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Last active August 22, 2023 09:09
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Create excel file from array or listview
CreateByArray(outputFile, arr)
CreateByHLV(outputFile, HLV, Obj_LV_Colors := "", IncludeLvHeader := false)
HLV - Listview hwnd
Obj_LV_Colors - Created by using 'New LV_Colors(HLV)'
v1.05 (2017-8-17) - Added "Column AutoFit"; Added .xls file support
v1.04 (2016-12-9) - 'IncludeLvHeader' option now doesn't need to change default listview
v1.03 (2016-12-9) - Added support for LV_Colors's AlternateRows/AlternateCols
- Added 'IncludeLvHeader' option
v1.02 (2016-12-8) - Fixed some color bugs
v1.01 (2016-12-8) - Added support for saving listview cell colors
Class Excel {
CreateByArray(outputFile, arr, colCount="") {
this.Array_To_SafeArray(arr, SafeArray, colCount)
this.SafeArray_To_Excel(SafeArray, outputFile)
CreateByHLV(outputFile, HLV, Obj_LV_Colors := "", IncludeLvHeader := false) {
ControlGet, lvData, List,,, ahk_id %HLV%
ControlGet, rowCount, List, Count,, ahk_id %HLV%
ControlGet, colCount, List, Count Col,, ahk_id %HLV%
SafeArray := ComObjArray(VT_VARIANT:=12, rowCount, colCount)
Loop, Parse, lvData, `n, `r
row := A_Index - 1
Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, %A_Tab%
SafeArray[row, A_Index-1] := A_LoopField
this.HLV := HLV
this.SafeArray_To_Excel(SafeArray, outputFile, Obj_LV_Colors, IncludeLvHeader)
Class ApplyColors
DoIt(SafeArray, oExcel, Obj_LV_Colors) {
if !IsObject(Obj_LV_Colors)
sheet := oExcel.ActiveSheet
this.rowCount := SafeArray.MaxIndex(1) + 1
this.colCount := SafeArray.MaxIndex(2) + 1
this.Handle_AlternateRows(Obj_LV_Colors, sheet)
this.Handle_Rows(Obj_LV_Colors, sheet)
this.Handle_AlternateCols(Obj_LV_Colors, sheet)
this.Handle_Cells(Obj_LV_Colors, sheet)
Handle_AlternateRows(Obj_LV_Colors, sheet) {
if !Obj_LV_Colors.AltRows || (this.rowCount < 2)
Loop, % this.rowCount {
if !Mod(A_Index, 2) && !Obj_LV_Colors.Rows.HasKey(A_Index) {
cell1 := sheet.Cells(A_Index, 1)
cell2 := sheet.Cells(A_Index, this.colCount)
if Obj_LV_Colors.HasKey("ARB")
try sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).Interior.Color := Obj_LV_Colors.ARB
if Obj_LV_Colors.HasKey("ART")
try sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).Font.Color := Obj_LV_Colors.ART
Handle_AlternateCols(Obj_LV_Colors, sheet) {
if !Obj_LV_Colors.AltCols || (this.colCount < 2)
Loop, % this.colCount {
if !Mod(A_Index, 2) {
cell1 := sheet.Cells(1, A_Index)
cell2 := sheet.Cells(this.rowCount, A_Index)
if Obj_LV_Colors.HasKey("ACB")
try sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).Interior.Color := Obj_LV_Colors.ACB
if Obj_LV_Colors.HasKey("ACT")
try sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).Font.Color := Obj_LV_Colors.ACT
Handle_Rows(Obj_LV_Colors, sheet) {
For nRow, oColor in Obj_LV_Colors.Rows {
if Obj_LV_Colors.IsStatic {
nRow := this.MapIDToIndex(nRow, Obj_LV_Colors.HWND)
cell1 := sheet.Cells(nRow, 1)
cell2 := sheet.Cells(nRow, this.colCount)
if oColor.HasKey("B")
try sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).Interior.Color := oColor.B
if oColor.HasKey("T")
try sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).Font.Color := oColor.T
Handle_Cells(Obj_LV_Colors, sheet) {
For nRow, oCols in Obj_LV_Colors.Cells {
if Obj_LV_Colors.IsStatic {
nRow := this.MapIDToIndex(nRow, Obj_LV_Colors.HWND)
For nCol, oColor in oCols {
if oColor.HasKey("B")
try sheet.Cells(nRow, nCol).Interior.Color := oColor.B
if oColor.HasKey("T")
try sheet.Cells(nRow, nCol).Font.Color := oColor.T
MapIDToIndex(ID, HWND) {
SendMessage, 0x10B5, % ID, 0, , % "ahk_id " . HWND ; LVM_MAPIDTOINDEX
Return ErrorLevel + 1
Array_To_SafeArray(arr, ByRef SafeArray, colCount="") {
rowCount := arr.MaxIndex()
If !colCount
colCount := IsObject(arr.1) ? arr.1.MaxIndex() : 1
SafeArray := ComObjArray(VT_VARIANT:=12, rowCount, colCount)
Loop, % arr.MaxIndex()
row := A_Index - 1
If IsObject( subArr := arr[A_Index] )
Loop, % subArr.MaxIndex()
SafeArray[row, A_Index-1] := subArr[A_Index]
SafeArray[row, 0] := arr[A_Index]
SafeArray_To_Excel(SafeArray, ExcelFile, Obj_LV_Colors="", IncludeLvHeader=false) {
If !InStr(ExcelFile, ":") ; Ensure is fullpath
ExcelFile := A_ScriptDir "\" ExcelFile
xl := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application")
xl.DisplayAlerts := False
rowCount := SafeArray.MaxIndex(1) + 1
colCount := SafeArray.MaxIndex(2) + 1
sheet := xl.activeSheet
cell1 := sheet.cells(1, 1)
cell2 := sheet.cells(rowCount, colCount)
sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).NumberFormatLocal := "@" ; Set format to Text
sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).value := SafeArray
col_start := sheet.Columns(1)
col_end := sheet.Columns(colCount)
sheet.Range(col_start, col_end).EntireColumn.AutoFit
if Obj_LV_Colors {
this.ApplyColors.DoIt(SafeArray, xl, Obj_LV_Colors)
if IncludeLvHeader {
cell1 := sheet.cells(1, 1)
cell2 := sheet.cells(1, colCount)
sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).value := this.Build_LvHdr_SafeArr(colCount)
sheet.Range(cell1, cell2).Font.Bold := true
if (ExcelFile ~= "i)\.xls$")
XlFileFormat := 56 ; xlExcel8
XlFileFormat := 51 ; xlWorkbookDefault
sheet.SaveAs(ExcelFile, XlFileFormat)
Build_LvHdr_SafeArr(colCount) {
SafeArray_Hdr := ComObjArray(VT_VARIANT:=12, 1, colCount)
Loop %colCount% {
SafeArray_Hdr[0, A_Index-1] := this.LV_GetHeaderText(this.HLV, A_Index)
return SafeArray_Hdr
LV_GetHeaderText(hwndLV, ColumnNumber) {
static LVM_GETHEADER := 0x101F
, HDM_GETITEM := A_IsUnicode ? 0x120B : 0x1203 ; HDM_GETITEMW : HDM_GETITEMA
, HDI_TEXT := 0x0002
SendMessage, LVM_GETHEADER, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hwndLV%
if !(hWndHeader := ErrorLevel)
VarSetCapacity(hdi, 48, 0)
VarSetCapacity(HDITEMTEXT, 1024 * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), 0)
NumPut(HDI_TEXT, hdi, 0, "UInt")
NumPut(&HDITEMTEXT, hdi, 8, "Ptr")
NumPut(1024, hdi, 8 + (A_PtrSize * 2), "Int")
SendMessage, HDM_GETITEM, ColumnNumber-1, &hdi,, ahk_id %hWndHeader%
return StrGet( NumGet(hdi, 8) )
#Include Class_Excel.ahk
arr := [ ["Programming Language", "URL"]
, ["AutoHotkey", ""]
, ["FreeBASIC", ""]
, ["newLISP", ""]
, ["LÖVE", ""]
, ["aardio", ""] ]
Excel.CreateByArray("test.xlsx", arr)
#Include Class_Excel.ahk
Gui, Add, ListView, w500 h200 Grid HwndHLV, Colum1|Colum2|Colum3
Loop, 5
LV_Add("", A_Index "-1", A_Index "-2", A_Index "-3")
Gui, Add, Button, , ExportToExcel
Gui, Show
Excel.CreateByHLV("HLV.xlsx", HLV)
#Include, <Class_LV_Colors> ;
#Include Class_Excel.ahk
Gui, Add, ListView, w400 r10 hwndHLV, aaaaaaa|bbbbbbb|cccc
Loop, 5
LV_Add("", "Col1" A_Index, "Col2" A_Index, "Col3" A_Index)
CLV := New LV_Colors(HLV)
CLV.Row(2, 0x92F7F6)
CLV.Cell(2, 2,, 0xff0000)
CLV.Cell(3, 2, 0xff0000)
CLV.AlternateCols(0xFBE99C, 0xF8930F)
CLV.AlternateRows(0xD6FBD6, 0xF80F0F)
Gui, Show
Excel.CreateByHLV("color.xlsx", HLV, CLV, true)
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