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Created January 2, 2010 09:46
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snow script
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function snow() {
// (C) Andrea Giammarchi - Mit Style License
// Happy Holidays by WebReflection!
for (var
offsetHeight = document.documentElement.offsetHeight,
offsetWidth = document.documentElement.offsetWidth,
F = document.createDocumentFragment(),
random = Math.random,
Int = parseInt,
i = Math.max(Math.min((offsetWidth * offsetHeight / 15000) >> 0, 40), 10),
radius = 6,
p, width, border, style, top, left;
p = document.createElement("p"); = "".concat(
"top:", (random() * offsetHeight) >> 0, "px;",
"left:", (random() * offsetWidth) >> 0, "px;",
"width:", width = ((random() * radius) >> 0) + 1, "px;",
"height:", width, "px;",
"z-index:", width, ";",
"-moz-border-radius:", border = (width / 2) >> 0, "px;",
"-webkit-border-radius:", border, "px;",
"border-radius:", border, "px;",
"font-size:", (random() * (radius / 2)) >> 0, "px;"
F.appendChild(p).className = "snow";
window.addEventListener("resize", function () {
offsetHeight = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
offsetWidth = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
}, false);
radius = radius / 2;
setTimeout(function snow(p) {
for(i = p.length; i--;) {
style = p[i].style;
width = Int(style.width, 10);
top = Int(, 10) + width;
left = Int(style.left, 10) + (border = width + Int(style.fontSize, 10));
if (( = (top + width < offsetHeight ? top : 0) + "px") === "0px") {
style.left = ((random() * offsetWidth) >> 0) + "px";
style.fontSize = ((random() * (radius / 2)) >> 0) + "px";
} else {
style.left = (left + border < offsetWidth ? left : 0) + "px";
setTimeout(snow, 30, p);
}, 30, document.getElementsByTagName("p"));
}, false);
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