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Created June 15, 2014 17:15
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A bash script that delete all microsoft-windows-files Thumbs.db in the current folder, and all the sub-directories.
#! /bin/sh
# == Thumbs_db_killer == #
# This script delete all the Thumbs.db files on the curent folder, and on the sub-folders. #
# You can modify the $ennemy variable if you want to bulk-delete an other file (.Sync, of whatever).#
# @author : Tom Canac #
# @version : 1.0 #
# @licence : CC-BY #
recursivity ()
for item in *; do
[ -e "$item" ] || continue
if [ -d "$item" ]; then # If the current item is a sub-directory :
cd "$item" || { echo "You don't have neccesary rights to go through $item" 1>&2; exit 1; }; # Go in it
cd .. || exit 1; # Go back to the previous directory, and do this again
elif [ -f "$item" ] && [ "$ennemy" = "$item" ]; then # If the current item is not a directory, and is named Thumbs.db :
rm "$item"; # Delete it
i=$((i+1)); # Add one victim to the list
echo "$i files named \"$ennemy\" deleted";
exit 0;
# == Documentation ==      #
# exit-code reference : #
# 1 : you don't have the right to go through one of the sub-directory. #
# #
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