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Created April 27, 2017 00:57
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function myFunction() {
var email = 'xxxxx'
var token = 'xxxxx'
var inEventEmoji = ':date:'
var noEventEmoji = ':globe_with_meridians:'
var notWorking = ':house:'
var ima = new Imananishiton(email, token, inEventEmoji, noEventEmoji, notWorking)
var Imananishiton = function(email, token, inEventEmoji, noEventEmoji, notWorking) { = email
this.token = token
this.inEventEmoji = inEventEmoji
this.noEventEmoji = noEventEmoji
this.notWorking = notWorking
Imananishiton.prototype = {
nanishiton: function() {
var events = this.getCurrentEvents()
var notWorks = this.getCurrentWorks()
var message = this.createStatusMessage(events[0], notWorks)
var emoji = this.createStatusEmoji(events[0], notWorks)
this.changeSlackStatus(message, emoji)
getCurrentEvents: function() {
var start = new Date()
var end = new Date(start.getTime() + 60 * 1000)
var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(
return calendar.getEvents(start, end)
getCurrentWorks: function() {
var now = new Date();
var hour = now.getHours();
var day = now.getDay();
return (day < 1 || day > 5 || hour < 10 || hour > 19)
createStatusMessage: function(event, notWorks) {
if (notWorks) {
return 'Out of works'
if (!event || this.isPrivateEvent(event)) {
return 'It works'
var schedule = this.getEventSchedule(event)
var message = 'Schedule: ' + event.getTitle()
if (event.getLocation() !== '') {
message += ' @ ' + event.getLocation()
return message + '【' + schedule['start'] + ' ~ ' + schedule['end'] + '】'
isPrivateEvent: function(event) {
return event.getVisibility() !== CalendarApp.Visibility.DEFAULT
getEventSchedule: function(event) {
return {
start: Utilities.formatDate(event.getStartTime(), 'Asia/Tokyo', 'HH:mm'),
end: Utilities.formatDate(event.getEndTime(), 'Asia/Tokyo', 'HH:mm'),
createStatusEmoji: function(event, notWorks) {
if (notWorks) {
return this.notWorking
} else if (!event || this.isPrivateEvent(event)) {
return this.noEventEmoji
} else {
return this.inEventEmoji
changeSlackStatus: function(message, emoji) {
var profile = {
'status_text': message,
'status_emoji': emoji,
UrlFetchApp.fetch("" + this.token + "&profile=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(profile)))
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