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Created July 17, 2013 13:16
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HHKB layout - converts ANSI keyboard into HHKB
; HHKB layout
; ,-----------------------------------------------------------.
; |Esc| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 0| -| =|BackSpa|
; |-----------------------------------------------------------|
; |Tab | Q| W| E| R| T| Y| U| I| O| P| [| ]|BackS|
; |-----------------------------------------------------------|
; |Contro| A| S| D| F| G| H| J| K| L| ;| '| Return |
; |-----------------------------------------------------------|
; |Shift | Z| X| C| V| B| N| M| ,| .| /| |
; |-----------------------------------------------------------|
; |Contr|Win|Alt | Space |Alt | `| `| \|
; `-----------------------------------------------------------'
CapsLock:: Control
; ` to Esc
SC029:: Esc
RShift & SC029:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{SC029} ; RShift + ` => `
Esc:: `
AppsKey:: `
RWin:: `
; \ to BackSpace
\:: BackSpace
RShift & \:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{\} ; RShift + \ => \
RControl:: \
; HHKB Fn layer: with Right Shift
; ,-----------------------------------------------------------.
; | `| F1| F2| F3| F4| F5| F6| F7| F8| F9|F10|F11|F12| Del |
; |-----------------------------------------------------------|
; |Caps | | | | | | | |Psc|Slk|Pus|Up | | \|
; |-----------------------------------------------------------|
; |Contro|VoD|VoU|Mut| | | *| /|Hom|PgU|Lef|Rig| Return |
; |-----------------------------------------------------------|
; |Shift | | | | | | +| -|End|PgD|Dow| Fn|
; |-----------------------------------------------------------|
; |Contr|Win|Alt | Space |Alt | `| `| \|
; `-----------------------------------------------------------'
RShift & Tab:: Send {CapsLock}
RShift & a:: Send {Volume_Down}
RShift & s:: Send {Volume_Up}
RShift & d:: Send {Volume_Mute}
RShift & [:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{Up}
RShift & SC027:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{Left} ; semicolon ;
RShift & ':: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{Right}
RShift & SC035:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{Down} ; slash /
RShift & l:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{PgUp}
RShift & .:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{PgDn}
RShift & k:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{Home}
RShift & ,:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{End}
RShift & i:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{PrintScreen}
RShift & o:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{ScrollLock}
RShift & p:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{Pause}
RShift & 1:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F1}
RShift & 2:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F2}
RShift & 3:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F3}
RShift & 4:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F4}
RShift & 5:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F5}
RShift & 6:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F6}
RShift & 7:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F7}
RShift & 8:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F8}
RShift & 9:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F9}
RShift & 0:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F10}
RShift & -:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F11}
RShift & =:: Send {Blind}{RShift up}{F12}
RShift & BackSpace::Send {Blind}{RShift up}{Delete}
;RShift & Esc:: DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0) ; suspend(sleep)
;RShift & a:: Send {vkAEsc12E} ; Vol Down
;RShift & s:: Send {vkAFsc130} ; Vol Up
;RShift & d:: Send {vkADsc120} ; Mute
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hillam commented Oct 12, 2016

Thanks for sharing this! Any particular reason why you didn't remap the standard backspace key?

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