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Created September 2, 2012 19:34
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Help my broken brains
The following doesnt work for some reason and it's really hurting my brains.
The variables contents are:
myString = <script src="/mint/?js" type="text/javascript">
matchedString = ?js"
I'm finding the range:
NSRange matchRange = [[myString string] rangeOfString:matchedString options:NSLiteralSearch];
The output is as follows:
matchRange.location = 0.000000;
matchRange.length = 0.000000;
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tarnfeld commented Sep 2, 2012

Have you tried escaping the quote and/or the question mark with a \? Unlikely that would have any effect, but worth a try...

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tmdvs commented Sep 2, 2012

This is a much more realworld example. As you can see there is a ? in the search string!

NSRange location = [s.string rangeOfString:@"?" options:NSAnchoredSearch];
NSLog(@"%@", s.string);
NSLog(@"Loc: %d, Len %d", location.location, location.length);


[Line 110]             <script src="/mint/?js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript" src=";key=32664866363337313636345433584f7873686963645471474b31&amp;referer=&amp;resource=http%3A//;resource_title=Tim%20Davies%20sans%20vowels&amp;resource_title_encoded=0&amp;resolution=768x1024&amp;flash_version=0&amp;1346617362934&amp;serve_js"></script>

[Line 111] Loc: 2147483647, Len 0

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