent = 2, PP.whereIndent = 2, PP.caseIndent = 2, PP.layout = PP.PPSemiColon }
-- style = { PP.mode = PP.LeftMode, PP.lineLength = 1000 }
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fdefer-type-errors #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Ghostbuster where
{ import Prelude hiding (Int, Maybe(..), Bool(..));
data TypeDict a where
{ ExistentialDict :: TypeDict any;
ArrowTyDict :: TypeDict a -> TypeDict b -> TypeDict (a -> b);
IntDict :: TypeDict Int;
Tup2Dict :: TypeDict a -> TypeDict b -> TypeDict (Tup2 a b)};
data TyEquality a b where
{ Refl :: TyEquality a a};
data Typ arr where
{ Int :: Typ Int;
Arr :: Typ v -> Typ w -> Typ (v -> w)};
data Var env ans where
{ Zro :: Var (Tup2 e1 a) a;
Suc :: Var e2 x -> Var (Tup2 e2 y) x};
data Exp env ans where
{ Con :: Int -> Exp e1 Int;
Add :: Exp e2 Int -> Exp e2 Int -> Exp e2 Int;
Mul :: Exp e3 Int -> Exp e3 Int -> Exp e3 Int;
Var :: Var e4 u -> Exp e4 u;
Abs :: Typ r -> Exp (Tup2 e5 r) s -> Exp e5 (r -> s);
App :: Exp e6 (x -> y) -> Exp e6 x -> Exp e6 y};
data Typ' where
{ Int' :: Typ';
Arr' :: Typ' -> Typ' -> Typ'}
deriving Show;
data SealedTyp where
{ SealedTyp :: TypeDict arr -> Typ arr -> SealedTyp};
data Var' where
{ Zro' :: Var';
Suc' :: Var' -> Var'}
deriving Show;
data SealedVar env where
{ SealedVar :: TypeDict ans -> Var env ans -> SealedVar env};
data Exp' where
{ Con' :: Int -> Exp';
Add' :: Exp' -> Exp' -> Exp';
Mul' :: Exp' -> Exp' -> Exp';
Var' :: Var' -> Exp';
Abs' :: Typ' -> Exp' -> Exp';
App' :: Exp' -> Exp' -> Exp'}
deriving Show;
data SealedExp env where
{ SealedExp :: TypeDict ans -> Exp env ans -> SealedExp env};
data ArrowTy a b where
{ };
data Int where
{ One :: Int;
Two :: Int;
Three :: Int}
deriving Show;
data Maybe a where
{ Just :: a -> Maybe a;
Nothing :: Maybe a}
deriving Show;
data Bool where
{ True :: Bool;
False :: Bool}
deriving Show;
data Unit where
{ Unit :: Unit}
deriving Show;
data Tup2 a b where
{ Tup2 :: a -> b -> Tup2 a b}
deriving Show;
checkTEQ :: TypeDict t -> TypeDict u -> Maybe (TyEquality t u);
checkTEQ !x !y
= case x of
{ Tup2Dict a1 b1 -> case y of
{ Tup2Dict a2 b2 -> case checkTEQ a1 a2 of
{ Just Refl -> case checkTEQ b1 b2 of
{ Just Refl -> Just Refl;
Nothing -> Nothing};
Nothing -> Nothing};
IntDict -> Nothing;
ArrowTyDict a2 b2 -> Nothing;
_ -> Nothing};
IntDict -> case y of
{ Tup2Dict a2 b2 -> Nothing;
IntDict -> Just Refl;
ArrowTyDict a2 b2 -> Nothing;
_ -> Nothing};
ArrowTyDict a1 b1 -> case y of
{ Tup2Dict a2 b2 -> Nothing;
IntDict -> Nothing;
ArrowTyDict a2 b2 -> case checkTEQ a1 a2 of
{ Just Refl -> case checkTEQ b1 b2 of
{ Just Refl -> Just Refl;
Nothing -> Nothing};
Nothing -> Nothing};
_ -> Nothing};
_ -> Nothing};;
downTyp :: forall arr . TypeDict arr -> Typ arr -> Typ';
downTyp !arr_dict !orig
= case orig of
{ Int -> Int';
Arr a b -> Arr'
(let { v_dict
= case arr_dict of
{ ArrowTyDict left right -> left;
_ -> undefined};}
in v_dict)
(let { w_dict
= case arr_dict of
{ ArrowTyDict left right -> right;
_ -> undefined};}
in w_dict)
upTyp :: Typ' -> SealedTyp;
upTyp Int' = let { arr_dict = IntDict;} in SealedTyp arr_dict Int;upTyp (Arr' a b)
= case upTyp a of
{ SealedTyp arr_a'_dict a' -> let { v_dict = arr_a'_dict;} in
case upTyp b of
{ SealedTyp arr_b'_dict b' -> let { w_dict = arr_b'_dict;} in let { arr_dict = ArrowTyDict v_dict w_dict;} in SealedTyp arr_dict (Arr a' b')}};;
downVar :: forall env ans . TypeDict env -> TypeDict ans -> Var env ans -> Var';
downVar !env_dict !ans_dict !orig
= case orig of
{ Zro -> Zro';
Suc a -> Suc'
(let { e2_dict
= case env_dict of
{ Tup2Dict a b -> a;
_ -> undefined};}
in e2_dict)
(let { x_dict = ans_dict;} in x_dict)
upVar :: forall env . TypeDict env -> Var' -> SealedVar env;
upVar !env_dict !lower
= case lower of
{ Zro' -> case env_dict of
{ Tup2Dict e1_dict a_dict -> let { ans_dict = a_dict;} in SealedVar ans_dict Zro;
_ -> undefined};
Suc' a -> case env_dict of
{ Tup2Dict e2_dict y_dict -> case upVar e2_dict a of
{ SealedVar ans_a'_dict a' -> let { x_dict = ans_a'_dict;} in let { ans_dict = x_dict;} in SealedVar ans_dict (Suc a')};
_ -> undefined}};;
downExp :: forall env ans . TypeDict env -> TypeDict ans -> Exp env ans -> Exp';
downExp !env_dict !ans_dict !orig
= case orig of
{ Con a -> Con' a;
Add a b -> Add' (downExp (let { e2_dict = env_dict;} in e2_dict) IntDict a) (downExp (let { e2_dict = env_dict;} in e2_dict) IntDict b);
Mul a b -> Mul' (downExp (let { e3_dict = env_dict;} in e3_dict) IntDict a) (downExp (let { e3_dict = env_dict;} in e3_dict) IntDict b);
Var a -> Var' (downVar (let { e4_dict = env_dict;} in e4_dict) (let { u_dict = ans_dict;} in u_dict) a);
Abs a b -> Abs'
(let { r_dict
= case ans_dict of
{ ArrowTyDict left right -> left;
_ -> undefined};}
in r_dict)
(let { e5_dict = env_dict;} in
let { r_dict
= case ans_dict of
{ ArrowTyDict left right -> left;
_ -> undefined};}
in Tup2Dict e5_dict r_dict)
(let { s_dict
= case ans_dict of
{ ArrowTyDict left right -> right;
_ -> undefined};}
in s_dict)
App a b -> App' (downExp (let { e6_dict = env_dict;} in e6_dict) (let { x_dict = ExistentialDict;} in let { y_dict = ans_dict;} in ArrowTyDict x_dict y_dict) a) (downExp (let { e6_dict = env_dict;} in e6_dict) (let { x_dict = ExistentialDict;} in x_dict) b)};;
upExp :: forall env . TypeDict env -> Exp' -> SealedExp env;
upExp !env_dict !lower
= case lower of
{ Con' a -> let { e1_dict = env_dict;} in let { ans_dict = IntDict;} in SealedExp ans_dict (Con a);
Add' a b -> let { e2_dict = env_dict;} in
case upExp env_dict a of
{ SealedExp ans_a'_dict a' -> case ans_a'_dict of
{ IntDict -> case upExp env_dict b of
{ SealedExp ans_b'_dict b' -> case ans_b'_dict of
{ IntDict -> let { ans_dict = IntDict;} in SealedExp ans_dict (Add a' b');
_ -> undefined}};
_ -> undefined}};
Mul' a b -> let { e3_dict = env_dict;} in
case upExp env_dict a of
{ SealedExp ans_a'_dict a' -> case ans_a'_dict of
{ IntDict -> case upExp env_dict b of
{ SealedExp ans_b'_dict b' -> case ans_b'_dict of
{ IntDict -> let { ans_dict = IntDict;} in SealedExp ans_dict (Mul a' b');
_ -> undefined}};
_ -> undefined}};
Var' a -> let { e4_dict = env_dict;} in
case upVar env_dict a of
{ SealedVar ans_a'_dict a' -> let { u_dict = ans_a'_dict;} in let { ans_dict = u_dict;} in SealedExp ans_dict (Var a')};
Abs' a b -> let { e5_dict = env_dict;} in
case upTyp a of
{ SealedTyp arr_a'_dict a' -> let { r_dict = arr_a'_dict;} in
case upExp (let { e5_dict = e5_dict;} in let { r_dict = arr_a'_dict;} in Tup2Dict e5_dict r_dict) b of
{ SealedExp ans_b'_dict b' -> let { s_dict = ans_b'_dict;} in let { ans_dict = ArrowTyDict r_dict s_dict;} in SealedExp ans_dict (Abs a' b')}};
App' a b -> let { e6_dict = env_dict;} in
case upExp env_dict a of
{ SealedExp ans_a'_dict a' -> case ans_a'_dict of
{ ArrowTyDict x_dict y_dict -> case upExp env_dict b of
{ SealedExp ans_b'_dict b' -> case checkTEQ ans_b'_dict x_dict of
{ Just Refl -> let { ans_dict = y_dict;} in SealedExp ans_dict (App a' b');
Nothing -> undefined}};
_ -> undefined}}};;
ghostbuster :: Maybe Int;
ghostbuster = Nothing;;
main :: IO ();
main = print ghostbuster;}
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