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Last active December 15, 2015 20:59
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#! usr/bin/python3
# Dando o troco
# Criado sex 5 abril 2013
# Dojo PoliGNU
# ,= ,-_-. =.
# ((_/)o o(\_))
# `-'(. .)`-'
# \_/
# Moedas de 10 e 25 centavos
def test_Troco1 ():
assert Troco(10) == 1
def test_Troco2 ():
assert Troco(15) == 0
def test_Troco3 ():
assert Troco(25) == 1
def test_Troco4 ():
assert Troco(50) == 2
def test_Troco5 ():
assert Troco(100) == 3
def test_Troco6 ():
assert Troco(9) == 0
def temTroco(valor):
aux = valor%25
if aux % 10 == 0:
return 1
if valor % 25 != 0 and valor % 10 != 0:
return 0
return 1
def Troco (valor):
# if temTroco(valor) == 0:
# return 0
# elif valor % 10 == 0 and valor % 50==0:
# return 1
# else:
# return 1
maxN = valor//25
cont = 0
for n in range(0,maxN + 1):
restante = valor - n*25
if restante%10 == 0:
cont += 1
return cont
# Raciocínio ao fim do Dojo:
# conts = 0
# if valor%10 == 0 or valor%25 == 0:
# for x in range(0,valor/10)
# for y in range(0,valor/25)
# if valor == 10x + 25y:
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