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Created October 26, 2010 16:14
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#include <X11/X.h>
#include <X11/Xproto.h>
#include "os.h"
#include "servermd.h"
#include "inputstr.h"
#include "scrnintstr.h"
#include "mibstore.h" // mi backing store implementation
#include "mipointer.h" // mi software cursor
#include "micmap.h" // mi colormap code
#include "fb.h" // fb framebuffer code
#include "site.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "dix.h"
#include "xkbsrv.h"
#include <X11/extensions/XI.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XIproto.h>
#include "exevents.h"
#include "extinit.h"
//include "xserver-properties.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/syslimits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "android.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "private.h"
static DevPrivateKeyRec androidScreenKeyRec;
#define androidScreenKey (&androidScreenKeyRec)
static Bool AndroidSaveScreen(ScreenPtr screen, int on) {
/* tell Android to shutoff the display (based on dpms settings?) */
return TRUE;
Bool DPMSSupported() { return TRUE; }
int DPMSSet(ClientPtr client, int level) {
/* tell Android to shutoff the display */
return TRUE;
static Bool AndroidCreateScreenResources(ScreenPtr pScreen) {
AndroidScreenPriv *priv = dixLookupPrivate(pScreen->devPrivates, androidScreenKey);
if(!shadowAdd(pScreen, pScreen->devPrivate, AndroidShadowUpdate, NULL, 0, 0)) {
Bool AndroidScreenInit(int index, ScreenPtr pScreen, int argc, char **argv) {
int dpi = 96; /* set from android */
AndroidScreenPriv *priv;
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit called: index: %d pScreen: %p", index, pScreen);
if(!dixRegisterPrivateKey(androidScreenKey, PRIVATE_SCREEN, 0)) {
LogMessage(X_ERROR, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: failed to register screen key");
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: registered key: %p", androidScreenKey);
priv = (AndroidScreenPriv *)malloc(sizeof(AndroidScreenPriv));
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: setting private: key: %p priv: %p", androidScreenKey, priv);
dixSetPrivate(&(pScreen->devPrivates), androidScreenKey, priv);
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: private set: %p (devPrivates: %p)", androidScreenKey, pScreen->devPrivates );
pScreen->width = 800;
pScreen->height = 480;
priv->visuals = (1 << TrueColor);
#define Mask(o,l) (((1 << l) - 1) << o)
priv->depth = 16;
priv->bitsPerPixel = 16;
priv->redMask = Mask (11, 5);
priv->greenMask = Mask (5, 6);
priv->blueMask = Mask (0, 5);
priv->bytes_per_line = ((pScreen->width * priv->bitsPerPixel + 31) >> 5) << 2;
priv->base = NULL;
priv->base = malloc (priv->bytes_per_line * pScreen->height);
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] alloc framebuffer (%dx%d): %p", priv->bytes_per_line, pScreen->height, priv->base);
priv->byteStride = priv->bytes_per_line;
priv->pixelStride = (priv->bytes_per_line * 8/priv->bitsPerPixel);
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] AddScreen: priv->base: %p", priv->base);
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: miSetVisualTypes");
miSetVisualTypesAndMasks (16, ((1 << TrueColor) | (1 << DirectColor)),
8, TrueColor, priv->redMask, priv->greenMask, priv->blueMask);
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: miSetPixmapsDepths");
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: fbScreenInit: pScreen: %p base: %p width: %d height: %d dpi: %d stride?: %d bpp: %d", pScreen, priv->base, pScreen->width, pScreen->height, dpi, priv->pitch/(priv->bitsPerPixel/8), priv->bitsPerPixel);
/* moved fbScreenInit */
pScreen->SaveScreen = AndroidSaveScreen;
pScreen->CreateScreenResources = AndroidCreateScreenResources;
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: pScreen->CreateScreenResources: %p", pScreen->CreateScreenResources);
/* moved fbPictureInit */
pScreen->x = 0;
pScreen->y = 0;
/* moved fbCreateDefColormap(pScreen); */
AndroidFinishScreenInit(index, pScreen, argc, argv);
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] initNativeScreen: pScreen: %p", pScreen);
LogMessage(X_INFO, "[startup] initNativeFramebuffer: base: %p buf: %p width: %d height: %d depth: %d", priv->base, &(priv->buf), pScreen->width, pScreen->height, priv->depth);
androidInitNativeFramebuffer(priv->base, &(priv->buf), pScreen->width, pScreen->height, priv->depth);
return TRUE;
Bool AndroidFinishScreenInit (int index, ScreenPtr pScreen, int argc, char **argv) {
AndroidScreenPriv *priv = dixLookupPrivate(&(pScreen->devPrivates), androidScreenKey);
char *pbits = NULL;
/* allocate */
if (!fbSetupScreen (pScreen,
pScreenInfo->dwWidth, pScreenInfo->dwHeight,
monitorResolution, monitorResolution,
ErrorF ("winFinishScreenInitFB - fbSetupScreen failed\n");
return FALSE;
if (! fbScreenInit(pScreen,
priv->base, // pointer to screen bitmap
pScreen->width, pScreen->height, // screen size in pixels
dpi, dpi, // dots per inch
priv->pitch/(priv->bitsPerPixel/8), // pixel width of framebuffer
priv->bitsPerPixel)) // bits per pixel for screen
LogMessage(X_ERROR, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: fbScreenInit failed");
return FALSE;
int dpi = 100; /* get this from Android */
if (! fbSetupScreen(pScreen,
priv->base, // pointer to screen bitmap
pScreen->width, pScreen->height, // screen size in pixels
dpi, dpi, // dots per inch
priv->pitch/(priv->bitsPerPixel/8), // pixel width of framebuffer
priv->bitsPerPixel)) // bits per pixel for screen
LogMessage(X_ERROR, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: fbScreenInit failed");
return FALSE;
if (!AndroidInitVisuals(pScreen)) {
LogMessage(X_ERROR, "[screen] AndroidFinishScreenInitFB: AndroidInitVisuals failed");
return FALSE;
pbits = priv->base;
pScreen->SaveScreen = AndroidSaveScreen;
if (!fbFinishScreenInit (pScreen,
pScreenInfo->dwWidth, pScreenInfo->dwHeight,
monitorResolution, monitorResolution,
ErrorF ("winFinishScreenInitFB - fbFinishScreenInit failed\n");
return FALSE;
if (!fbFinishScreenInit(pScreen,
priv->base, // pointer to screen bitmap
pScreen->width, pScreen->height, // screen size in pixels
dpi, dpi, // dots per inch
priv->pitch/(priv->bitsPerPixel/8), // pixel width of framebuffer
priv->bitsPerPixel)) // bits per pixel for screen
LogMessage(X_ERROR, "[startup] AndroidScreenInit: fbFinishScreenInit failed");
return FALSE;
// pScreen->BlockHandler = androidBlockHandler;
// pScreen->WakeupHandler = androidWakeupHandler;
// pScreen->blockData = pScreen;
// pScreen->wakeupData = pScreen;
if (! fbPictureInit(pScreen, 0, 0)) {
LogMessage(X_ERROR, "[screen] AndroidFinishScreenInitFB: fbPictureInit failed");
return FALSE;
/* randr */
/* is this used?? */
miInitializeBackingStore (pScreen);
/* miDCInitialize ? */
return TRUE;
/* from kdrive/epyhr */
/* BlockHandler/WakeHandler */
static Bool AndroidInitVisuals (ScreenPtr pScreen) {
AndroidScreenPriv *priv = dixLookupPrivate(&(pScreen->devPrivates), androidScreenKey);
if (!miSetVisualTypesAndMasks (pScreenInfo->dwDepth,
ErrorF ("winInitVisualsShadowGDI - miSetVisualTypesAndMasks "
return FALSE;
if (!miSetVisualTypesAndMasks (priv->depth,
LogMessage(X_ERROR, "[screen] AndroidInitVisuals: miSetVisualTypesAndMasks failed");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
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