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Last active February 5, 2019 20:09
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import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Blob
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.PropertyState
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Type
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.PathUtils
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.ChildNodeEntry
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeState
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeStateUtils
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeStore
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import javax.jcr.PropertyType
class BlobChecker {
final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger('script-console')
def dsLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger('org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.datastore.DataStoreBlobStore')
def dsLoggerLevel = null
final NodeStore nodeStore
final BlobValidator validator
int blobCount
int orphanedBlobRefs
long nodeCount
def sc
def binding
PrintWriter reporter
//By default it would only report upto 1000 missing binary. Set it to -1 for complete check
int maxErrorCount = 1000
BlobChecker(def opts){
//Named args
String fdsDir = opts.fdsDir
String reportPath = opts.reportPath
def script = opts.script
assert script : "Script parameter is required" = script
this.binding = sc.binding
this.nodeStore = getStore()
this.validator = fdsDir ? new FDSBlobValidator(fdsDir) : new NodeStoreBlobValidator()
if (fdsDir) {
print0("Validating via FileDataStore $fdsDir")
if (reportPath){
File report = new File("$reportPath/orphan-files.txt")
reporter = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(report)))
print0("Report also saved at ${report.absolutePath}")
def checkBlobs(String rootPath = '/', boolean fromCheckpoint = false){
NodeState node = nodeStore.root
if (fromCheckpoint) {
NodeState async = nodeStore.root.getChildNode(':async')
String cp = async.getString('async')
assert cp
node = store.retrieve(cp)
assert node : "Could not retrieve state from checkpoint $cp"
print0("Using NodeState from checkpoint $cp")
Stopwatch w = Stopwatch.createStarted()
try {
checkBlobs(rootPath, node)
}finally {
print0("Timetaken : $w")
def start() {
//Set the DS Logger level to ERROR to hide the unnecessary warning for missing binary
dsLoggerLevel = dsLogger.level
dsLogger.level = Level.ERROR
private void done() {
if (reporter) {
dsLogger.level = dsLoggerLevel
def checkBlobs(String path, NodeState rootState){
if (!PathUtils.isValid(path)) {
println("Not a valid path: $path");
NodeState node = NodeStateUtils.getNode(rootState, path)
checkBlobsRecurse(node, path)
print0("Path : $path")
print0("Blob Count : $blobCount")
print0("Orphaned Count : $orphanedBlobRefs")
print0("Node Count : $nodeCount")
def checkBlobsRecurse(NodeState node, String path) {
checkBinaryProps(node, path)
node.childNodeEntries.each {ChildNodeEntry cne ->
checkBlobsRecurse(cne.nodeState, PathUtils.concat(path,
def checkBinaryProps(NodeState node, String path) { {PropertyState ps ->
if (ps.type.tag() == PropertyType.BINARY) {
(0..<ps.count()).each {int i ->
Blob b = ps.getValue(Type.BINARY, i)
if (isExternal(b)) {
if (!validator.isValid(b)) {
print0("==,$path/${}, ${b.contentIdentity}")
if (maxErrorCount > 0){
assert orphanedBlobRefs < maxErrorCount : "Number of missing binary " +
"found to be greater than $maxErrorCount. Aborting further check. Increase the " +
"limit to check further"
if (nodeCount % 10000L == 0L){
print0("Traversed through $nodeCount nodes so far. Orphaned binary $orphanedBlobRefs/$blobCount")
boolean isExternal(Blob b) {
//For segment we can easily check if blob is external
if ("SegmentBlob")){
return b.isExternal()
return true
def print0(def msg){
if (reporter){
} else if (false){
NodeStore getStore(){
interface BlobValidator {
boolean isValid(Blob b)
static class NodeStoreBlobValidator implements BlobValidator{
boolean isValid(Blob b) {
InputStream is = null
is = b.getNewStream()
return true
} catch (Exception e){
return false
} finally {
static class FDSBlobValidator implements BlobValidator{
final String dsPath
FDSBlobValidator(String dsPath){
this.dsPath = dsPath
assert new File(dsPath).exists() : "FDS Dir $dsPath not valid"
boolean isValid(Blob b) {
if ("SegmentBlob") && b.isExternal()){
return isValidId(b.blobId)
return true
private boolean isValidId(String blobId){
String blobFileName = blobId.substring(0,40);
String path = "$dsPath/${blobId.substring(0, 2)}/${blobId.substring(2, 4)}/${blobId.substring(4, 6)}/$blobFileName"
File f = new File(path);
return f.exists()
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