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Created February 26, 2018 00:06
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AT2XT keyboard converter which allows users to attach AT keyboards to XT class computers.
; Macro counters.
_procnest set 0 ; procedure nesting counter
_keepcnt set 0 ; KEEP macro counter
;* Macros for PIC 12XX Programming.
; --------------------------------
; proc/endproc macros define symbols that demarcate the beginning
; and end of a procedure. Very useful for debugging, as
; start_<number>Name
; end_<number>Name
; Call out the beginning and end locations of a procedure in the
; listing and its nesting level. We tried to have the endproc
; macro check for proper nesting, but gpasm has a bug that prevents
; this.
proc macro what ; begin procedure
_procnest set _procnest+1
endproc macro what ; end procedure
_procnest set _procnest-1
; Keep/unkeep - Bracket code that must stay together.
; ---------------------------------------------------
; These are mostly for documentation. When using
; any of the skip instructions, it's important that
; succeeding instructions not be moved, particularly
; in the case of nested skips, such as:
; btfss..
; btfss...
; goto...
keep macro
_keepcnt set _keepcnt+1
unkeep macro
_keepcnt set _keepcnt-1
if _keepcnt != 0
error "Unkeep without a matching keep"
; Move immedate value to register - uses W
movif macro what,reg ; move immediate to register
movlw what
movwf reg
; Move register-to-register - uses W
movff macro reg1,reg2 ; move register to register
movfw reg1
movwf reg2
; Set bank 0.
; We re-enable the "not in zero bank" warning.
bank0 macro ; set bank 0
errorlevel +302
; Set bank 1.
; We disable the "not in zero bank" warning.
bank1 macro ; set bank 1
errorlevel -302
; Decrement, branch if not zero.
dbnz macro what,where ; decrement reg, branch nonzero
decfsz what,f
goto where
; Branch if bit set.
bbs macro reg,bit,where ; branch if bit set
btfsc reg,bit
goto where
; Branch if bit clear.
bbc macro reg,bit,where ; branch if bit clear
btfss reg,bit
goto where
; Logical shift right.
slrf macro reg,dest
rrf reg,dest
; Logical shift left.
sllf macro reg,dest
rlf reg,dest
; Negate (2's complement) W.
negw macro
sublw 0
; Complement (1's complement) W.
notw macro
xorlw 0xff
; Wait (stall) on bit clear. That is, stall until bit set.
stallc macro reg,bit
btfss reg,bit
goto $-1
; Wait (stall) on bit set. That is, stall until bit clear.
stalls macro reg,bit
btfsc reg,bit
goto $-1
; For 16-bit operations, big-endian register assignment is assmed.
; if R holds the MSB of a 16-bit quantity, then R+1 holds the
; LSB.
; Move double register to register.
movfd macro reg1,reg2
movfw reg1
movwf reg2
movfw reg1+1
movwf reg2+1
; Shift right double register (16 bit)
slrd macro reg
rrf reg,f
rrf reg+1,f
; Shift left double register (16 bit)
slld macro reg
rlf reg+1,f
rlf reg,f
; Delay 2 instruction cycles.
delay2 macro
goto $+1

title "PC AT/PS/2 to XT keycode translator."
list p=12F629
radix dec
; noexpand ; I like neat listings
include ""
include ""
org 2100h ; EPROM area
DE "[ATXTKEY Ver. 0.94]"
;* AT/PS2 to XT Keyboard Translator.
; ---------------------------------
; Version 0.90 Chuck Guzis, June, 2009
; -- initial working release
; Version 0.92, September, 2009
; -- cleans up host-to-keyboard timing a bit
; Version 0.93, August, 2010
; -- Change to pass auxiliary code 0xE0 through
; to host without translation.
; Version 0.94, January, 2011
; -- Changed translation table length to 144 bytes to handle
; erroneous F7 (scan code 83h) conversion. Main routine
; modified to perform threshold check instead of bit 7 check
; to filter special codes.
; Copyright by Charles P. Guzis, all rights reserved.
; Chuck Guzis retains all rights to this code, but gives permission
; to use and modify it for non-commercial, non-profit applications,
; provided that this copyright notice is reproduced in its entirety.
; This translator uses a small PIC12F629 microcontroller to translate
; an AT or PS/2 keyboard interface to that of the PC XT. Shift-lock
; status is noted and the keyboard LEDs are illuminated accordingly.
; The electrical interface to the 12F629 is very simple:
; Pin 1 = +5 supply (should have a 47 uF decoupling capacitor to Gnd
; Pin 2 = Clock from the PC XT host
; Pin 3 = Data from the PC XT host
; Pin 4 = If jumpered to ground, passes E0 codes 0.93
; Pin 5 = AT keyboard clock (pulled high by 4.7K to +5)
; Pin 6 = AT keyboard data (pulled high by 4.7K to +5)
; Pin 7 = AT clock pulldown (a 1N4148 diode is connected between
; Pin 7 (cathode end) and pin 5 (anode end)
; Pin 8 = Gnd
; The 1N4148 diode isn't critical--any general-purpose signal
; diode will work. It's there to make GP0 behave as an open-
; drain driver. Since the PIC is a CMOS device, the extra
; diode drop will have no significant effect on operation.
; One could enable the MCLEAR function on the PIC and tie pin 4 to
; the RESET line from the XT host, but since the original XT keyboard
; doesn't use this signal, neither did I.
; The XT reset line is not used, as the XT BIOS asserts reset by
; holding the host clock low for at least 20 mS.
; Just so you don't have to look it up, here are the pinouts
; for both the XT (5 pin DIN) and PS/2 (6 pin mini-DIN) conectors:
; PS/2 connector:
; 1 - Data
; 3 - Gnd
; 4 - +5
; 5 - Clock
; XT Connector:
; 1 - Clock
; 2 - Data
; 3 - Reset, not used
; 4 - Gnd
; 5 - +5
; A 32-byte buffer is implemented for received keyboard data.
; This is actually twice the size of the AT keyboard buffer.
; Extraneous code bytes E0 and E1 are ignored from the AT keybaord.
; A 12F675 can be used in this application, but see the commented-out
; line in the "Setup" routine.
; 0.93 Note:
; If the pin 4 select will be used, pin 4 needs to be externally
; pulled up to +5V -- a 1K-100K resistor should be added between
; pin 1 and pin 4.
subtitle "Symbol definitions"
; Our GPIO bit assignments by position.
bnKeyClockPD equ 0 ; AT key pulldown (GPIO 0, pin 7)
bnKeyData equ 1 ; AT keyboard data (GPIO 1, pin 6)
bnKeyClock equ 2 ; AT Keyboard clock (GPIO 2, pin 5)
bnPassE0 equ 3 ; MCLEAR, unused (GPIO 3, pin 4)
bnHostData equ 4 ; XT host data (GPIO 4, pin 3)
bnHostClock equ 5 ; XT host clock (GPIO 5, pin 2)
; Same as the above, but by bit values.
bvKeyClockPD equ 1<<bnKeyClockPD ; AT key pulldown (GPIO 0, pin 7)
bvKeyData equ 1<<bnKeyData ; AT keyboard data (GPIO 1, pin 6)
bvKeyClock equ 1<<bnKeyClock ; AT keyboard clock (GPIO 2, pin 5)
bvPassE0 equ 1<<bnPassE0 ; MCLEAR, (GPIO 3, pin 4)
bvHostData equ 1<<bnHostData ; XT host data (GPIO 4, pin 3)
bvHostClock equ 1<<bnHostClock ; XT host clock (GPIO 5, pin 2)
; Bits relating to keyboard state in rATFlags.
; Observe that the LED (shift lock) keys are in the precise
; position that the AT keyboard ED command expects them.
bnATRelease equ 7 ; we saw a key-up
bnATScrollLock equ 0 ; scroll lock
bnATNumLock equ 1 ; numeric lock
bnATCapsLock equ 2 ; caps lock
bvATRelease equ 1<<bnATRelease ; if key-up seen
bvATScrollLock equ 1<<bnATScrollLock ; scroll lock
bvATNumLock equ 1<<bnATNumLock ; numeric lock
bvATCapsLock equ 1<<bnATCapsLock ; caps are locked
; Register holding flags for the "send byte" code in the
; interrupt service code.
bnATSendReq equ 0 ; if set, there's a character in
; rATSendByte that needs to go
bnACKSeen equ 1 ; ACK isn't put into the queue;
; rather when received, this flag
; is set.
; Input queue area starts at 0x40 and goes through 0x5f
QUEUE_SIZE equ 32 ; cells to use in queue
; XT scancodes for special keys.
XTSC_CAPSLOCK equ 0x3a ; Caps lock
XTSC_SCRLOCK equ 0x46 ; Scroll lock
XTSC_NUMLOCK equ 0x45 ; Numeric lock
XTSC_OKAY equ 0xaa ; Scan code for "Diagnostics Passed"
; AT command codes.
ATSC_SETLED equ 0xed ; set LEDs
ATSC_RESET equ 0xff ; reset
ATSC_ACK equ 0xfa ; acknowledge
ATSC_OK equ 0xaa ; diagnostics okay
subtitle "Data area (register) layout"
; Register file definitions.
cblock 0x20
rXTByte :1 ; byte to send - used by SendXTByte
rXTBitCount :1 ; bits left to send
rATChar :1 ; character returned by ReadKey
rATFlags :1 ; flags set by AT codes
rTemp1 :1 ; Scratch reg 1
rTemp2 :1 ; Scratch reg 2
; Interrupt routine registers.
rIntSaveW :1 ; Savearea for W
rIntSaveS :1 ; Savearea for status word
rIntSaveFSR :1 ; FSR save
rIntKCount :1 ; keyboard data bit counter
rIntKData :1 ; keyboard code accumulator
rIntTemp :1 ; temporary for the ISR
; Code shared by interrupt and mainline routines.
; Be careful to observe who reads and writes to avoid race conditions!
rATSendByte :1 ; byte to send to keyboard
rATSendFlags :1 ; flags for the send routine
; Keyboard buffer pointers.
rKeyQIn :1 ; in
rKeyQOut :1 ; out
; The keyboard buffer.
cblock 0x40
rKeyQFirst :QUEUE_SIZE ; circular queue
;* Boot entry.
; ==========
Start org 0x0000 ;program starts at location 000
call SetUp
goto Main ; start the routine
subtitle "Interrupt servicer"
; Interrupt servicing routine.
; ----------------------------
; We interrupt on the AT keyboard clock bit high-to-low transition.
; Spurious interrupts are possible, so check and discard them.
org 0x0004
proc IntServ
movwf rIntSaveW
swapf STATUS,w ; movfw changes the Z status so can't use
movwf rIntSaveS ; save the status word
; When we come in here, we've triggered on a high-to-low transition of the
; AT keyboard clock. If the keyboard is sending data to us, the clock
; will be low and the data line will be low also (start bit). If we're
; sending data to the keyboard, the data line will be low because we
; pulled it low.
btfss GPIO,bnKeyData ; if keyboard data high, ignore
btfsc GPIO,bnKeyClock ; if keyboard clock high, ignore
goto IntServExit ; ignore the interrupt
; See if we're asking to send a byte. If we get a collision,
; (a byte coming in when we're trying to send), it's not fatal.
bbs rATSendFlags,bnATSendReq,IntServ20 ; if sending
movif 8,rIntKCount ; bit counter
clrc ; clear carry
clrf rIntKData ; clear accumulated bytes
; Wait for the clock to transit high, then low (skip the start bit).
stallc GPIO,bnKeyClock ; wait for clock to rise
stalls GPIO,bnKeyClock ; and wat for clock to fall again
; Get the data bits
btfsc GPIO,bnKeyData ; skip if a 0 bit
setc ; set a 1 bit
rrf rIntKData,f ; the keyboard data bits
dbnz rIntKCount,IntServ2 ; for next bit
; We still have two bits to go, parity and stop. We skip them.
stallc GPIO,bnKeyClock ; wait for clock to rise
stalls GPIO,bnKeyClock ; and fall again (skip parity bit)
stallc GPIO,bnKeyClock ; wait for clock rise
stalls GPIO,bnKeyClock ; and fall again (skip stop bit)
; We special-case ACK. Because it occurs after a command has been
; sent, we can't put it into the queue or the routine sending the
; command may never see it.
movfw rIntKData ; get data just received
xorlw ATSC_ACK ; see if ACK
bnz IntServ14 ; skip.
bsf rATSendFlags,bnACKSeen ; say we saw it
goto IntServExit ; don't put it in the queue
; Now, add the assembled byte to the buffer. Note that if IN+1 == OUT
; there's no room in the buffer, so we toss the keystroke.
incf rKeyQIn,w ; advance
andlw 0x5f ; enforce a wrap-around
movwf rIntTemp ; save it
sublw rKeyQOut ; see if equal
bz IntServExit ; if queue full, drop the character
; N.B.: If we see that we have problems with overflow, we can drive the
; keyboard clock low and essentially shut things off until we have a
; chance to empty the queue.
movff FSR,rIntSaveFSR ; save current FSR
movff rIntKData,INDF ; store the byte
movff rIntTemp,rKeyQIn ; update the "in" pointer
movff rIntSaveFSR,FSR ; restore FSR
goto IntServExit ; all done
; This is where we send code to the AT Keyboard.
; At entry here, the clock line has just been released and
; the edge of the keyboard-generated clock brings us here.
bcf rATSendFlags,bnACKSeen ; say we haven't seen ACK
bcf rATSendFlags,bnATSendReq ; clear request flag
movif 8,rIntKCount ; how many bits to send out
clrf rIntTemp ; parity counter
rrf rATSendByte,f ; get a bit
bc IntServ24 ; if a 1
bcf GPIO,bnKeyData ; set a zero
goto IntServ26 ; keep going
bsf GPIO,bnKeyData ; set a 1
incf rIntTemp,f ; count parity
stallc GPIO,bnKeyClock ; wait for clock to rise
; The keyboard samples the bit while the clock is high.
stalls GPIO,bnKeyClock ; wait for clock to fall
nop ; kill a few microseconds
dbnz rIntKCount,IntServ22 ; for next bit
; We need to add the parity bit. If we have an even number of
; 1 bits in the data stream, we add a 1 bit, otherwise, a zero.
btfsc rIntTemp,0 ; skip if even number of bits
bcf GPIO,bnKeyData ; add 1
btfss rIntTemp,0 ; skip if odd number of bits
bsf GPIO,bnKeyData ; add 0
stallc GPIO,bnKeyClock ; wait for clock to rise
; The parity bit is sampled here.
stalls GPIO,bnKeyClock ; wait for clock to fall
; Now, float the data line. The keyboard will drop the data
; line after the clock rises to signal acceptance.
nop ; kill 2 uS
bsf TRISIO,bnKeyData ; set data line to input
stallc GPIO,bnKeyClock ; wait for high clock
; Wait for the device to bring data low.
clrf TMR1L
movif (256-5),TMR1H ; set about 20 msec
bcf PIR1,TMR1IF ; clear interupt flag
bbs PIR1,TMR1IF,IntServ40 ; if timeout
bbs GPIO,bnKeyData,IntServ32; stall until data low
; Data is low, wait for clock to fall.
bbs PIR1,TMR1IF,IntServ40 ; if timeout
bbs GPIO,bnKeyClock,IntServ34 ; wait around
; Now wait for a high clock.
bbs PIR1,TMR1IF,IntServ40 ; if timeout, just quit
bbc GPIO,bnKeyClock,IntServ36 ; wait for rising clock
; The keyboard responded as expected, if we get here.
; Most keyboards (but not all) should respond with an ACK character.
; Return from interrupt.
bcf INTCON,INTF ; clear the old interrupt
bsf INTCON,INTE ; re-enable interrupts
swapf rIntSaveS,w
movwf STATUS ; restore status
swapf rIntSaveW,f
swapf rIntSaveW,w
retfie ; return from interrupt
endproc IntServ
subtitle "Read/write key code routines"
;* ReadKey - Read a key from the queue.
; ------------------------------------
; If there are no keystrokes in the buffer, stall until
; some arrive. Returns next keystroke in rATChar and Z clear,
; or Z set if no character.
proc ReadKey
movfw rKeyQOut
movwf FSR ; prepare for fetching
xorwf rKeyQIn,w
bz ReadKey4 ; return Z set if empty
; Retrieve the keystroke.
movff INDF,rATChar ; get the key
incf rKeyQOut,w ; advance
andlw 0x5f ; wrap-around
movwf rKeyQOut ; update pointer
clrz ; say we have one
endproc ReadKey
;* SendXTBit - Send a bit to the XT keyboard port.
; -----------------------------------------------
; Note that bits are clocked by the XT on the high-to-low
; transition of the clock. This routine strobes the bit
; onto the XT data line, waits for 50 usec, then drops
; the clock line for 50 usec, then raises it and exits.
; On entry, the data bit is in C (carry).
proc SendXTBit
bsf GPIO,bnHostData ; if send a 1
bcf GPIO,bnHostData ; if send a 0
movlw 50/4 ; 50 usec
bcf GPIO,bnHostClock ; drop the clock line
movlw 50/4
call ShortDelay
bsf GPIO,bnHostClock ; raise clock
endproc SendXTBit
;* SendXTByte - Send a byte to the XT.
; -----------------------------------
; Inserts a start bit, waits for XTClock and XTData to go high before
; sending.
; Byte to send is in rXTByte.
; We need to frame things accurately, so data bit transitions are made
; in the center of the clock-low bit cell.
; The XT interface is very simple. Bits are shifted into an 74LS322 shift
; register. When the start bit reaches the high-order bit of the shift
; register, it sets an interrupt, disables shifting and pulls data low one
; shift time later. In other words, the start bit is shifted out.
; The bit order is LSB first for 8 data bits. After that, the interface
; is essentially blind until the PC has picked up the character.
; Many keyboards start out by strobing a low "pseudo-start" bit, then
; follow with a high "real start". Apparently, this results in more
; stable performace. We'll do the same thing.
; Clock is held low by the PC as an inhibit--the keyboard should (and
; cannot) send data until both data and clock lines have been allowed
; to go high.
; The actual data rate only needs to be slower than the processor clock,
; as a conditioning circuit formed by two flip-flops is clocked from
; that to avoid any problems that might arise with ringing.
proc SendXTByte
; Wait for high level on XTClock--and XTData.
btfsc GPIO,bnHostClock ; loop if clock low
btfss GPIO,bnHostData ; loop if data low
goto SendXTByte2
; Put XTClock and XTData into output mode with clock and data high.
bsf GPIO,bnHostClock
bsf GPIO,bnHostData
bcf TRISIO,bnHostClock ; enable clock output
bcf TRISIO,bnHostData ; enable data output
; Start off with a 0 bit, then a 1 bit.
call SendXTBit
call SendXTBit
; Now, send the remaining 8 bits of the scan code.
movif 8,rXTBitCount ; number of bits to send
rrf rXTByte,f
call SendXTBit ; send, starting with the LSbit
dbnz rXTBitCount,SendXTByte4 ; loop
; Raise the data line, pause, then set the clock and data to input.
bsf GPIO,bnHostData
; At this point, the PC will be driving data low until the interrupt
; has been serviced, so set data and clock to input.
bsf TRISIO,bnHostData ; disable data
bsf TRISIO,bnHostClock ; disable clock output
endproc SendXTByte
;* SendATByte - Send a byte to the keyboard.
; -----------------------------------------
; This is tricky. We have to take the AT keybaord
; clock low for more than 60 uS, drop the data line, then
; let the clock go.
; The interrupt routine will pick up when the next clock hits,
; as long as rATSendByte is nonzero--whence our kludge.
; W has the data we want to send.
proc SendATByte
bcf INTCON,INTE ; inhibit clock interrupt
movwf rATSendByte ; save it for the interrupt routine
movlw 15/4 ; more than 1 bit time
call ShortDelay
stallc GPIO,bnKeyClock ; stall until keyboard clock high
bcf GPIO,bnKeyClockPD ; pull the clock low
; Stall with the clock low to prevent keyboard from starting a new
; character. We also have to mask the clock interrupt, since we're
; pulling the clock low.
movlw 100/4
call ShortDelay ; stall for 100 uS
bcf INTCON,T0IF ; clear interrupt flag which was set
bcf TRISIO,bnKeyData ; set key data to output
bcf GPIO,bnKeyData ; bring data low
movlw 30/4 ; more than 1 bit time
call ShortDelay
bcf rATSendFlags,bnACKSeen ; clear the "ACK seen" flag
bsf rATSendFlags,bnATSendReq ; say we have a byte
bsf INTCON,INTE ; enable interrupt
bsf GPIO,bnKeyClockPD ; let keyboard clock float high
; We stall until the byte gets sent. We wait for an ACK--if we
; don't get it within 20 milliseconds, we proceed as if we got it
; anyway.
clrf TMR1L
movif (256-5),TMR1H ; set about 20 msec
bcf PIR1,TMR1IF ; clear interupt flag
bbs PIR1,TMR1IF,SendATByte8 ; if timeout
bbc rATSendFlags,bnACKSeen,SendATByte4 ; loop until ACK set
; We timed out here, or we got an ACK. so we set the data to input.
bsf TRISIO,bnKeyData ; set data to input--in case it's not
return ; all done
endproc SendATByte
subtitle "Miscellaneous routines."
;* ShortDelay - Delay less than 1 msec.
; ------------------------------------
; On entry, W has delay time in 4 microsecond units.
; Resolution is about 4-8 uS.
proc ShortDelay
sublw 255
movwf TMR0
bcf INTCON,T0IF ; clear interrupt flag
stallc INTCON,T0IF ; stall until interrupt set
endproc ShortDelay
;* CheckLockKey - Check for Caps, Num and Scroll Lock.
; ---------------------------------------------------
; Just toggles the state of the LEDs. The XT scan code (make)
; is in W.
proc CheckLockKey
movwf rTemp1 ; save the code
btfsc rTemp1,7 ; if it's not a break code
xorwf rTemp1,w
bnz CheckLockKey2 ; if not capslock
movlw bvATCapsLock
xorwf rATFlags,f ; toggle caps lock
goto UpdateLED ; go update LED status
xorwf rTemp1,w
bnz CheckLockKey4 ; if not scroll lock
movlw bvATScrollLock
xorwf rATFlags,f ; toggle scroll lock
goto UpdateLED ; update the LED status
xorwf rTemp1,w
bnz CheckLockKey10 ; if not numlock
movlw bvATNumLock
xorwf rATFlags,f ; toggle num lock
goto UpdateLED ; update the LED status
return ; all done
endproc CheckLockKey
;* UpdateLED - Update the LEDs.
; ---------------------------
; Done all at once.
proc UpdateLED
movlw ATSC_SETLED ; set/reset LED
call SendATByte ; send the command
movfw rATFlags ; get LED status
andlw 7 ; isolate
call SendATByte ; return state
return ; exit
endproc UpdateLED
;* PollHost - See what the XT is doing.
; ------------------------------------
; At some point, the XT host will drop the keyboard clock
; line for 20 mS or more. When this happens, we need to
; simulate a keyboard reset.
; We also clear all of our keyboard flags (and eventually reset
; the AT keyboard).
proc PollHost
bbs GPIO,bnHostClock,PollHost10 ; exit if clock high
; Clock has gone low; time it.
clrf TMR1L
movif (256-5),TMR1H ; set about 10 msec
bcf PIR1,TMR1IF ; clear interupt flag
stallc GPIO,bnHostClock ; stall unit XT Clock high
; Clock is high again--see for how long.
bbc PIR1,TMR1IF,PollHost10 ; not long enough, just exit
; Send out a "Diagnostics passed byte"
movif XTSC_OKAY,rXTByte
call SendXTByte ; send it
; Reset the AT keyboard also.
call SendATByte ; send a reset to the AT keyboard
clrf rATFlags ; clear flags
call UpdateLED ; update LEDs
endproc PollHost
subtitle "Scan code translation"
;* Keyboard translation lookup.
; We put the translation subroutine here, as there's no chance of
; crossing a page boundary.
include "" ; keycode translator
subtitle "Main routine"
;* Main Loop.
; ----------
; Here's the control flow:
; a. Check the host--has the clock been pulled low for more than
; 10 mS.? If so, issue a reset to the AT keyboard and clear
; our shift LED status and send an 0xaa to the host.
; b. See if an AT keystroke is available. If so, look at it--
; discard E0 and E1 keystrokes, as they don't apply to the
; smaller keyboard of the XT. Discard any other keycodes
; with bit 7 set, as they're probably messages (such as AA)
; that the XT host can't process. Note the occurrence of F0
; (key up) keystrokes. Translate whatever's left.
; c. If any of the translated keycodes are shift-lock releases
; update the corresponding LED.
; d. Send the keystroke (with key-up modifier) to the host.
; e. Go to (a)
proc Main
call PollHost ; poll the host interface
; Main loop. Sit around and cycle until there's data in the
; AT keyboard receive buffer.
call ReadKey ; read something from the buffer
bz Main2 ; no data
movfw rATChar ; get the key
addlw 256-KEY_TABLE_LENGTH ; check to see if less than 90h
bnc Main6 ; if less
movfw rATChar ; get the byte again
movwf rXTByte ; in case it's an E0 0.93
xorlw 0xe0 ; check for E0 0.93
keep ; 0.93
bbs GPIO,bnPassE0,Main5 ; see if we need to pass E0 code 0.93
bz Main7 ; go send it without filtering 0.93
unkeep ; 0.93
xorlw 0xe0 ^ 0xf0 ; restore character 0.93
bsf rATFlags,bnATRelease ; key is released
goto Main4 ; get next keystroke
; Something resembling a normal keycode has arrived.
movfw rATChar
call TransATXT ; translate
iorlw 0 ; test for zero
bz Main8 ; skip if undefined
btfsc rATFlags,bnATRelease
iorlw 128 ; add the release flag
movwf rXTByte
call CheckLockKey ; check for lock key
call SendXTByte ; send it
bcf rATFlags,bnATRelease ; clear key-up flag
goto Main2 ; keep going
endproc Main
subtitle "Initialization code"
;* Setup - Boot setup tasks.
; -------------------------
; Set up I/O ports, timers and interrupts.
; Initialize variables.
proc SetUp
; Option Register settings:
; Weak pullup on GPIO enabled
; Interrupt on falling edge of GP2
; Use CPU clock
; Increment on high-to-low transistion
; Assign prescaler to TMR0
; Prescale clock by 4
OPTIONS equ (1<<T0SE)+(1<<PS0)
movif OPTIONS,OPTION_REG ; /4 counter, internal clock
; to TMR, enable pullups, GP2INT falling
; Just in case there's no keyboard or PC attached, we enable weak
; pullups on all pins to keep them from floating.
movif (bvKeyClock+bvKeyData+bvPassE0+bvHostClock+bvHostData),WPU
; Initially, the only outputs that are enabled are for the AT clock
; pulldown. Everything else is input.
movif (bvKeyClock+bvKeyData+bvHostData+bvHostClock),TRISIO
; Calibrate the internal oscillator
call 0x3ff ; get the calibration value
movwf OSCCAL ; calibrate oscillator
; The following line should be uncommented if a 12F675 is being used.
; It disables the AD converter and sets GP2 to digital mode.
; clrf 0x1f ; ANSEL (12F675 only)
movif 7,CMCON ; disable comparator
; Initialize variables.
movif rKeyQFirst,rKeyQIn
movwf rKeyQOut ; set IN=OUT on keyboard queue
clrf rATFlags ; LED status, key-up, etc.
clrf rATSendFlags ; clear flags
clrf rATSendByte ; clear the host-to-keyboard flag
; Set the outputs to a known state.
movif bvKeyClockPD+bvHostData+bvHostClock,GPIO
; Timer0 is used as a sub-1 mS timer, while timer1 is used for
; millisecond intervals (mostly as a deadman).
; Timer 0 Control Settings:
; Prescale by 4
; Use internal clock
; Timer 1 enabled
movif TIMER1_CONTROL,T1CON ; TIMER1 internal, osc, /4, enabled
movif (1<<GIE)+(1<<INTE),INTCON ; GP2 interrupts
bsf T1CON,TMR1ON ; start timer 1
return ; exit
endproc Setup
; AT-XT translation routine.
; --------------------------
; Given an AT code, return an XT code.
; Enter with W = AT code
; Exit with W = XT code or 0 if no mapping
; Uses rTemp1
KEY_TABLE_LENGTH equ 0x90 ; number of entries in the table
if ($ & 255) > (256-(KEY_TABLE_LENGTH + 5)) ; it'll cross a page boundary
if (256 - ($ & 255)) > 32
messg "More than 32 bytes of padding added before translate table -"
messg "You may want to move it."
org ($ & 0xff00) + 256
endif ; move to the next page
movwf rTemp1 ; save index temporarily
movlw high TransTable
movwf PCLATH ; establish table high address
movfw rTemp1 ; get the index
addwf PCL,f ; computed jump
retlw 0 ; AT Code 00, Undefined
retlw 0x43 ; AT Code 01, Key 120
retlw 0 ; AT Code 02, Undefined
retlw 0x3f ; AT Code 03, Key 116
retlw 0x3d ; AT Code 04, Key 114
retlw 0x3b ; AT Code 05, Key 112
retlw 0x3c ; AT Code 06, Key 113
retlw 0x58 ; AT Code 07, Key 123
retlw 0 ; AT Code 08, Undefined
retlw 0x44 ; AT Code 09, Key 121
retlw 0x42 ; AT Code 0a, Key 119
retlw 0x40 ; AT Code 0b, Key 117
retlw 0x3e ; AT Code 0c, Key 115
retlw 0x0f ; AT Code 0d, Key 16
retlw 0x29 ; AT Code 0e, Key 1
retlw 0 ; AT Code 0f, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 10, Undefined
retlw 0x38 ; AT Code 11, Key 60
retlw 0x2a ; AT Code 12, Key 44
retlw 0 ; AT Code 13, Undefined
retlw 0x1d ; AT Code 14, Key 58
retlw 0x10 ; AT Code 15, Key 17
retlw 0x02 ; AT Code 16, Key 2
retlw 0 ; AT Code 17, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 18, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 19, Undefined
retlw 0x2c ; AT Code 1a, Key 46
retlw 0x1f ; AT Code 1b, Key 32
retlw 0x1e ; AT Code 1c, Key 31
retlw 0x11 ; AT Code 1d, Key 18
retlw 0x03 ; AT Code 1e, Key 3
retlw 0 ; AT Code 1f, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 20, Undefined
retlw 0x2e ; AT Code 21, Key 48
retlw 0x2d ; AT Code 22, Key 47
retlw 0x20 ; AT Code 23, Key 33
retlw 0x12 ; AT Code 24, Key 19
retlw 0x05 ; AT Code 25, Key 5
retlw 0x04 ; AT Code 26, Key 4
retlw 0 ; AT Code 27, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 28, Undefined
retlw 0x39 ; AT Code 29, Key 61
retlw 0x2f ; AT Code 2a, Key 49
retlw 0x21 ; AT Code 2b, Key 34
retlw 0x14 ; AT Code 2c, Key 21
retlw 0x13 ; AT Code 2d, Key 20
retlw 0x06 ; AT Code 2e, Key 6
retlw 0 ; AT Code 2f, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 30, Undefined
retlw 0x31 ; AT Code 31, Key 51
retlw 0x30 ; AT Code 32, Key 50
retlw 0x23 ; AT Code 33, Key 36
retlw 0x22 ; AT Code 34, Key 35
retlw 0x15 ; AT Code 35, Key 22
retlw 0x07 ; AT Code 36, Key 7
retlw 0 ; AT Code 37, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 38, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 39, Undefined
retlw 0x32 ; AT Code 3a, Key 52
retlw 0x24 ; AT Code 3b, Key 37
retlw 0x16 ; AT Code 3c, Key 23
retlw 0x08 ; AT Code 3d, Key 8
retlw 0x09 ; AT Code 3e, Key 9
retlw 0 ; AT Code 3f, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 40, Undefined
retlw 0x33 ; AT Code 41, Key 53
retlw 0x25 ; AT Code 42, Key 38
retlw 0x17 ; AT Code 43, Key 24
retlw 0x18 ; AT Code 44, Key 25
retlw 0x0b ; AT Code 45, Key 11
retlw 0x0a ; AT Code 46, Key 10
retlw 0 ; AT Code 47, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 48, Undefined
retlw 0x34 ; AT Code 49, Key 54
retlw 0x35 ; AT Code 4a, Key 55
retlw 0x26 ; AT Code 4b, Key 39
retlw 0x27 ; AT Code 4c, Key 40
retlw 0x19 ; AT Code 4d, Key 26
retlw 0x0c ; AT Code 4e, Key 12
retlw 0 ; AT Code 4f, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 50, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 51, Undefined
retlw 0x28 ; AT Code 52, Key 41
retlw 0 ; AT Code 53, Undefined
retlw 0x1a ; AT Code 54, Key 27
retlw 0x0d ; AT Code 55, Key 13
retlw 0 ; AT Code 56, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 57, Undefined
retlw 0x3a ; AT Code 58, Key 30
retlw 0x36 ; AT Code 59, Key 57
retlw 0x1c ; AT Code 5a, Key 43
retlw 0x1b ; AT Code 5b, Key 28
retlw 0 ; AT Code 5c, Undefined
retlw 0x2b ; AT Code 5d, Key 42
retlw 0 ; AT Code 5e, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 5f, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 60, Undefined
retlw 0x56 ; AT Code 61, Key 45
retlw 0 ; AT Code 62, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 63, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 64, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 65, Undefined
retlw 0x0e ; AT Code 66, Key 15
retlw 0 ; AT Code 67, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 68, Undefined
retlw 0x4f ; AT Code 69, Key 93
retlw 0 ; AT Code 6a, Undefined
retlw 0x4b ; AT Code 6b, Key 92
retlw 0x47 ; AT Code 6c, Key 91
retlw 0 ; AT Code 6d, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 6e, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 6f, Undefined
retlw 0x52 ; AT Code 70, Key 99
retlw 0x53 ; AT Code 71, Key 104
retlw 0x50 ; AT Code 72, Key 98
retlw 0x4c ; AT Code 73, Key 97
retlw 0x4d ; AT Code 74, Key 102
retlw 0x48 ; AT Code 75, Key 96
retlw 0x01 ; AT Code 76, Key 110
retlw 0x45 ; AT Code 77, Key 90
retlw 0x57 ; AT Code 78, Key 122
retlw 0x4e ; AT Code 79, Key 106
retlw 0x51 ; AT Code 7a, Key 103
retlw 0x4a ; AT Code 7b, Key 105
retlw 0x37 ; AT Code 7c, Key 100
retlw 0x49 ; AT Code 7d, Key 101
retlw 0x46 ; AT Code 7e, Key 125
retlw 0 ; AT Code 7f, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 80, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 81, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 82, Undefined
retlw 0x41 ; AT Code 83, Key 118
retlw 0 ; AT Code 84, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 85, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 86, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 87, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 88, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 89, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 8a, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 8b, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 8c, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 8d, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 8e, Undefined
retlw 0 ; AT Code 8f, Undefined
if ($-TransTable) != KEY_TABLE_LENGTH
error "Translation table is the wrong length!"
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