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Forked from dragosboca/ec2tags.rb
Created April 7, 2015 22:20
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require 'facter'
require 'aws-sdk'
if Facter.value("ec2_instance_id") != nil
instance_id = Facter.value("ec2_instance_id")
region = Facter.value("ec2_placement_availability_zone")[0..-2]
ec2 =
instance = ec2.describe_instances(instance_ids:[instance_id])
tags = instance.reservations[0].instances[0].tags
tags.each do |tag|
fact = "ec2_tag_#{tag["key"].gsub(/\-|\/|:/, '_')}"
Facter.add(fact) { setcode { tag["value"] } }
Facter.add("ec2_region") { setcode { region } }
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