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Last active June 23, 2016 18:43
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from collections import defaultdict
import json
import logging
import salt.minion
import salt.utils
import salt.utils.event
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_failed_states(data):
failed = []
orch_state_run = sorted(data.itervalues(), key=lambda d: d['__run_num__'])
for orch_state in orch_state_run:
if orch_state['result']:
# if the orchestration state doesn't have an __id__ field, we know
# it's because it failed as a result of failing dependencies, so we
# can just stash it and move on
if '__id__' not in orch_state:
# a missing __id__ also means it *does* have __sls__, which we can
# use for nice output'orchestration state %s failed because of failed '
'dependencies', orch_state['__sls__'])
failed_states = defaultdict(list)
# The comment for a failed orchestration state will contain the entire
# json-encoded return from the minion. However, it's given to us
# concatenated to some human-readable output so we figure out where
# the json starts, then load it and extract failed states.
json_idx = orch_state['comment'].index('{')
json_str = orch_state['comment'][json_idx:]
result = json.loads(json_str)
for minion, states in result.iteritems():
states_run = sorted(states.itervalues(),
key=lambda d: d['__run_num__'])
for state in states_run:
# if the result has an __sls__ field, that means it failed
# because of failed dependencies, so we just skip over it
if state['result'] or '__sls__' in state:
# torch the comment, otherwise we'll have the entire nasty
# mess a part of our error payloads
del orch_state['comment']
orch_state['failed_children'] = dict(failed_states)
return failed
def my_orchestrate(mods, run_id, saltenv='base', pillar=None, on_success=None,
"""Do customized orchestration.
:param mods: orchestration states to apply
:param run_id: an ID, ideally randomized, used to correlate events
emitted by a specific execution of this runner.
:param saltenv: Salt environment in which to find SLSes to apply
:param pillar: Pillar data to pass through to states
:param on_success: event tag to fire on success
:param on_failure: event tag to fire on failure
event = salt.utils.event.get_master_event(__opts__, __opts__['sock_dir'],
listen=False)'starting my_orchestrate, run ID %s', run_id)
opts = __opts__.copy()
# We force the output to json and set the static option so we can more
# easily parse failed state information out of the `comment` field
# on orchestration state results.
# It's not clear if this is intended behavior but we have to do this
# because the data returned by state.sls does not given state-by-
# state, per-minion failure output. States that succeed appear
# individually in the returned data but failures only appear in the
# single collected JSON output for the entire minion state run.
'file_client': 'local',
'output': 'json',
'static': True,
minion = salt.minion.MasterMinion(opts)
result = minion.functions['state.sls'](mods, saltenv=saltenv, pillar=pillar)
failed = None
if not salt.utils.check_state_result(result):
failed = _get_failed_states(result)
ev_data = {
'status': 'failed' if failed else 'succeeded',
'pillar': pillar,
'run_id': run_id,
if not failed and on_success:'firing my_orchestrate success event')
event.fire_event(ev_data, on_success)
elif failed and on_failure:'firing my_orchestrate failure event')
event.fire_event(ev_data, on_failure)
log.error('Deploy failed:\n\n%s', pformat(failed))
return {
'data': {minion.opts['id']: result},
'retcode': 1 if failed else 0,
{% set tag_parts = tag.split('/') %}
{% set app = tag_parts[-1] %}
{% set env = data['post']['env'] %}
{% set version = data['post']['version'] %}
{% set pkg = '%s==%s' | format(app, version) %}
{% set success_event = 'my_org/deploy/%s/status/succeeded' | format(app) %}
{% set failure_event = 'my_org/deploy/%s/status/failed' | format(app) %}
{% set run_id ='openssl rand -hex 4') %}
- mods:
- orch.deploy_{{ app }}
- pillar:
deploy_env: {{ env }}
deploy_package: {{ pkg }}
- run_id: {{ run_id }}
- on_success: {{ success_event }}
- on_failure: {{ failure_event }}
- url:
- attachments:
- title: deploy STARTED
- text
color: good
text: |
run ID: `{{ run_id }}`
package: `{{ pkg }}`
environment: `{{ env }}`
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Worth noting, it's probably not the best idea to fire off events this way. I wrote in the event firing because I had somehow missed that you can fire events using the fire_event state requisite. Whoops.

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