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Last active September 16, 2019 04:02
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2d-pbd experiment - run with budo
const ctx = require('fc')(render, 1)
const center = require('ctx-translate-center')
const {vec2, vec3, mat2, mat3 } = require('gl-matrix')
const renderGrid = require('ctx-render-grid-lines')
const segseg = require('segseg')
const ndarray = require('ndarray')
const raySlab = require('ray-aabb-slab')
const particles = []
const constraints = []
const v2scratch = [0, 0]
const constraintMap = {
distance(constraint) {
const a = particles[constraint.pair[0]]
const b = particles[constraint.pair[1]]
if (!a || !b) {
const dir = [0, 0]
vec2.normalize(dir, vec2.subtract(dir, a, b))
// TODO: currently we only support particles with mass=1
const massSum = 2.0;
const d = vec2.distance(a, b)
// TODO: we should probably return some sort of encoding here so we can
// constrain against multiple things, but for the time being we'll
// just blindly apply a transformation immediately in a pairwise
// fashion
var delta = 0.0
if (d < constraint.value) {
delta = constraint.compressionStiffness * (d - constraint.value) / massSum;
} else {
delta = constraint.stretchStiffness * (d - constraint.value) / massSum;
// TODO: this is where we'd apply the mass
vec2.subtract(v2scratch, a, vec2.set(v2scratch, dir[0] * delta, dir[1] * delta))
grid.moveParticle(constraint.pair[0], v2scratch)
vec2.add(v2scratch, b, vec2.set(v2scratch, dir[0] * delta, dir[1] * delta))
grid.moveParticle(constraint.pair[1], v2scratch)
fixed(c) {
grid.moveParticle(c.pair[0], c.value)
// point on line works
pointOnLine(c) {
const point = particles[c.pair[0]]
const start = particles[c.pair[1]]
const end = particles[c.pair[2]]
const px = point[0]
const py = point[1]
const x1 = start[0]
const y1 = start[1]
const x2 = end[0]
const y2 = end[1]
const stiffness = c.stiffness
var dx = x2 - x1;
var dy = y2 - y1;
var m = dy / dx; //Slope
var n = dx / dy; //1/Slope
var dx = 0.0;
var dy = 0.0;
if(m <= 1 && m >= -1) {
//Calculate the expected y point given the x coordinate of the point
const y = y1 + m * (px - x1);
dx = y - py;
v2scratch[0] = y
} else {
const x = x1 + n * (py - y1);
var dx = x - px;
v2scratch[0] = x
// TODO: in order for this to work we have to move each point to be
// on the line. I think the two endpoints move less than the center
// v2scratch[0] = point[0] + dx// * 0.75
// v2scratch[1] = point[1] + dy// * 0.75
grid.moveParticle(c.pair[0], v2scratch)
// v2scratch[0] = start[0] + dx * 0.125
// v2scratch[1] = start[1] + dy * 0.125
// grid.moveParticle(c.pair[1], v2scratch)
// v2scratch[0] = end[0] + dx * 0.125
// v2scratch[1] = end[1] + dy * 0.125
// grid.moveParticle(c.pair[2], v2scratch)
var dragConstraint = null
const particleRadius = 10.0;
const mouse = [0, 0];
var hoveredParticle = -1
var dragParticle = null
const floor = Math.floor
const oldPosScratch = [0, 0]
const grid = {
array: ndarray([], [64, 64]),
cellSize: particleRadius,
newParticle(pos) {
const idx = particles.length
this.add(idx, pos)
return idx
add(index) {
const pos = particles[index]
var v = this.cell(pos)
if (!v) {
v = []
this.cell(pos, v)
cell(pos, v) {
if (v) {
return this.array.set(
floor(pos[0]/this.cellSize + this.array.shape[0]/2),
floor(pos[1]/this.cellSize + this.array.shape[1]/2),
} else {
return this.array.get(
floor(pos[0]/this.cellSize + this.array.shape[0]/2),
floor(pos[1]/this.cellSize + this.array.shape[1]/2)
remove(index, pos) {
//const pos = particles[index]
const v = this.cell(pos)
if (!v) {
const idx = v.indexOf(index)
if (!Array.isArray(v) || idx === -1) {
v.splice(idx, 1)
moveParticle(index, newPos) {
const pos = particles[index]
const sameCell = floor(pos[0]) === floor(newPos[0]) && floor(pos[1]) === floor(newPos[1])
oldPosScratch[0] = pos[0]
oldPosScratch[1] = pos[1]
pos[0] = newPos[0]
pos[1] = newPos[1]
if (sameCell) {
this.remove(index, oldPosScratch)
const camera = require('ctx-camera')(ctx, window, {
mousemove(e, defaultFn) {
// make sure we keep tracking this.mouse state!
if (!dragParticle) {
// particles[][1] = mouse[1] + dragParticle.offset[1]
// particles[][0] = mouse[0] + dragParticle.offset[0]
dragConstraint.value[0] = mouse[0] + dragParticle.offset[0]
dragConstraint.value[1] = mouse[1] + dragParticle.offset[1]
mousedown(e, defaultFn) {
if (hoveredParticle < 0 || dragConstraint) {
return defaultFn(e)
const p = particles[hoveredParticle]
dragParticle = {
id: hoveredParticle,
offset: [
p[0] - mouse[0],
p[1] - mouse[1]
dragConstraint = {
pair: [hoveredParticle],
type: 'fixed',
value: [mouse[0], mouse[1]],
strenth: 10000
mouseup(e, defaultFn) {
dragParticle = null
dragConstraint = null
const TAU = Math.PI*2
const lineTo = ctx.lineTo.bind(ctx)
const moveTo = ctx.moveTo.bind(ctx)
const arc = ctx.arc.bind(ctx)
const translate = ctx.translate.bind(ctx)
const view = mat3.create()
const model = mat3.create()
const invModel = mat3.create()
const v2tmp = vec2.create()
const v2tmp2 = vec2.create()
const v2dir = vec2.create()
const v2offset = vec2.create()
const v2gridPos = vec2.create()
var dims = [8, 8]
var spacing = particleRadius;
const cornerDist = vec2.length([particleRadius, particleRadius])
const strength = 1.0
const solids = []
for (var y = 0; y<5; y++) {
var start = particles.length
var end = start-1
for (var x = 0; x<spacing*10; x+=spacing) {
(1) (2)
(0) (3)
grid.newParticle([x, y * spacing*3])
grid.newParticle([x, y * spacing*3 + spacing])
solids.push([start, end])
for (var l = start; l<particles.length; l++) {
if (l < particles.length - 2 && l-start >= 0) {
addTriangleConstraint(l + 0, l + 1, l + 2)
if (l-start > 1) {
addTriangleConstraint(l + 0, l + 1, l - 2)
if (l-start > 2) {
addTriangleConstraint(l, l - 2, l - 1)
if (l % 2 === 1) {
addTriangleConstraint(l, l - 3, l - 2)
} else if (l < particles.length - 2) {
addTriangleConstraint(l, l + 3, l + 1)
function addTriangleConstraint(tp1, tp2, tp3) {
const p0 = particles[tp1]
const p1 = particles[tp2]
const p2 = particles[tp3]
const eps = 0.0000001
function setup() {
const a = p1[0] - p0[0];
const b = p2[0] - p0[0];
const c = p1[1] - p0[1];
const d = p2[1] - p0[1];
// inverse
const det = a*d - b*c
if (Math.abs(det) < eps) {
console.warn("det", det, tp1, tp2, tp3)
return false
const s = 1.0 / det;
return mat2.fromValues(
d * s,
-b * s,
-c * s,
a * s
const invRestMat = setup()
if (!invRestMat) {
return console.warn("addTriangleConstraint: could not compute invRestMat")
invRestMat.get = function(x, y) {
return invRestMat[x * 2 + y]
// scratch for fn
const c = [vec2.create(), vec2.create()]
const d = [vec3.create(), vec3.create(), vec3.create()];
const r = [vec2.create(), vec2.create(), vec2.create()]
const corr0 = vec3.create()
const corr1 = vec3.create()
const corr2 = vec3.create()
const tmat3 = mat3.create()
const v3scratch = vec3.create()
const invMass0 = 10.0
const invMass1 = 10.0
const invMass2 = 10.0
const normalizeStretch = true
const normalizeShear = true
const xxStiffness = 1.0
const xyStiffness = 1.0
const yyStiffness = 1.0
function clean(v2) {
if (Math.abs(v2[0]) < eps) {
v2[0] = 0.0
if (Math.abs(v2[1]) < eps) {
v2[1] = 0.0
return v2
pair: [tp1, tp2, tp3],
type: 'distance',
value: particleRadius*2,
compressionStiffness: strength,
stretchStiffness: strength,
fn() {
vec2.set(c[0], invRestMat.get(0, 0), invRestMat.get(1, 0))
vec2.set(c[1], invRestMat.get(0, 1), invRestMat.get(1, 1))
vec3.set(corr0, 0, 0, 0)
vec3.set(corr1, 0, 0, 0)
vec3.set(corr2, 0, 0, 0)
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
(p1[0] + corr1[0]) - (p0[0] + corr0[0]),
(p2[0] + corr2[0]) - (p0[0] + corr0[0])
(p1[1] + corr1[1]) - (p0[1] + corr0[1]),
(p2[1] + corr2[1]) - (p0[1] + corr0[1])
// vec2.set(r[2],
// (p1[2] + corr1[2]) - (p0[2] + corr0[2]),
// (p2[2] + corr2[2]) - (p0[2] + corr0[2])
// );
var Sij = 0.0;
for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
Sij +=[k], c[i]) *[k], c[j]);
vec3.set(d[0], 0, 0, 0)
for (var k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
var ki = invRestMat.get(k, i)
var kj = invRestMat.get(k, j)
([0], c[j]) * ki) + ([0], c[i]) * kj),
([1], c[j]) * ki) + ([1], c[i]) * kj),
([2], c[j]) * ki) + ([2], c[i]) * kj)
vec2.subtract(d[0], d[0], d[k+1]);
if (i != j && normalizeShear) {
var fi2 = 0.0
var fj2 = 0.0
for (var k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
fi2 +=[k], c[i]) *[k], c[i]);
fj2 +=[k], c[j]) *[k], c[j]);
var fi = Math.sqrt(fi2);
var fj = Math.sqrt(fj2);
vec3.set(d[0], 0, 0, 0)
var s = Sij / (fi2*fi*fj2*fj);
for (var k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
vec3.scale(d[k+1], d[k+1], 1.0 / fi * fj);
// d[k+1] -= fj*fj * Vector3r(r[0].dot(c[i]), r[1].dot(c[i]), r[2].dot(c[i])) * invRestMat(k, i) * s;
vec3.subtract(d[k+1], d[k+1], vec3.set(v3scratch,
fj*fj *[0], c[i]) * invRestMat.get(k, i) * s,
fj*fj *[1], c[i]) * invRestMat.get(k, i) * s,
fj*fj *[2], c[i]) * invRestMat.get(k, i) * s
// d[k+1] -= fi*fi * Vector3r(r[0].dot(c[j]), r[1].dot(c[j]), r[2].dot(c[j])) * invRestMat(k, j) * s;
vec3.subtract(d[k+1], d[k+1], vec3.set(v3scratch,
fj*fj *[0], c[j]) * invRestMat.get(k, j) * s,
fj*fj *[1], c[j]) * invRestMat.get(k, j) * s,
fj*fj *[2], c[j]) * invRestMat.get(k, j) * s
vec3.subtract(d[0], d[0], d[k+1]);
Sij = Sij / (fi * fj);
var lambda =
invMass0 * vec3.squaredLength(d[0]) +
invMass1 * vec3.squaredLength(d[1]) +
invMass2 * vec3.squaredLength(d[2]);
if (lambda == 0.0) {
if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
if (normalizeStretch) {
var s = Math.sqrt(Sij);
lambda = 2.0 * s * (s - 1.0) / lambda * xxStiffness;
else {
lambda = (Sij - 1.0) / lambda * xxStiffness;
else if (i == 1 && j == 1) {
if (normalizeStretch) {
var s = Math.sqrt(Sij);
lambda = 2.0 * s * (s - 1.0) / lambda * yyStiffness;
else {
lambda = (Sij - 1.0) / lambda * yyStiffness;
else {
lambda = Sij / lambda * xyStiffness;
(corr0[0] - lambda * invMass0 * d[0][0]) / 2.0,
(corr0[1] - lambda * invMass0 * d[0][1]) / 2.0
(corr1[0] - lambda * invMass1 * d[1][0]) / 2.0,
(corr1[1] - lambda * invMass1 * d[1][1]) / 2.0
(corr2[0] - lambda * invMass2 * d[2][0]) / 2.0,
(corr2[1] - lambda * invMass2 * d[2][1]) / 2.0
vec2.add(p0, p0, clean(corr0))
vec2.add(p1, p1, clean(corr1))
vec2.add(p2, p2, clean(corr2))
// TODO: apply the correction to the particles
function collectContactConstraints() {
var contactConstraints = []
for (var i=0; i<particles.length; i++) {
for (var j=i+1; j<particles.length; j++) {
pair: [i, j],
type: 'distance',
value: particleRadius,
compressionStiffness: 1.0,
stretchStiffness: 0
// TODO: this is only slightly more optimal, but breaks due to not looking at
// neighboring cells
// var contactConstraints = []
// for (var x=0; x<grid.array.shape[0]; x++) {
// for (var y=0; y<grid.array.shape[1]; y++) {
// var v = grid.array.get(x, y)
// if (!v || !v.length) {
// continue
// }
// // TODO: this is a stupid slow hack
// for (var i=0; i<v.length; i++) {
// var firstIdx = v[i]
// for (var j=i+1; j<v.length; j++) {
// contactConstraints.push({
// pair: [firstIdx, v[j]],
// type: 'distance',
// value: particleRadius,
// compressionStiffness: 1.0,
// stretchStiffness: 0
// })
// }
// }
// }
// }
return contactConstraints
// TODO: make this shape aware..
// const avoidanceConstraints = collectContactConstraints()
const avoidanceConstraints = []
// setup avoidance on other solids
solids.forEach((s) => {
solids.forEach((other) => {
if (s === other) {
for (var i=s[0]; i<=s[1]; i++) {
for (var j=other[0]; j<=other[1]; j++) {
pair: [i, j],
type: 'distance',
value: particleRadius,
compressionStiffness: 1.0,
stretchStiffness: 0
function step(iters) {
iters = iters || 5;
for (var i=0; i<iters; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<constraints.length; j++) {
var c = constraints[j]
if (c.fn) {
if (!constraintMap[c.type]) {
return console.warn("constraint type", c.type, "not defined")
avoidanceConstraints.forEach((c) => {
if (!constraintMap[c.type]) {
return console.warn("constraint type", c.type, "not defined")
if (dragConstraint && constraintMap[dragConstraint.type]) {
function render() {
ctx.fillStyle = "white"
ctx.font = "22px monospace"
ctx.fillText(`constraints: ${constraints.length + avoidanceConstraints.length}`, 10, 30)
ctx.scale(2.0, -2.0)
ctx.pointToWorld(mouse, camera.mouse.pos)
ctx.lineWidth = 1.0
ctx.fillStyle = "red"
hoveredParticle = -1
particles.forEach((p, i) => {
ctx.arc(p[0], p[1], particleRadius / 2.0, 0, Math.PI*2)
if (vec2.distance(mouse, p) <= 5) {
hoveredParticle = i
// if (i == centerIdx) {
// ctx.fillStyle = "yellow"
// } else {
ctx.fillStyle = hsl(i/particles.length * 0.9)
if (hoveredParticle === i || (dragParticle && === i)) {
ctx.arc(p[0], p[1], particleRadius * 0.65, 0, Math.PI*2)
ctx.strokeStyle = "#ccc"
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
// }
constraints.forEach((c, i) => {
var srcIdx = c.pair[0]
// if (srcIdx !== 3) {
// return;
// }
ctx.strokeStyle = hsl(srcIdx/particles.length * 0.9)
const src = particles[srcIdx]
for (var i=1; i<c.pair.length; i++) {
var a = c.pair[i]
var dest = particles[a]
if (!dest) {
ctx.moveTo(src[0], src[1])
ctx.lineTo(dest[0], dest[1])
function hsl(p, a) {
return `hsla(${p*360}, 100%, 70%, ${a||1})`
function tx(mat, x, y, fn) {
vec2.set(v2tmp, x, y)
vec2.transformMat3(v2tmp, v2tmp, mat)
fn(v2tmp[0], v2tmp[1])
function square(mat, x, y, w, h) {
tx(mat, x, y, moveTo)
tx(mat, x, y + h, lineTo)
tx(mat, x + w, y + h, lineTo)
tx(mat, x + w, y, lineTo)
tx(mat, x, y, lineTo)
function txo(out, mat, vec) {
vec2.transformMat3(out, vec, mat)
return out
"dependencies": {
"ctx-camera": "git+",
"ctx-render-grid-lines": "^1.0.0",
"ctx-translate-center": "^1.0.0",
"fc": "^1.5.2",
"gl-matrix": "^2.8.1",
"ndarray": "^1.0.18",
"ndarray-fill": "^1.0.2",
"ray-aabb-slab": "^1.0.1",
"segseg": "^0.2.2"
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