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Last active June 5, 2016 01:09
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Save tmplt/456d21f1e14da037645f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Programming-fit Report Preamble

P^3 - Programming-fit Report Preamble

A decent report preamble, fit for programming-related topics. Big thanks to #latex on Freenode and various threads for the help.

How do I compile this?

Dependencies that aren't LaTeX packages:

For actual compilation, I highly recommend latexmk, which handles LaTeX packages.

"Holy smokes! This code is fugly, repetetive, and doesn't employ any code standards!"


% vim: set nospell
% Some more actual space, LaTeX's default is rather small
\usepackage[margin = 0.75in]{geometry}
% T1 required by Linux Libertine
\usepackage[colorlinks = true,
urlcolor = blue,
citecolor = black,
linkcolor = black,
pdfauthor = {Author\ Name},
pdftitle = {placeholder\ title},
pdfsubject = {placeholder\ subject}]{hyperref}
% --------------- Glossary and glossary-related settings -------------- %
\usepackage[nopostdot, % No full-stop dot.
nonumberlist, % No reference number in glossary
acronym, % For acronyms in a seperate list
toc, % Include in table of contents
section=subsubsection, % Make the glossaries a subsubsection
numberedsection % and give them numbers
\setglossarystyle{altlist} % Descriptions on a newline
% --------------- END -------------- %
% -------------------- Code snippets (with minted) -------------------- %
\usepackage{fontspec} % To select a new monospace font.
\setmonofont{Consolas} % Required ttf-vista-fonts
% Required for minted
\setmintedinline{ %
\setminted[c++]{ %
linenos=true, % Line numbers
autogobble=true, % Automatically remove common whitespace
% Ugh
% Here be dragons
\hbox to\z@{\hss\theFancyVerbLine\kern\FV@NumberSep}%
\hbox to\z@{\hss\theFancyVerbLine\kern\FV@NumberSep}%
% Placebo or not? No clue.
\graphicspath{ {assets/} }
% -------------------- Bib LaTeX -------------------- %
% Holy shit, more dragons!
%% These ones puts a period after authors in the bibliography
% -------------------- -------------------- %
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