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Last active October 31, 2023 11:48
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; Accessible Info Viewer by jethrow
; Modified by tmplinshi -
#SingleInstance, force
SetBatchLines, -1
global Border := new Outline, Stored:={}, Acc, ChildId, TVobj, Win:={}
global g_isWindowDpiAware
global g_lastPos := {x:"", y:""}
global g_lastPath, g_skipTvEvent
DetectHiddenWindows, On
OnExit, OnExitCleanup
Hotkey, ~LButton Up, Off
Gui Main: New, HWNDhwnd LabelGui AlwaysOnTop, Accessible Info Viewer
Gui Main: Default
Win.Main := hwnd
; Gui, Color, White
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x70 y8 h20 gHotTracker_OnCheck vHotTrackerEnabled Checked0, HotTracking
Gui, Add, Text, x+0 hp 0x201 Disabled, (F1)
Gui, Add, Button, x+70 ggotoParentAcc vBtnParent, Parent
Gui, Add, Button, x+10 ggotoRootAcc vBtnRoot, Root
Gui, Add, Button, x+10 vShowStructure gShowStructure, Show Acc Structure
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y3 w25 h26 Border gCrossHair ReadOnly Border 0x6 ; SS_WHITERECT=0x6
Gui, Add, Text, x10 y3 w25 h4 Border HWNDh9 +0x4E
CreatePixel(h9, 0x0046D5)
Gui, Add, Text, x13 y17 w19 h1 Border vHBar
Gui, Add, Text, x22 y8 w1 h19 Border vVBar
Gui, Font, bold
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x2 y32 w465 h130 vWinCtrl, Window/Control Info
Gui, Font
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y49 h20, % "WinTitle:"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y47 w401 h20 vWinTitle ,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y71 h20, % " Text:"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y69 w401 h20 vText ,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y93 h20, % " Hwnd:"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y91 w112 h20 vHwnd,
Gui, Add, Text, x+30 y93 h20 vClassText, % "Class(NN):"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y91 w198 h20 vClass,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y115 h20, % "Position:"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y113 w112 h20 vPosition,
Gui, Add, Text, x+30 y115 h20, % " Process:"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y113 w198 h20 vProcess,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y137 h20, % " Size:"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y135 w112 h20 vSize,
Gui, Add, Text, x+30 y137 h20, % " Proc ID:"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y135 w198 h20 vProcID,
Gui, Font, bold
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x2 y165 w465 h290 vAcc, Accessible Info
Gui, Font
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y182 w42 h20 Right, Name:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x51 y180 w411 h20 vAccName ,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y204 w42 h20 Right, Value:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x51 y202 w225 h20 vAccValue ,
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 hp gModifyAccValue vModifyAccValue Default Disabled, Modify
Gui, Add, Text, x+20 y204 h20, % "ChildCount:"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y202 w55 h20 vAccChildCount,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y226 w42 h20 Right, Role:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x51 y224 w411 h20 vAccRole,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y248 w42 h20 Right, State:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x51 y246 w411 h50 -Wrap vAccState,
Gui, Add, Button, xp y+0 h22 w100 vStateSelect gSelectAcc Disabled, Select
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y320 w42 h20 Right, Action:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x51 y318 w142 h20 vAccAction,
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 gDoDefaultAction hp vExecute Disabled, Execute
Gui, Add, Text, x+30 y320 h20, % " Focus:"
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y318 w120 h20 vAccFocus,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y342 w75 h20 Right vAccLocationText, Location:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y340 w380 h20 vAccLocation ,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y364 w75 h20 Right, Description:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y362 w380 h20 vAccDescription ,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y386 w75 h20 Right, Keyboard:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y384 w380 h20 vAccKeyboard ,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y408 w75 h20 Right, Help:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y406 w380 h20 vAccHelp ,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y430 w75 h20 Right, HelpTopic:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 y428 w380 h20 vAccHelpTopic ,
Gui, Add, Text, x7 y+8 w75 Right, Selection:
Gui, Add, Edit, ReadOnly x+0 yp-3 w380 h20 vAccSelection,
Gui, Add, StatusBar, gShowMainGui
SB_SetParts(110, 180, 100)
; SB_SetText("get full path", 3)
SB_SetText("`tshow more", 4)
Gui Acc: New, ToolWindow Resize LabelAcc HWNDhwnd, Acc Structure
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
Gui, Font,, Microsoft YaHei
Gui, Add, TreeView, w300 h357 vTView gTreeView R17 AltSubmit HWNDhTV 0x200 ;BackgroundF0F0F0
Gui, Show, Hide
Win.Acc := hwnd
DllCall("UxTheme.dll\SetWindowTheme", "ptr", hTV, "str", "Explorer", "ptr", 0)
GoSub, ShowMainGui
WinSet, Redraw, , % "ahk_id" Win.Main
defaultGui := A_DefaultGui
Gui, % Win.Main ":Default"
SB_SetText("", 2)
SB_SetText("Searching..", 3)
codeType := (A_ThisLabel = "TempMenu_CopyCodeSingle") ? "single"
: (A_ThisLabel = "TempMenu_CopyCodeParameters") ? "parameters"
: "full"
fullPath := GetAccFullPath(outCode, codeType)
g_lastPath := fullpath
Clipboard := outCode
SB_SetText("Path: " fullPath, 2)
SB_SetText("get full path", 3)
Gui, % defaultGui ":Default"
ToolTip("Copied",,,, 2000)
; ToolTip("Test",,,, 3000)
ToolTip(Text := "", X := "", Y := "", WhichToolTip := 1, Timeout := "") {
ToolTip, % Text, X, Y, WhichToolTip
If (Timeout) {
RemoveToolTip := Func("ToolTip").Bind(,,, WhichToolTip)
SetTimer, % RemoveToolTip, % -Timeout
if (A_GuiEvent = "RightClick" && A_EventInfo = 3) {
preTDpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", -4)
Menu, TempMenu, Add, Copy Code, TempMenu_CopyCode
Menu, TempMenu, Add, Copy Code (Single line), TempMenu_CopyCodeSingle
Menu, TempMenu, Add, Copy Code (Parameters), TempMenu_CopyCodeParameters
Menu, TempMenu, Show
Menu, TempMenu, DeleteAll
DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", preTDpi)
if A_EventInfo in 1,2
StatusBarGetText, SB_Text, %A_EventInfo%, % "ahk_id" Win.Main
if SB_Text
if (A_EventInfo=2 and SB_Text:=SubStr(SB_Text,7))
or if RegExMatch(SB_Text, "Id: \K\d+", SB_Text) {
SB_Text := StrReplace(SB_Text, ",", ".")
if (A_EventInfo = 2 && childId)
Clipboard := """" SB_Text """, " childId
Clipboard := SB_Text
preTDpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", -4)
ToolTip % "clipboard = " clipboard
DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", preTDpi)
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, -2000
else if (A_EventInfo = 3)
SB_SetText("", 2)
SB_SetText("Searching..", 3)
fullPath := GetAccFullPath()
g_lastPath := fullPath
SB_SetText("Path: " fullPath, 2)
SB_SetText("get full path", 3)
else {
preTDpi := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", -4)
Gui Main: Default
if ShowingLess {
SB_SetText("`tshow less", 4)
GuiControl, Move, Acc, x2 y165 w465 h315
GuiControl, Show, AccDescription
GuiControl, Show, AccLocation
GuiControl, Show, AccLocationText
height := 369
while height<503 {
height += 10
Gui, Show, w470 h%height%
Sleep, 20
Gui, Show, w470 h503
ShowingLess := false
else {
if (ShowingLess != "") {
height := 503
while height>369 {
height -= 10
Gui, Show, w470 h%height%
Sleep, 20
Gui, Show, w470 h369
GuiControl, Hide, AccDescription
GuiControl, Hide, AccLocation
GuiControl, Hide, AccLocationText
GuiControl, Move, Acc, x2 y165 w465 h180
SB_SetText("`tshow more", 4)
ShowingLess := true
WinSet, Redraw, , % "ahk_id" Win.Main
DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", preTDpi)
GuiControlGet, HotTrackerEnabled
if HotTrackerEnabled
SetTimer, Enable_HotTracker, -1
SetTimer, Disable_HotTracker, -1
#if Not Lbutton_Pressed
Lbutton_Pressed := true
GuiControl, Main:, HotTrackerEnabled, 1
Stored.Chwnd := ""
SB_SetText("", 3)
Gui Acc: Default
GuiControl, Disable, TView
while, Lbutton_Pressed
Sleep, 30 ;5
DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", -4)
SB_SetText("get full path", 3)
g_lastPos := ""
#if Lbutton_Pressed
Lbutton_Pressed := false
GuiControl, Main:, HotTrackerEnabled, 0
Gui Main: Default
Sleep, -1
GuiControl, , WinCtrl, % (DllCall("GetParent", "ptr",Acc_WindowFromObject(Acc))? "Control":"Window") " Info"
if Not DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr",Win.Acc) {
SB_SetText("Path: " GetAccPath(Acc).path, 2)
SB_SetText("get full path", 3)
else {
Gui Acc: Default
GuiControl, Enable, TView
; WinActivate, % "ahk_id" Win.Acc
PostMessage, %WM_LBUTTONDOWN%, , , SysTreeView321, % "ahk_id" Win.Acc
~Lbutton Up::
Hotkey, ~LButton Up, Off
Lbutton_Pressed := False
Gui Main: Default
if Not CH {
GuiControl, Show, HBar
GuiControl, Show, VBar
Sleep, -1
GuiControl, , WinCtrl, % (DllCall("GetParent", "ptr",Acc_WindowFromObject(Acc))? "Control":"Window") " Info"
if Not DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr",Win.Acc) {
SB_SetText("Path: " (g_lastPath:=GetAccPath(Acc).path), 2)
SB_SetText("get full path", 3)
else {
Gui Acc: Default
GuiControl, Enable, TView
WinActivate, % "ahk_id" Win.Acc
PostMessage, %WM_LBUTTONDOWN%, , , SysTreeView321, % "ahk_id" Win.Acc
if (A_GuiEvent = "Normal") {
Hotkey, ~LButton Up, On
GuiControl, Hide, HBar
GuiControl, Hide, VBar
Lbutton_Pressed := True
Stored.Chwnd := ""
SB_SetText("", 3)
Gui Acc: Default
GuiControl, Disable, TView
while, Lbutton_Pressed
Sleep, 30 ;5
DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", -4)
SB_SetText("get full path", 3)
g_lastPos := ""
; CrossHair(true) ;???
ControlFocus, Static1, % "ahk_id" Win.Main
if DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr",Win.Acc) {
PostMessage, %WM_LBUTTONDOWN%, , , SysTreeView321, % "ahk_id" Win.Acc
WinGetPos, x, y, w, , % "ahk_id" Win.Main
WinGetPos, , , AccW, AccH, % "ahk_id" Win.Acc
WinMove, % "ahk_id" Win.Acc,
, (x+w+AccW > A_ScreenWidth? x-AccW-10:x+w+10)
, % y+5, %AccW%, %AccH%
WinShow, % "ahk_id" Win.Acc
if ComObjType(Acc, "Name") = "IAccessible"
if Lbutton_Pressed
GuiControl, Disable, TView
GuiControl, Enable, TView
PostMessage, %WM_LBUTTONDOWN%, , , SysTreeView321, % "ahk_id" Win.Acc
TV_Modify(TV_GetSelection(), "VisFirst")
r := GetAccPath(Acc)
AccObj:=r.AccObj, Child_Path:=r.Path, r:=""
Gui Acc: Default
GuiControl, -Redraw, TView
; parent := TV_Add(Acc_Role(AccObj), "", "Bold Expand")
parent := TV_Add(Acc_Role(AccObj), "", "Expand")
TVobj := {(parent): {is_obj:true, obj:AccObj, need_children:false, childid:0, Children:[]}}
Loop Parse, Child_Path, .
if A_LoopField is not Digit
TVobj[parent].Obj_Path := Trim(TVobj[parent].Obj_Path "," A_LoopField, ",")
else {
StoreParent := parent
parent := TV_BuildAccChildren(AccObj, parent, "", A_LoopField)
TVobj[parent].need_children := false
AccObj := TVobj[parent].obj
if Not ChildId {
TV_BuildAccChildren(AccObj, parent)
TV_Modify(parent, "Select")
TV_BuildAccChildren(AccObj, parent, ChildId)
GuiControl, +Redraw, TView
Gui Acc: Hide
Gui Main: Default
GuiControl, Enable, ShowStructure
if (A_EventInfo != 1)
GuiControl, Move, TView, w%A_GuiWidth% h%A_GuiHeight%
if g_skipTvEvent
Gui, Submit, NoHide
if (A_GuiEvent = "S") {
ToggleThreadDpiAwareness( AccWindowFromObject(TVobj[A_EventInfo].obj) )
UpdateAccInfo(TVobj[A_EventInfo].obj, TVobj[A_EventInfo].childid, TVobj[A_EventInfo].obj_path)
acc := TVobj[A_EventInfo].obj
childid := TVobj[A_EventInfo].childid
SB_SetText("get full path", 3)
if (A_GuiEvent = "+") {
GuiControl, -Redraw, TView
GuiControl, +Redraw, TView
GetClassName(hwnd) {
static init, className
if !init {
init := true
VarSetCapacity(className, 256, 0)
DllCall("GetClassName", "ptr", hwnd, "str", className, "int", 256)
return className
GetAccInfo(oInput := "") {
global Whwnd
static ShowButtonEnabled
if oInput
Whwnd := oInput.hwnd
MouseGetPos, x, y, Whwnd, Chwnd, 2
if (x = g_lastPos.x && y = g_lastPos.y) {
; _log("///////////return")
g_lastPos := {x: x, y: y}
if (Whwnd = Win.Main || Whwnd = Win.Acc)
GuiControlGet, SectionLabel, , WinCtrl
if (SectionLabel != "Window/Control Info")
GuiControl, , WinCtrl, Window/Control Info
if oInput
Acc := oInput.Acc, ChildId := 0
Acc := __Acc_ObjectFromPoint(ChildId), switchToVisibleParent()
static lastAcc, lastChildId
if Border.isVisible && isSameAcc(Acc, ChildId, lastAcc, lastChildId) {
lastAcc := Acc, lastChildId := ChildId
; enable acc in chrome
static WM_GETOBJECT := 0x003D
if (GetClassName(whwnd) = "Chrome_WidgetWin_1") {
SendMessage, WM_GETOBJECT, 0, 1, , % "ahk_id" (Chwnd ? Chwnd : Whwnd)
;ToolTip, % SubStr(acc.accName(ChildId), 1, 100) . (StrLen(acc.accName(ChildId))>100 ? " ..." : "")
Location := GetAccLocation(Acc, ChildId)
; if Stored.Location != Location {
; if 1 {
Hwnd := Acc_WindowFromObject(Acc)
if Stored.Hwnd != Hwnd {
if DllCall("GetParent", ptr,hwnd) {
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %parent%
ControlGetText, text, , ahk_id %Hwnd%
class := GetClassNN(Hwnd,Whwnd)
ControlGetPos, posX, posY, posW, posH, , ahk_id %Hwnd%
WinGet, proc, ProcessName, ahk_id %parent%
WinGet, procid, PID, ahk_id %parent%
else {
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %Hwnd%
WinGetText, text, ahk_id %Hwnd%
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %Hwnd%
WinGetPos, posX, posY, posW, posH, ahk_id %Hwnd%
WinGet, proc, ProcessName, ahk_id %Hwnd%
WinGet, procid, PID, ahk_id %Hwnd%
GuiControl, , WinTitle, %title%
GuiControl, , Text, %text%
SetFormat, IntegerFast, H
GuiControl, , Hwnd, % Hwnd+0
SetFormat, IntegerFast, D
GuiControl, , Class, %class%
GuiControl, , Position, x%posX% y%posY%
GuiControl, , Size, w%posW% h%posH%
GuiControl, , Process, %proc%
GuiControl, , ProcId, %procid%
Stored.Hwnd := Hwnd
UpdateAccInfo(Acc, ChildId)
; }
isSameAcc(acc1, chidId1, acc2, childId2) {
if (chidId1 = childId2)
&& (acc1.accRole(chidId1) = acc2.accRole(childId2))
&& (acc1.accName(chidId1) = acc2.accName(childId2))
&& (acc1.accState(chidId1) = acc2.accState(childId2))
&& (acc1.accValue(chidId1) = acc2.accValue(childId2))
&& (acc1.accChildCount = acc2.accChildCount)
&& (acc1.accDefaultAction(chidId1) = acc2.accDefaultAction(childId2))
&& (acc1.accDescription(chidId1) = acc2.accDescription(childId2))
&& (acc1.accHelp(chidId1) = acc2.accHelp(childId2))
&& (acc1.accKeyboardShortcut(chidId1) = acc2.accKeyboardShortcut(childId2))
&& (Acc_LocationStr(acc1) = Acc_LocationStr(acc2))
return true
isAccInvisible() {
return acc.accState(childId) & STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE
switchToVisibleParent() {
while isAccInvisible()
acc := Acc_Parent(acc)
DoDefaultAction() {
GuiControl,, AccAction, % Acc.accDefaultAction(ChildId)
GuiControl,, AccState, % Acc_GetStateTextEx2(Acc.accState(ChildId))
ModifyAccValue() {
GuiControlGet, AccValue
Acc.accValue(ChildId) := AccValue
GuiControl, +cRed +Redraw, AccValue
EnableModifyAccValue() {
b := (Acc.accRole(ChildId) = 42) ;ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT
GuiControl, % (b ? "-" : "+" ) . "ReadOnly", AccValue
GuiControl, % "Enable" b, ModifyAccValue
GuiControl, +cDefault, AccValue
EnableButtons() {
GuiControl, % "Enable" (Acc.accDefaultAction(ChildId) != ""), Execute
UpdateAccInfo(Acc, ChildId, Obj_Path="") {
global Whwnd
Gui Main: Default
Location := GetAccLocation(Acc, ChildId, x, y, w, h)
GuiControl,, AccName, % Acc.accName(ChildId)
GuiControl,, AccValue, % Acc.accValue(ChildId)
GuiControl,, AccRole, % Acc_GetRoleInfo(Acc, ChildId)
GuiControl,, AccState, % Acc_GetStateTextEx2(Acc.accState(ChildId))
GuiControl,, AccAction, % Acc.accDefaultAction(ChildId)
GuiControl,, AccChildCount, % ChildId ? "N/A" : Acc.accChildCount
GuiControl,, AccSelection, % ChildId ? "N/A" : Acc.accSelection
GuiControl,, AccFocus, % ChildId ? "N/A" : Acc.accFocus
GuiControl,, AccLocation, % Location
GuiControl,, AccDescription, % Acc.accDescription(ChildId)
GuiControl,, AccKeyboard, % Acc.accKeyboardShortCut(ChildId)
Guicontrol,, AccHelp, % Acc.accHelp(ChildId)
GuiControl,, AccHelpTopic, % Acc.accHelpTopic(ChildId)
SB_SetText(ChildId? "Child Id: " ChildId:"Object")
SB_SetText(DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr",Win.Acc)? "Path: " Obj_Path:"", 2)
g_lastPath := Obj_Path
; Border.Transparent(true), y, x+w, y+h)
; Border.Transparent(false)
Stored.Location := Location
GetClassNN(Chwnd, Whwnd) {
global _GetClassNN := {}
_GetClassNN.Hwnd := Chwnd
Detect := A_DetectHiddenWindows
WinGetClass, Class, ahk_id %Chwnd%
_GetClassNN.Class := Class
DetectHiddenWindows, On
EnumAddress := RegisterCallback("GetClassNN_EnumChildProc")
DllCall("EnumChildWindows", "uint",Whwnd, "uint",EnumAddress)
DetectHiddenWindows, %Detect%
return, _GetClassNN.ClassNN, _GetClassNN:=""
GetClassNN_EnumChildProc(hwnd, lparam) {
static Occurrence
global _GetClassNN
WinGetClass, Class, ahk_id %hwnd%
if _GetClassNN.Class == Class
if Not _GetClassNN.Hwnd == hwnd
return true
else {
_GetClassNN.ClassNN := _GetClassNN.Class Occurrence
Occurrence := 0
return false
TV_Expanded(TVid) {
For Each, TV_Child_ID in TVobj[TVid].Children
if TVobj[TV_Child_ID].need_children
TV_BuildAccChildren(TVobj[TV_Child_ID].obj, TV_Child_ID)
TV_BuildAccChildren(AccObj, Parent, Selected_Child="", Flag="") {
TVobj[Parent].need_children := false
Parent_Obj_Path := Trim(TVobj[Parent].Obj_Path, ",")
for wach, child in Acc_Children(AccObj) {
if Not IsObject(child) {
added := TV_Add("[" A_Index "] " Acc_GetRoleText(AccObj.accRole(child)) " " AccObj.accName(child), Parent)
TVobj[added] := {is_obj:false, obj:Acc, childid:child, Obj_Path:Parent_Obj_Path}
if (child = Selected_Child)
TV_Modify(added, "Select")
else {
; added := TV_Add("[" A_Index "] " Acc_Role(child) " " child.accName(0), Parent, "bold")
added := TV_Add("[" A_Index "] " Acc_Role(child) " " child.accName(0), Parent, "")
TVobj[added] := {is_obj:true, need_children:true, obj:child, childid:0, Children:[], Obj_Path:Trim(Parent_Obj_Path "," A_Index, ",")}
if (A_Index = Flag)
Flagged_Child := added
return Flagged_Child
GetAccPath(Acc, byref hwnd="") {
hwnd := Acc_WindowFromObject(Acc)
WinObj := Acc_ObjectFromWindow(hwnd)
WinObjPos := Acc_Location(WinObj).pos
while Acc_WindowFromObject(Parent:=Acc_Parent(Acc)) = hwnd {
t2 := GetEnumIndex(Acc) "." t2
if Acc_Location(Parent).pos = WinObjPos
return {AccObj:Parent, Path:SubStr(t2,1,-1)}
Acc := Parent
while Acc_WindowFromObject(Parent:=Acc_Parent(WinObj)) = hwnd
t1.="P.", WinObj:=Parent
return {AccObj:Acc, Path:t1 SubStr(t2,1,-1)}
GetEnumIndex(Acc, ChildId=0) {
if Not ChildId {
ChildPos := Acc_Location(Acc).pos
For Each, child in Acc_Children(Acc_Parent(Acc))
if IsObject(child) and Acc_Location(child).pos=ChildPos
return A_Index
else {
ChildPos := Acc_Location(Acc,ChildId).pos
For Each, child in Acc_Children(Acc)
if Not IsObject(child) and Acc_Location(Acc,child).pos=ChildPos
return A_Index
GetAccLocation(AccObj, Child=0, byref x="", byref y="", byref w="", byref h="") {
AccObj.accLocation(ComObj(0x4003,&x:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&y:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&w:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&h:=0), Child)
return "x" (x:=NumGet(x,0,"int")) " "
. "y" (y:=NumGet(y,0,"int")) " "
. "w" (w:=NumGet(w,0,"int")) " "
. "h" (h:=NumGet(h,0,"int"))
static hCurs := new Cursor(32649)
if (ctrl = "msctls_statusbar321")
class Cursor {
__New(id) {
this.ptr := DllCall("LoadCursor", "ptr", 0, "Int", id, "ptr")
__delete() {
DllCall("DestroyCursor", "ptr", this.ptr)
class Outline {
__New(color="red") {
static WS_EX_TRANSPARENT := 0x20, WS_EX_LAYERED := 0x00080000
preDefaultGui := A_DefaultGui
this.hwnds := {}
Loop, 4 {
Gui, New, -Caption +ToolWindow HWNDhwnd -DPIScale +E%WS_EX_TRANSPARENT% +E%WS_EX_LAYERED%
Gui, Color, %color%
this[A_Index] := hwnd
DllCall("SetLayeredWindowAttributes", "ptr", hwnd, uint, 0, "uchar", 255, "int", 2)
this.isVisible := false
this.color := color := this[1]
this.right := this[2]
this.bottom := this[3]
this.left := this[4]
Gui, %preDefaultGui%: Default
MoveTogether(arrHwnd, arrPos) {
hDWP := DllCall("BeginDeferWindowPos", "int", arrHwnd.Length(), "ptr")
for i, v in arrPos {
DllCall("DeferWindowPos", "ptr", hDWP, "ptr", arrHwnd[i], "ptr", 0
, "int", v[1], "int", v[2], "int", v[3], "int", v[4]
DllCall("EndDeferWindowPos", "ptr", hDWP)
Show(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
b := g_isWindowDpiAware ? Round(2*(A_ScreenDPI/96)) : 2
arrHwnd := [this.1, this.2, this.3, this.4]
arrPos := [ [x1-b, y1-b, x2-x1+b*2, b]
, [x2, y1, b, y2-y1]
, [x1-b, y2, x2-x1+b*2, b]
, [x1-b, y1, b, y2-y1] ]
this.MoveTogether(arrHwnd, arrPos)
; this.GuiShow("top", x1-b, y1-b, x2-x1+b*2, b)
; this.GuiShow("right", x2, y1, b, y2-y1)
; this.GuiShow("bottom", x1-b, y2, x2-x1+b*2, b)
; this.GuiShow("left", x1-b, y1, b, y2-y1)
this.isVisible := true
GuiShow(name, x, y, w, h) {
Gui, % this[name] ":Show", % "NA x" x " y" y " w" w " h" h
Hide() {
Loop, 4
Gui, % this[A_Index] ": Hide"
this.isVisible := false
SetAbove(hwnd) {
ABOVE := DllCall("GetWindow", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", 3, "ptr")
Loop, 4
DllCall( "SetWindowPos", "ptr", this[A_Index], "ptr", ABOVE
, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0
, "uint", 0x1|0x2|0x10 )
Transparent(param) {
Loop, 4
WinSet, Transparent, % param=1? 0:255, % "ahk_id" this[A_Index]
this.isVisible := !param
Color(color) {
Gui, +HWNDdefault
Loop, 4
Gui, % this[A_Index] ": Color" , %color%
this.color := color
Gui, %default%: Default
Destroy() {
Loop, 4
Gui, % this[A_Index] ": Destroy"
CreatePixel(hwnd, Color) {
VarSetCapacity(BMBITS, 4, 0), Numput(Color, &BMBITS, 0, "UInt")
hBM := DllCall("CreateBitmap", "Int", 1, "Int", 1, "UInt", 1, "UInt", 24, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
hBM := DllCall("CopyImage", "Ptr", hBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0x2008, "Ptr")
DllCall("SetBitmapBits", "Ptr", hBM, "UInt", 3, "Ptr", &BMBITS)
DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", 0x172, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hBM)
CrossHair(OnOff=1) {
static AndMask, XorMask, $, h_cursor, IDC_CROSS := 32515
, b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13
, h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9,h10,h11,h12,h13
if (OnOff = "Init" or OnOff = "I" or $ = "") {
$ := "h"
, VarSetCapacity( h_cursor,4444, 1 )
, VarSetCapacity( AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF )
, VarSetCapacity( XorMask, 32*4, 0 )
, system_cursors := "32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650"
StringSplit c, system_cursors, `,
Loop, %c0%
h_cursor := DllCall( "LoadCursor", "uint",0, "uint",c%A_Index% )
, h%A_Index% := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uint",h_cursor, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 )
, b%A_Index% := DllCall("LoadCursor", "Uint", "", "Int", IDC_CROSS, "Uint")
$ := (OnOff = 0 || OnOff = "Off" || $ = "h" && (OnOff < 0 || OnOff = "Toggle" || OnOff = "T")) ? "b" : "h"
Loop, %c0%
h_cursor := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uint",%$%%A_Index%, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 )
, DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", "uint",h_cursor, "uint",c%A_Index% )
ToggleThreadDpiAwareness(hwnd) {
if !g_isWindowDpiAware := _isWindowDpiAware(hwnd)
val := -1
else if (g_isWindowDpiAware=2 && WinGetClass(hwnd)="#32768")
|| (g_isWindowDpiAware=1 && A_PtrSize=8 && WinGetClass(hwnd)="#32768")
val := -1, g_isWindowDpiAware := 0, getCursorAgain := true
val := -4
if (A_OSVersion >= "10.0.14393")
DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", val)
return getCursorAgain
WinGetClass(hwnd) {
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %hwnd%
return class
{ ; Acc Library
__Acc_AutoInit() {
static _ := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "oleacc.dll", "Ptr")
Acc_ObjectFromEvent(ByRef _idChild_, hWnd, idObject, idChild) {
If DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromEvent", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", idObject, "UInt", idChild, "Ptr*", pacc, "Ptr", VarSetCapacity(varChild,8+2*A_PtrSize,0)*0+&varChild)=0
Return ComObjEnwrap(9,pacc,1), _idChild_:=NumGet(varChild,8,"UInt")
__Acc_ObjectFromPoint(ByRef _idChild_ = "", x = "", y = "") {
if (x = "" || y = "") {
DllCall("GetPhysicalCursorPos", "Int64P", pt)
hwnd := DllCall("WindowFromPoint", "int64", pt)
if ToggleThreadDpiAwareness(hwnd)
DllCall("GetPhysicalCursorPos", "Int64P", pt)
} else {
pt := x & 0xFFFFFFFF | y << 32
If DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromPoint", "Int64", pt, "Ptr*", pacc, "Ptr", VarSetCapacity(varChild,8+2*A_PtrSize,0)*0+&varChild)=0
Return ComObjEnwrap(9,pacc,1), _idChild_:=NumGet(varChild,8,"UInt")
Acc_ObjectFromWindow(hWnd, idObject = 0) {
If DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", idObject&=0xFFFFFFFF
, "Ptr", -VarSetCapacity(IID,16)+NumPut(idObject==0xFFFFFFF0?0x46000000000000C0:0x719B3800AA000C81
,NumPut(idObject==0xFFFFFFF0?0x0000000000020400:0x11CF3C3D618736E0,IID,"Int64"),"Int64"), "Ptr*", pacc)=0
Return ComObjEnwrap(9,pacc,1)
Acc_WindowFromObject(pacc) {
If DllCall("oleacc\WindowFromAccessibleObject", "Ptr", IsObject(pacc)?ComObjValue(pacc):pacc, "Ptr*", hWnd)=0
Return hWnd
Acc_GetRoleText(nRole) {
nSize := DllCall("oleacc\GetRoleText", "Uint", nRole, "Ptr", 0, "Uint", 0)
VarSetCapacity(sRole, (A_IsUnicode?2:1)*nSize)
DllCall("oleacc\GetRoleText", "Uint", nRole, "str", sRole, "Uint", nSize+1)
Return sRole
Acc_GetStateText(nState) {
nSize := DllCall("oleacc\GetStateText", "Uint", nState, "Ptr", 0, "Uint", 0)
VarSetCapacity(sState, (A_IsUnicode?2:1)*nSize)
DllCall("oleacc\GetStateText", "Uint", nState, "str", sState, "Uint", nSize+1)
Return sState
Acc_Role(Acc, ChildId=0) {
try return ComObjType(Acc,"Name")="IAccessible"?Acc_GetRoleText(Acc.accRole(ChildId)):"invalid object"
Acc_State(Acc, ChildId=0) {
try return ComObjType(Acc,"Name")="IAccessible"?Acc_GetStateText(Acc.accState(ChildId)):"invalid object"
Acc_Children(Acc) { ; from
if ComObjType(Acc, "Name") != "IAccessible"
cChildren := Acc.accChildCount, Children := []
if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleChildren"
, "Ptr", ComObjValue(Acc)
, "Int", 0, "Int", cChildren
, "Ptr", VarSetCapacity(varChildren, cChildren * (8 + 2 * A_PtrSize), 0) * 0 + &varChildren
, "Int*", cChildren) = 0
Loop %cChildren%
i := (A_Index - 1) * (A_PtrSize * 2 + 8) + 8
, child := NumGet(varChildren, i)
, Children.Insert(NumGet(varChildren, i - 8) = 9 ? Acc_Query(child) : child)
, NumGet(varChildren, i - 8) = 9 ? ObjRelease(child) : ""
return Children.MaxIndex() ? Children : ""
Acc_Location(Acc, ChildId=0) {
try Acc.accLocation(ComObj(0x4003,&x:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&y:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&w:=0), ComObj(0x4003,&h:=0), ChildId)
return {x:NumGet(x,0,"int"), y:NumGet(y,0,"int"), w:NumGet(w,0,"int"), h:NumGet(h,0,"int")
, pos:"x" NumGet(x,0,"int")" y" NumGet(y,0,"int") " w" NumGet(w,0,"int") " h" NumGet(h,0,"int")}
Acc_Parent(Acc) {
try parent := Acc.accParent
return parent ? Acc_Query(parent) : ""
Acc_Child(Acc, ChildId=0) {
try child := Acc.accChild(ChildId)
return child ? Acc_Query(child) : ""
Acc_Query(Acc) {
try return ComObj(9, ComObjQuery(Acc,"{618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71}"), 1)
Acc_GetStateTextEx(nState) {
static states := [ 0x0,0x1,0x10,0x100,0x10000,0x100000,0x1000000,0x2,0x20,0x200,0x2000
, 0x20000,0x200000,0x2000000,0x20000000,0x4,0x40,0x400,0x4000,0x40000
, 0x400000,0x40000000,0x8,0x80,0x800,0x8000,0x80000,0x800000 ]
for i, n in states
if (nState & n)
out .= Acc_GetStateText(n) ","
return RTrim(out, ",")
Acc_GetStateTextEx2(nState) {
static oState := { ANIMATED:0x4000, BUSY:0x800, CHECKED:0x10, COLLAPSED:0x400, DEFAULT:0x100, EXPANDED:0x200, EXTSELECTABLE:0x2000000
, FOCUSABLE:0x100000, FOCUSED:0x4, HASPOPUP:0x40000000, HOTTRACKED:0x80, INVISIBLE:0x8000, OFFSCREEN:0x10000, LINKED:0x400000
, MARQUEED:0x2000, MIXED:0x20, MOVEABLE:0x40000, MULTISELECTABLE:0x1000000, NORMAL:0x0, PRESSED:0x8, PROTECTED:0x20000000
for k, v in oState
if (nState & v) {
v_hex := Format("{:#x}", v)
out .= Acc_GetStateText(v) " (STATE_SYSTEM_" k " := " v_hex ")`n"
return RTrim(out, "`n")
Acc_GetRoleConstName(nRole) {
return (s := arr[nRole]) ? "ROLE_SYSTEM_" s : ""
Acc_GetRoleInfo(Acc, ChildId) {
nRole := Acc.accRole(ChildId)
return Acc_GetRoleText(nRole) " (" Acc_GetRoleConstName(nRole) " := " nRole ")"
_isWindowDpiAware(hwnd) {
static last := {}
if (hwnd = last.hwnd)
return last.val
DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "ptr", hwnd, "int*", pid)
if (pid =
return last.val, last.hwnd := hwnd
return val := GetProcessDpiAwareness(pid)
, last := {pid: pid, hwnd: hwnd, val: val}
GetProcessDpiAwareness(pid) {
static h := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "Shcore.dll", "ptr")
static GetProcessDpiAwareness := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", h, "astr", "GetProcessDpiAwareness", "ptr")
if hProcess := DllCall("OpenProcess", "uint", 0x0400, "int", false, "uint", pid, "ptr")
DllCall(GetProcessDpiAwareness, "ptr", hProcess, "int*", PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", hProcess)
SelectAcc() {
Acc.accSelect(0x2, ChildId)
GuiControl, Disable, % A_GuiControl
GuiControl,, AccState, % Acc_GetStateTextEx2(Acc.accState(ChildId))
EnableBtnSelect() {
static STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE := 0x200000
b := (Acc.accState(ChildId) & STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTABLE)
&& !(Acc.accState(ChildId) & STATE_SYSTEM_SELECTED)
static last := 0
if (b != last) {
GuiControl, % "Enable" b, StateSelect
last := b
RestoreCursors() {
static SPI_SETCURSORS := 0x57
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt,SPI_SETCURSORS, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0)
; ====================================================================
#If WinActive("ahk_id " Win.Acc) || WinActive("ahk_id " Win.Main)
; ^BackSpace::gotoParentAcc()
; ^Home::gotoRootAcc()
_InputBox(Title:="", oParam := "")
preTDPI := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", -4)
Gui, % Win.Main ":+OwnDialogs -AlwaysOnTop"
InputBox, v, %Title%,,,, % oParam.Height,,,,, % oParam.Default
CancelPressed := ErrorLevel
Gui, % Win.Main ":+AlwaysOnTop"
DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", preTDPI)
return CancelPressed ? "" : v
_error(title, text) {
preTDPI := DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", -4)
Gui, % Win.Main ":+OwnDialogs -AlwaysOnTop"
MsgBox, 48, %title%, %text%
Gui, % Win.Main ":+AlwaysOnTop"
DllCall("SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext", "int", preTDPI)
gotoPath() {
if !inputPath := _InputBox( "Go to path", {height:110, default:g_lastPath} )
inputPath := StrReplace(inputPath, ",", ".")
inputPath := Trim(inputPath, ".")
if !(inputPath ~= "^\d+(\.\d+)*$")
return _error("Go to path", "path invalid")
parentElement := GetRootAcc(acc)
try {
Loop, Parse, inputPath, .
parentElement := AccChildren(parentElement)[A_LoopField]
if !parentElement.accRole(0)
Acc := parentElement, childId := 0
UpdateAccInfo(Acc, childId)
gotoParentAcc() {
if !isRootAcc(Acc)
__updateAcc( Acc_Parent(Acc) )
gotoRootAcc() {
__updateAcc( GetRootAcc(Acc) )
__updateAcc(newAcc, childId := 0) {
if !AccChildren(newAcc)
acc := newAcc
ToggleThreadDpiAwareness( AccWindowFromObject(acc) )
GetAccInfo( {hwnd: Acc_WindowFromObject(acc), acc:acc} )
; UpdateAccInfo(Acc, childId)
; SB_SetText("Path: " (g_lastPath:=GetAccPath(Acc).path), 2)
g_skipTvEvent := true
g_skipTvEvent := false
; isRootAcc(acc) {
; static GA_ROOT := 2
; hWnd := Acc_WindowFromObject(acc)
; hWndRoot := DllCall("GetAncestor", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", GA_ROOT, "ptr")
; return (hWnd = hWndRoot)
; }
isRootAcc(acc) {
static DesktopHwnd := DllCall("GetDesktopWindow", "ptr")
try {
return (Acc_WindowFromObject(Acc_Parent(acc)) = DesktopHwnd)
GetRootAcc(acc) {
static GA_ROOT := 2
hwnd := Acc_WindowFromObject(acc)
hRoot := DllCall("GetAncestor", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", GA_ROOT, "ptr")
return AccObjectFromWindow(hRoot)
GetAccFullPath2(ByRef outCode := "", codeType := "full") {
params := { Value: acc.AccValue(childId)
, Name: acc.AccName(childId)
, Role: acc.accRole(childId)
, State: acc.accState(childId)
, ChildCount: acc.accChildCount
, hWnd: AccWindowFromObject(Acc) }
if SearchElement(accRoot:=GetRootAcc(acc), params, childId, inOutPath, inOutRole)
if IsByRef(outCode)
createSearchCode(outCode, codeType, accRoot, params, childId, inOutPath, inOutRole)
return inOutPath
GetAccPath_Full(Acc) {
static DesktopHwnd := DllCall("GetDesktopWindow", "ptr")
while idx := GetEnumIndex2(Acc) {
ParentAcc := Acc_Parent(Acc)
if !(hwnd := Acc_WindowFromObject(ParentAcc)) || (hwnd = DesktopHwnd)
path := idx "." path
role .= Acc.accRole(0) "."
Acc := ParentAcc
return {AccObj:Acc, Path: RTrim(path, ".")}
GetAccFullPath(ByRef outCode := "", codeType := "full") {
local path, role
static DesktopHwnd := DllCall("GetDesktopWindow", "ptr")
rootHwnd := DllCall("GetAncestor", "ptr", Acc_WindowFromObject(Acc), "uint", GA_ROOT:=2, "ptr")
thisAcc := Acc
while idx := GetEnumIndex2(thisAcc) {
parentAcc := Acc_Parent(thisAcc)
if !(hwnd := Acc_WindowFromObject(parentAcc)) || (hwnd = DesktopHwnd)
path := idx "." path
role .= thisAcc.accRole(0) "."
thisAcc := parentAcc
path := Trim(path, ".")
if (Acc_WindowFromObject(thisAcc) != rootHwnd) {
return GetAccFullPath2(outCode, codeType)
if IsByRef(outCode) {
Sort, role, U D.
role := Trim(role, ".")
params := { Name: Acc.AccName(childId), Role: Acc.accRole(childId) }
createSearchCode(outCode, codeType, thisAcc, params, childId, path, role)
return path
GetEnumIndex2(Acc) {
For Each, child in Acc_Children(p:=Acc_Parent(Acc))
if IsObject(child)
&& (child.accRole(0) = Acc.accRole(0))
&& (child.accName(0) = Acc.accName(0))
&& (child.accState(0) = Acc.accState(0))
&& (child.accValue(0) = Acc.accValue(0))
&& (child.accChildCount = Acc.accChildCount)
&& (Acc_LocationStr(child) = Acc_LocationStr(Acc))
&& (child.accDefaultAction(0) = Acc.accDefaultAction(0))
&& (child.accDescription(0) = Acc.accDescription(0))
&& (child.accHelp(0) = Acc.accHelp(0))
&& (child.accKeyboardShortcut(0) = Acc.accKeyboardShortcut(0))
return A_Index
Acc_LocationStr(Acc, ChildId=0) {
Static x := 0, y := 0, w := 0, h := 0
try Acc.accLocation(ComObj(0x4003,&x), ComObj(0x4003,&y), ComObj(0x4003,&w), ComObj(0x4003,&h), ChildId)
return "x" NumGet(x, 0, "int") " y" NumGet(y, 0, "int") " w" NumGet(w, 0, "int") " h" NumGet(h, 0, "int")
; teadrinker
SearchElement(parentElement, params, childId:=0, ByRef inOutPath:="", ByRef inOutRole:="", _allowRole:="")
if inOutPath {
_accBackup := parentElement
Loop, Parse, inOutPath, `,., %A_Space%%A_Tab%
parentElement := AccChildren(parentElement)[A_LoopField]
found := true
for k, v in params {
try {
switch k {
case "ChildCount": (parentElement.accChildCount != v && found := false)
case "State": (!(parentElement.accState(childId) & v) && found := false)
case "hWnd": (AccWindowFromObject(parentElement) != v && found := false)
default: (parentElement["acc" . k](childId) != v && found := false)
found := false
} until !found
if found
Return parentElement
if _accBackup {
parentElement := _accBackup
if inOutRole {
_allowRole := {}
Loop, Parse, inOutRole, `,., %A_Space%%A_Tab%
_allowRole[A_LoopField] := 1
inOutPath := inOutRole := ""
for k, v in AccChildren(parentElement)
b := !_allowRole || _allowRole.HasKey(v.accRole(0))
if b && (obj := SearchElement(v, params, childId, inOutPath, inOutRole, _allowRole))
if IsByRef(inOutPath)
inOutPath := k . (inOutPath ? "." : "") . inOutPath
if IsByRef(inOutRole) && !(inOutRole ~= "\b" v.accRole(0) "\b")
inOutRole := v.accRole(0) . (inOutRole ? "." : "") . inOutRole
Return obj
AccObjectFromWindow(hWnd, idObject = 0) {
static IID_IDispatch := "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
, IID_IAccessible := "{618736E0-3C3D-11CF-810C-00AA00389B71}"
, h := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "oleacc", "Ptr")
VarSetCapacity(IID, 16), idObject &= 0xFFFFFFFF
DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "Str", idObject = OBJID_NATIVEOM ? IID_IDispatch : IID_IAccessible, "Ptr", &IID)
if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", idObject, "Ptr", &IID, "PtrP", pAcc) = 0
Return ComObject(VT_DISPATCH, pAcc, F_OWNVALUE)
AccWindowFromObject(Acc) {
DllCall("oleacc\WindowFromAccessibleObject", "Ptr", ComObjValue(Acc), "Ptr*", hWnd)
return hWnd
AccChildren(Acc) {
static VT_DISPATCH := 9
Loop 1 {
if ComObjType(Acc, "Name") != "IAccessible" {
error := "Invalid IAccessible Object"
try cChildren := Acc.accChildCount
Return ""
Children := []
VarSetCapacity(varChildren, cChildren*(8 + A_PtrSize*2), 0)
res := DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleChildren", "Ptr", ComObjValue(Acc), "Int", 0
, "Int", cChildren, "Ptr", &varChildren, "IntP", cChildren)
if (res != 0) {
error := "AccessibleChildren DllCall Failed"
Loop % cChildren {
i := (A_Index - 1)*(A_PtrSize*2 + 8)
child := NumGet(varChildren, i + 8)
Children.Push( (b := NumGet(varChildren, i) = VT_DISPATCH) ? AccQuery(child) : child )
( b && ObjRelease(child) )
if error
ErrorLevel := error
Return Children.MaxIndex() ? Children : ""
AccQuery(Acc) {
static IAccessible := "{618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71}", VT_DISPATCH := 9, F_OWNVALUE := 1
try Return ComObject(VT_DISPATCH, ComObjQuery(Acc, IAccessible), F_OWNVALUE)
; =================================================================
createSearchCode(ByRef outCode, codeType, parentElement, params, childId, inOutPath, inOutRole) {
if !(codeType ~= "i)full|single|parameters")
WinGetTitle, title, % "ahk_id " (hWnd := Acc_WindowFromObject(parentElement))
WinGet, exeName, ProcessName, ahk_id %hWnd%
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %hWnd%
for k, v in params {
if !(k ~= "i)State|ChildCount|hWnd|Value") {
q := (k ~= "i)Name|Value") ? """" : ""
v := (k = "Role") ? "(" Acc_GetRoleConstName(v) ":=" v ")" : v
strParams .= k ":" q StrReplace(v, "`n", "``n") q ", "
strParams := "{" RTrim(strParams, ", ") "}"
if (codeType = "single") {
outCode = accFound := SearchElement(accParent, %strParams%, %childId%, "%inOutPath%", "%inOutRole%")
if (codeType = "parameters") {
outCode = %strParams%, %childId%, "%inOutPath%", "%inOutRole%"
if (a := acc.accDefaultAction(childId))
code_DoDefaultAction = accFound.accDoDefaultAction(%childId%) `;%a%
if (class = "Chrome_WidgetWin_1")
code_WM_GETOBJECT := "SendMessage, 0x003D, 0, 1 `;WM_GETOBJECT"
code_part1 =
(LTrim Join`r`n
SetBatchLines, -1
if !hwnd := WinExist("%title% ahk_exe %exeName% ahk_class %class%")
%A_Tab%throw "window not found"
accRoot := AccObjectFromWindow(hwnd)
if !accFound := SearchElement(accRoot, %strParams%, %childId%, "%inOutPath%", "%inOutRole%")
%A_Tab%throw "element not found"
MsgBox, `% accFound.accName(%childId%)
code_part2 =
(% Join`r`n
SearchElement(parentElement, params, childId:=0, ByRef inOutPath:="", ByRef inOutRole:="")
_inOutRole := inOutRole
if accFound := _SearchElement(parentElement, params, childId, inOutPath, inOutRole)
return accFound
if _inOutRole
return _SearchElement(parentElement, params, childId, inOutPath, inOutRole := "")
_SearchElement(parentElement, params, childId:=0, ByRef inOutPath:="", ByRef inOutRole:="", _allowRole:="")
if inOutPath {
_accBackup := parentElement
Loop, Parse, inOutPath, `,., %A_Space%%A_Tab%
parentElement := AccChildren(parentElement)[A_LoopField]
found := true
for k, v in params {
try {
switch k {
case "ChildCount": (parentElement.accChildCount != v && found := false)
case "State": (!(parentElement.accState(childId) & v) && found := false)
case "NameRegEx": (!(parentElement.accName(childId) ~= v) && found := false)
default: (parentElement["acc" . k](childId) != v && found := false)
found := false
} until !found
if found
Return parentElement
if _accBackup {
parentElement := _accBackup
if inOutRole {
_allowRole := {}
Loop, Parse, inOutRole, `,., %A_Space%%A_Tab%
_allowRole[A_LoopField] := 1
inOutPath := inOutRole := ""
for k, v in AccChildren(parentElement)
b := !_allowRole || _allowRole.HasKey(v.accRole(0))
if b && (obj := _SearchElement(v, params, childId, inOutPath, inOutRole, _allowRole))
if IsByRef(inOutPath)
inOutPath := k . (inOutPath ? "." : "") . inOutPath
if IsByRef(inOutRole) && !(inOutRole ~= "\b" v.accRole(0) "\b")
inOutRole := v.accRole(0) . (inOutRole ? "." : "") . inOutRole
Return obj
AccObjectFromWindow(hWnd, idObject = 0) {
static IID_IDispatch := "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
, IID_IAccessible := "{618736E0-3C3D-11CF-810C-00AA00389B71}"
, h := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "oleacc", "Ptr")
VarSetCapacity(IID, 16), idObject &= 0xFFFFFFFF
DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "Str", idObject = OBJID_NATIVEOM ? IID_IDispatch : IID_IAccessible, "Ptr", &IID)
if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", idObject, "Ptr", &IID, "PtrP", pAcc) = 0
Return ComObject(VT_DISPATCH, pAcc, F_OWNVALUE)
AccChildren(Acc) {
static VT_DISPATCH := 9
Loop 1 {
if ComObjType(Acc, "Name") != "IAccessible" {
error := "Invalid IAccessible Object"
try cChildren := Acc.accChildCount
Return ""
Children := []
VarSetCapacity(varChildren, cChildren*(8 + A_PtrSize*2), 0)
res := DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleChildren", "Ptr", ComObjValue(Acc), "Int", 0
, "Int", cChildren, "Ptr", &varChildren, "IntP", cChildren)
if (res != 0) {
error := "AccessibleChildren DllCall Failed"
Loop % cChildren {
i := (A_Index - 1)*(A_PtrSize*2 + 8)
child := NumGet(varChildren, i + 8)
Children.Push( (b := NumGet(varChildren, i) = VT_DISPATCH) ? AccQuery(child) : child )
( b && ObjRelease(child) )
if error
ErrorLevel := error
Return Children.MaxIndex() ? Children : ""
AccQuery(Acc) {
static IAccessible := "{618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71}", VT_DISPATCH := 9, F_OWNVALUE := 1
try Return ComObject(VT_DISPATCH, ComObjQuery(Acc, IAccessible), F_OWNVALUE)
outCode := code_part1 . code_part2
outCode := StrReplace(outCode, "`r`n`r`n`r`n", "`r`n",, 1)
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