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Bob Nystrom's roguelike tips

Bob Nystrom - Is There More to Game Architecture than ECS?

ECS for Roguelikes?

I actually don't use ECS, not a good fit for any roguelike thats relatively simple, i.e. if not graphically rich, physically rich, turn-based or tile-based ECS isn't doing much good for you


  1. Components

Use components to represent capabilities

  1. Type objects

Define your own type where each instance represents a type

  1. Command objects

When in doubt, try turning an operation into an object (like a closure)

ECS for Roguelikes


some people pull systems out of the component(ECS)

  • some people don't (EC) example:
class AISystem {
    void update(){
        for var component in aiComponents{
  • Does not mention entity at all
  • Skips straight to the component
  • Makes the cpu happy

Co mplexity?


  • not super complicated hehe
if (tile.isWall){
    print("You hit a wall.");


  • AAA graphics
putchar(x,y, "@")


  • Pathfinding
  • Fear and Fleeing
  • Melee attacks
  • Ranged attacks
  • Spells
  • Breath Attacks
  • Line-of-sight
  • Flow by scent
  • Different intelligence levels
  • There's more richness here

Entities can

walk eat haste
rest throw freeze
melee slash poision
open door spear blind
close door bash dazzle

behavorial richness

ADoM has like 300 monsters

  • roguelikes have a greater breadth of content
  • which presents an organizational challenge

Design patterns for RogueLikes

Command objects


A lot of player capabilities is based on items / equipment

  • Basically means, there's a lot of stuff items can do
  • weapons: melee, range, shield,
  • armor: shield, dodge
  • stuff to eat
  • stuff to activate/reuse
  • stuff with passive effects
class Item(
    int minDamage;
    int maxDamage;
    int armor;
    int dodgeBonus;

    void eatFood(){...}
    void quaff(){...}
    void fireBall(){...}
    void lightningBolt(){...}
    void teleport(){...}
    void meleeAttack(){...}
    void rangedAttakc(){...}
    // More ...

No Good, jamming all that stuff into one class is not a great idea

  • just like monopolies are bad you need to do some breaking up

split each capability that an item has into a separate class

class Item {
    Attack melee;
    Attack ranged;
    Defense defense;
    Use use;

example capabilities

// attacking
class Attack {
    int minDamage;
    int maxDamage;
    void hit() {...}
// providing defense
class Defense {
    int armor;
    int dodgeBonus;
    void defend() {...}
// using the item
abstract class Use {
    void use();

class HealUse extends Use{
    void use(){ += 20;

class FireBallUse extends Use {
        // Cast fire ball...
} // More uses...
  • Inheritance works here Aim for wide hierarchies

Items are just combinations of capabilities

  • mix and match
  • now you can define content in data files
var sword = Item(
    melee: Attack(10,20));

var crossbow = Item(
    ranged: Attack(10,20));

var shield = Item(
    melee: Attack(5,8);
    defense: Defense(3,0));

var healPotion = Item(
    quaff: HealUse());

var fireSword = Item(
    melee: Attack(30,40)
    activate: FireBallUse());

classic solution - use inheritance make subclasses

  • we've learned inheritance is rigid
  • what if you want to add functionality to a class?
  • I want my sword to shoot fireballs now
  • with inheritance, nope


  • split each capability into a separate class
class Item{
    Attack melee;
    Attack ranged;
    Defense defense;
    Use use;

Idea #1: use components to represent capabilities

more functional capability over domain composition over inheritance e.g. monsters have special moves and those are capability objects

Breeds of Monsters

class Monster {
    int x,y;
    int health;
    String name;
    int maxHealth;
    Attack attack;
    List<Use> moves;
    Set<String> flags;
    Drop loot;

Define a separate class that represents a type of monster

  • One instance of breed class for a goblin
  • Every goblin has a breed that points to that
  • Type Object pattern
  • Breed is a class that represents a class, it's a metaclass
  • You give breed a pointer to a parent breed and define your own inheritance semantics
  • items, different types of items, special modifiers on the items
class Breed {
    String name;
    int maxHealth;
    Attack attack;
    List<Use> moves;
    Set<String> flags;
    Drop loot;

class Monster{
    Breed breed;
    int health;
    int x, y;

Idea #2: Use types that represents types

How to do it: take some verb in the game and turn it into a noun (an object)

you're basically turning a function into a closure

abstract class Action {
    ActionResult perform();
  • without it different implementation of player and actor
  • With abstraction layer both can use Action taketurn()
class Monster extends Actor{
    Action takeTurn(){
        // Pathfinding, AI

Function Objects, Closures

  • object that represents operation
  • first class functions
  • basically a closure
  • object represents a thing you can invoke
  • in practice, you can use a raw function

function object aka. closure

abstract class Action{
    ActionResult perform()

an action is a first class turn, represents a single step an actor can perform

void gameLoop(){
    for (var actor in actors){
        actor.gainEnergy(actor.speed); // gain action points on how fast they move
        if (actor.hasEnoughEnergy){
            var action = actor.takeTurn();

Here's the action class for taking a step:

class WalkAction extends Action{
    Direction dir;

    ActionResult perform(){
        var pos = actor.pos + dir;

        // see if there is an actor there
        var target = game.stage.actorAt(pos)
        if (target != null) return alternate(AttackAction(target));

        // see if it's door
        var tile = game.stage(pos)
        if (tile.isDoor) return alternate(OpenDoor(pos));

        // See if we can walk there
        if (!actor.canOccupy(pos)) return fail("You hit the wall!");

        actor.pos = pos;

        // See if the hero stopped on anything interesting
        if (actor is Hero){
            for (var item in game.stage.itemsAt(pos).toList()){
                log("YOu are standing on $item.");
        return succeed();

Notice: this is a lot of code and it's code that's pulled outside Actor

Idea #3: When in doubt, try turning an operation into an object

Look at the

Applications of command objects: allows you to make an undo function you just maintain a list of commands

Questions to ask for adding features

Add a feature?

Is it useful? Do users want it?

Is it affordable? Cost of implementation?

Is is flexible? How many use cases does it cover?


a closure - a stateful function, persistent scope function, it holds on to variables even after execution has moved out of scope

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