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Last active January 26, 2024 19:38
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url:= ""
localFilePath:= "TestWhr.jpg"
FileDelete % localFilePath
DownLoader := ComObjCreate("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
DownLoader.url := url, moreDataAvailable:= 1
Whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
Events := new IWinHttpRequestEvents(Whr, Func("ReceiveData").Bind(localFilePath, Stop := [false]))
Whr.Open("GET", url, true)
Whr.SetRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache")
While (!FileExist(localFilePath) || A_Index > 20)
Sleep, 300
Stop[1] := true
DownLoader := ""
Sleep, 300
Events := ""
Whr := ""
SoundBeep, 800
SoundBeep, 400
;- function from user 'teadrinker' ReceiveData/CLSIDFromString
ReceiveData(filePath, Stop, pData, length, moreDataAvailable) {
static File := ""
if (pData = "error") {
MsgBox, 16, Error, % "Error number: " . length . "`nDescription: " . moreDataAvailable
if !File
File := FileOpen(filePath, "w")
if !Stop[1]
File.RawWrite(pData + 0, length)
if (Stop[1] || !moreDataAvailable)
class IWinHttpRequestEvents
{ ;
__New(Whr, UserFunc) {
this.UserFunc := UserFunc
Status[] {
get {
Return this.Info.status
_CreateInterface() {
static Methods := [ {name: "QueryInterface" , paramCount: 3}
, {name: "AddRef" , paramCount: 1}
, {name: "Release" , paramCount: 1}
, {name: "OnResponseStart" , paramCount: 3}
, {name: "OnResponseDataAvailable", paramCount: 2}
, {name: "OnResponseFinished" , paramCount: 1}
, {name: "OnError" , paramCount: 3} ]
this.SetCapacity("vtable", A_PtrSize*(Methods.Count() + 1))
pVtable := this.GetAddress("vtable")
this.SetCapacity("IUnknown", A_PtrSize)
NumPut(pVtable, this.GetAddress("IUnknown"))
this.Info := {refOffset: A_PtrSize * Methods.Count(), UserFunc: this.UserFunc}
this.EventInst := new this.Events(this.Info)
this.EventInst.Info := this.Info
this.Callbacks := []
for k, v in Methods {
Callback := new this.BoundFuncCallback( ObjBindMethod(this.EventInst,, v.paramCount, "Fast" )
NumPut(Callback.addr, pVtable + A_PtrSize*(k - 1))
NumPut(0, pVtable + this.Info.refOffset)
_ConnectInterface(Whr) {
; IConnectionPointContainer, IConnectionPoint — OCIdl.h
; IWinHttpRequestEvents — httprequest.idl
static IID_IConnectionPointContainer := "{B196B284-BAB4-101A-B69C-00AA00341D07}"
, IID_IWinHttpRequestEvents := "{F97F4E15-B787-4212-80D1-D380CBBF982E}"
pICPC := pIConnectionPointContainer := ComObjQuery(Whr, IID_IConnectionPointContainer)
riid := CLSIDFromString(IID_IWinHttpRequestEvents, _)
; IConnectionPointContainer::FindConnectionPoint
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pICPC + 0) + A_PtrSize*4), "Ptr", pICPC, "Ptr", riid, "PtrP", pIConnectionPoint)
ObjRelease(pICPC), pICP := pIConnectionPoint
; IConnectionPoint::Advise
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pICP + 0) + A_PtrSize*5), "Ptr", pICP, "Ptr", this.GetAddress("IUnknown"), "UIntP", cookie)
this.pICP := pICP, this.cookie := cookie
__Delete() {
; IConnectionPoint::Unadvise
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(this.pICP + 0) + A_PtrSize*6), "Ptr", this.pICP, "UInt", this.cookie)
this.SetCapacity("vtable", 0), this.Delete("vtable")
class Events {
QueryInterface(pIWinHttpRequestEvents, riid, ppvObject) {
static IID_IUnknown := "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
, IID_IWinHttpRequestEvents := "{F97F4E15-B787-4212-80D1-D380CBBF982E}"
, E_NOINTERFACE := 0x80004002, S_OK := 0, _, __
, p1 := CLSIDFromString(IID_IUnknown , _)
, p2 := CLSIDFromString(IID_IWinHttpRequestEvents, __)
if !( DllCall("Ole32\IsEqualGUID", "Ptr", riid, "Ptr", p1)
|| DllCall("Ole32\IsEqualGUID", "Ptr", riid, "Ptr", p2) )
{ ; if riid doesn't match IID_IUnknown nor IID_IWinHttpRequestEvents
NumPut(0, ppvObject + 0)
else {
NumPut(pIWinHttpRequestEvents, ppvObject + 0)
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(ppvObject + 0) + A_PtrSize), "Ptr", ppvObject)
Return S_OK
AddRef(pIWinHttpRequestEvents) {
refOffset := NumGet(pIWinHttpRequestEvents + 0) + this.Info.refOffset
NumPut(refCount := NumGet(refOffset + 0, "UInt") + 1, refOffset, "UInt")
Return refCount
Release(pIWinHttpRequestEvents) {
refOffset := NumGet(pIWinHttpRequestEvents + 0) + this.Info.refOffset
NumPut(refCount := NumGet(refOffset + 0, "UInt") - 1, refOffset, "UInt")
Return refCount
OnResponseStart(pIWinHttpRequestEvents, status, pType) {
; type := StrGet(pType)
this.Info.status := status
this.Info.start := true
OnResponseDataAvailable(pIWinHttpRequestEvents, ppSafeArray) {
pSafeArray := NumGet(ppSafeArray + 0)
pData := NumGet(pSafeArray + 8 + A_PtrSize)
length := NumGet(pSafeArray + 8 + A_PtrSize*2, "UInt")
this.Info.UserFunc.Call(pData, length, true)
OnResponseFinished(pIWinHttpRequestEvents) {
this.Info.UserFunc.Call(0, 0, false)
OnError(pIWinHttpRequestEvents, errorNumber, pErrorDescription) {
this.Info.UserFunc.Call("error", errorNumber, StrGet(pErrorDescription))
class BoundFuncCallback
__New(BoundFuncObj, paramCount, options := "") {
this.pInfo := Object( {BoundObj: BoundFuncObj, paramCount: paramCount} )
this.addr := RegisterCallback(this.__Class . "._Callback", options, paramCount, this.pInfo)
__Delete() {
DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr", this.addr, "Ptr")
_Callback(Params*) {
Info := Object(A_EventInfo), Args := []
Loop % Info.paramCount
Args.Push( NumGet(Params + A_PtrSize*(A_Index - 2)) )
Return Info.BoundObj.Call(Args*)
CLSIDFromString(IID, ByRef CLSID) {
VarSetCapacity(CLSID, 16, 0)
if res := DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "WStr", IID, "Ptr", &CLSID, "UInt")
throw Exception("CLSIDFromString failed. Error: " . Format("{:#x}", res))
Return &CLSID
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