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Created May 1, 2019 17:11
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Code snippet to add QN/QP to the core attribute section of the Phoenix character sheet for GCA4.
'basic attributes'
'setup for the basic attributes & (optionally) Tech Level
CurrentY = CurrentTop
StatLeft = CurrentLeft
StatRight = StatLeft + SubColWidth
'print the basic attributes
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "ST", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, True
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "DX", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, False
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "IQ", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, True
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "HT", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, False
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "QN", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, True
'secondary characteristics (group one)'
'setup for Hit Points, Will, Perception, & Fatigue Points
CurrentY = CurrentTop
StatLeft = StatRight
StatRight = StatLeft + SubColWidth
'print Hit Points, Will, Perception, & Fatigue Points
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "Hit Points", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, False
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "Will", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, True
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "Perception", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, False
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "Fatigue Points", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, True
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "QP", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, False
'draw a vertical separator line, if requested
If OptionHasFlag("Separators", flagSeparatorStat) Then
DrawVRule StatLeft, CurrentTop, StatHeight * 5, colorBlack
End If
'secondary characteristics (group two)'
'setup for Basic Speed, Basic Move, Basic Lift, Thr/Sw damage, & (optionally) Size Modifier
CurrentY = CurrentTop
StatLeft = StatRight
StatRight = StatLeft + SubColWidth
'print Basic Speed, Basic Move, & Basic Lift
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "Basic Speed", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, True
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "Basic Move", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, True, False
PrimaryStats_RenderItem "Basic Lift", StatLeft, StatRight, StatHeight, False, True
'print Thr/Sw damage
SavedY = CurrentY
SetFont fsFormSM
PrintAtLeft "Thr", StatLeft + (spacePad * 0.5)
PrintAtLeft "Sw", StatLeft + (SubColWidth / 2) + (spacePad * 0.5)
SetFont fsCharLG
CurrentY = CurrentY + CharVertAlign
PrintCentered Char.BaseTh, StatLeft + spacePad, StatLeft + (SubColWidth / 2)
PrintCentered Char.BaseSw, StatLeft + (SubColWidth / 2) + spacePad, StatRight
CurrentY = SavedY
'draw separator between Thr & Sw damage, if requested
If OptionHasFlag("Separators", flagSeparatorStat) Then
DrawVRule StatLeft + (SubColWidth / 2), CurrentY, StatHeight, colorBlack
End If
'update our vertical position
CurrentY = CurrentY + StatHeight
'draw a vertical separator line, if requested
If OptionHasFlag("Separators", flagSeparatorStat) Then
DrawVRule StatLeft, CurrentTop, StatHeight * 5, colorBlack
End If
'update our vertical position
CurrentY = CurrentY + StatHeight
'horizontal separator lines'
'draw the horizontal separator lines, if requested
If OptionHasFlag("Separators", flagSeparatorStat) Then
CurrentY = CurrentTop
CurrentY = CurrentY + StatHeight
DrawHRule CurrentLeft, CurrentY, CurrentWidth, colorBlack
CurrentY = CurrentY + StatHeight
DrawHRule CurrentLeft, CurrentY, CurrentWidth, colorBlack
CurrentY = CurrentY + StatHeight
DrawHRule CurrentLeft, CurrentY, CurrentWidth, colorBlack
CurrentY = CurrentY + StatHeight
DrawHRule CurrentLeft, CurrentY, CurrentWidth, colorBlack
CurrentY = CurrentY + StatHeight
End If
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