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Created December 7, 2022 02:20
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Extracted solution from Coq for the problem
(** val add : int64 -> int64 -> int64 **)
let rec add = Int64.add
(** val mul : int64 -> int64 -> int64 **)
let rec mul = Int64.mul
module Nat =
(** val leb : int64 -> int64 -> bool **)
let rec leb = (fun x y -> x y <= 0)
(** val can_distribute : int64 -> int64 -> int64 -> bool **)
let can_distribute r b d =
if Nat.leb b
(mul r (add d ((fun x -> Int64.succ x)
then Nat.leb r
(mul b (add d ((fun x -> Int64.succ x)
else false
let rec solve = function
| 0 -> ()
| n -> let (r,b,d) = Scanf.scanf "%d %d %d\n" (fun a b c -> (Int64.of_int a, Int64.of_int b,Int64.of_int c)) in
let ans = if can_distribute r b d then "YES" else "NO" in
print_endline ans;
solve (n-1)
let t = read_int();;
solve t;;
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