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Created June 23, 2014 07:53
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Bash script to produce two different latex tables from the same cvs (using awk).
key01 name01 description01
key02 name02 description02
key03 name03 description03
# Gera arquivo ${tablename_prefix}key.tex para cada linha em
# `$input_file` (keys devem ser diferentes).
cat $input_file | while read line
# Extrai primeiro campo (key) da linha.
key=`echo $line | awk -F, '{print $1}'`
# Reinicia o arquivo `${tablename_prefix}${key}.tex` com o cabeçalho da tabela
echo '\begin{tabular}{cl}' > ${tablename_prefix}${key}.tex
echo '\textbf{key} & \textbf{description}\\\hline' >> ${tablename_prefix}${key}.tex
# Extrai os campos 1 e 3 (key e description) da linha
# acrescenta essas informações no fim de `${tablename_prefix}${key}.tex`.
echo $line | awk -F, '{print $1" & "$3"\\\\"}' >> ${tablename_prefix}${key}.tex
# Conclui a construção da tabela
echo '\end{tabular}' >> ${tablename_prefix}${key}.tex
# Gera tabela com todas as linhas
echo '\begin{tabular}{cl}' > ${summary_table_filename}
echo '\textbf{key} & \textbf{name}\\\hline' >> ${summary_table_filename}
awk -F, '{print $1" & "$2"\\\\"}' $input_file >> ${summary_table_filename}
echo '\hline\end{tabular}' >> ${summary_table_filename}
texto.pdf: texto.tex tabela-tudo.tex
pdflatex texto.tex
pdflatex texto.tex
tabela-tudo.tex: campos.csv
% Input and output encoding
% Language: Portuguese (Brazil)
% Command to isert a table of a single item,
% referred to by its key.
% Its parameters are
% - the key,
% - the caption,
% - and the label.
% Command to insert the summmary table.
\caption{Tabela com todas as informações.}\label{tab:resumo}
Usando os labels, podemos referenciar as tabelas: \ref{tab:item-key02}
(mas é preciso processar o texto duas vezes pelo \LaTeX).
\insertItemTable{key01}{Tabela do item `key01'}{tab:item-key01}
\insertItemTable{key02}{Tabela do item `key02'}{tab:item-key02}
\insertItemTable{key03}{Tabela do item `key03'}{tab:item-key03}
E a tabela completa.
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