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Created March 28, 2020 12:55
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Assignment 6: Event Driven Simulation solution

Vishal Singh 2018CS50426

Running the program


  1. gnuplot
    • Mac OSX brew install gnuplot
    • Linux sudo apt-get install -y gnuplot


$ make
$ ./qSim 100 4 60 2.3

Here the format is of the following ./qSim #customers #tellers simulationTime averageServiceTime

Note: Sometimes it can take upto a 10-30 seconds for some long testcases because for plotting graph many simulations have to be done.

output will be

Total number of customers served: 97
Total time required to serve all customers: 63.262562
Number of tellers: 4
Type of queuing: one per teller
Amount of time a customer spent in the bank:-
	average (i.e., mean): 4.153656
	standard deviation: 2.888069
Maximum wait time for a customer: 7.735855
Total amount of teller service time: 207.803787
Total amount of teller idle time: 26.288153
Total number of customers served: 86
Total time required to serve all customers: 68.912361
Number of tellers: 4
Type of queuing: common line
Amount of time a customer spent in the bank:-
	average (i.e., mean): 4.678920
	standard deviation: 5.930138
Maximum wait time for a customer: 9.628124
Total amount of teller service time: 191.429520
Total amount of teller idle time: 39.118591

and you will have plot.png in folder ./output ./output/plot.png

Understanding main.c

#include "../include/structures.h"
#include "../include/simulator.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    EventQueue eventQueue = initialEventQueue;
    initializeEventQueue(&eventQueue, noOfCustomers, noOfTellers, simulationTime);
    simulateEventQueue(&eventQueue, noOfCustomers, noOfTellers, simulationTime, averageServiceTime, 0, 0, 0);
  • You import structures.h (contains main structures) and simulator.h (contains main simulator function)
  • Then you make a Event queue
EventQueue eventQueue = initialEventQueue;
  • Then you initialize the eventQueue. i.e. add all the customer arrival events and teller arrival from idle at time 0 events.
initializeEventQueue(&eventQueue, noOfCustomers, noOfTellers, simulationTime);
  • Then you simulate the eventQueue
simulateEventQueue(&eventQueue, noOfCustomers, noOfTellers, simulationTime, 
averageServiceTime, commonLine: 0, debug: 0, graphPlot: 0);

pass commonLine as 0 or 1, if commonLine is 0 that means each teller has one queue and if commonLine is 1 and there is a common line pass debug as 1, then you will see all the event simulation
pass graphPlot as 0 if you are not plotting graph

Usage of structures and function pointers

I have used only linked list and no heap because it makes debugging of eventQueue easy.

./include/strcutures.c contains all the main structures used in the program. For example consider EventQueueStructure

struct EventQueueStructure {
    void (*addEvent)(struct EventQueueStructure *this, Event *event);
    int (*removeEvent)(struct EventQueueStructure *this, int id);
    void (*print)(struct EventQueueStructure *this);
typedef struct EventQueueStructure EventQueue;

function pointers are used here so that common functions like addEvent, removeEvent, print can be added inside structure. Usage example:-

EventQueue eventQueue = initialEventQueue;
eventQueue.addEvent(&eventQueue, &newEvent);

Similarly function pointers are used for EventStructure and TellerQueueStructure

struct EventStructure {
    void (*actionMethod)(struct EventStructure* event);
struct TellerQueueStructure {
    void (*addEvent)(struct TellerQueueStructure *this, Event *event);
    int (*removeEvent)(struct TellerQueueStructure *this, int id);
    void (*print)(struct TellerQueueStructure *this, Event *event);

Testcases and Analysis

1) Testcase 1 (High no of customers)

$ ./qSim 500 10 100 0.5


Total number of customers served: 494
Total time required to serve all customers: 100.845932
Number of tellers: 10
Type of queuing: one per teller
Amount of time a customer spent in the bank:-
	average (i.e., mean): 0.688466
	standard deviation: 0.104874
Maximum wait time for a customer: 1.638729
Total amount of teller service time: 262.818634
Total amount of teller idle time: 726.796387
Total number of customers served: 497
Total time required to serve all customers: 100.684746
Number of tellers: 10
Type of queuing: common line
Amount of time a customer spent in the bank:-
	average (i.e., mean): 0.638620
	standard deviation: 0.095207
Maximum wait time for a customer: 1.474644
Total amount of teller service time: 244.738754
Total amount of teller idle time: 749.054260


2) Testcase 2 (Less no of customers)

$ ./qSim 50 10 100 0.5


Total number of customers served: 50
Total time required to serve all customers: 96.489937
Number of tellers: 10
Type of queuing: one per teller
Amount of time a customer spent in the bank:-
	average (i.e., mean): 0.639895
	standard deviation: 0.091869
Maximum wait time for a customer: 1.338753
Total amount of teller service time: 25.789745
Total amount of teller idle time: 928.501465
Total number of customers served: 48
Total time required to serve all customers: 100.256233
Number of tellers: 10
Type of queuing: common line
Amount of time a customer spent in the bank:-
	average (i.e., mean): 0.715205
	standard deviation: 0.089030
Maximum wait time for a customer: 1.342545
Total amount of teller service time: 29.065121
Total amount of teller idle time: 962.187439


3) Testcase 3 (Graph with different average service times of teller) ./output/plot.png


From main testcase, testcase 2 and testcase 3, it seems that one queue per teller is better as it decreases

  • Total time required to serve all customers
  • average (i.e., mean) of average time spend in bank
  • standard deviation
  • Maximum wait time for a customer
  • Total amount of teller idle time

and increases

  • Total amount of teller service time
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