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Created August 3, 2019 05:47
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(ns p2048.core)
(def size 4)
(defn empty-line []
(vec (replicate size 0)))
(defn gen-stage []
(vec (for [x (range size)]
(def stage (atom (gen-stage)))
(defn at [stage x y]
(-> stage
(nth y)
(nth x)))
(defn index->position [i]
{:x (int (Math/floor (/ i size)))
:y (mod i size)})
(def positions (for [x (range size)
y (range size)]
{:x x :y y}))
(defn empty-positions [stage]
(into ()
(filter (fn [{:keys [x y]}]
(= (at stage x y) 0)))
(defn change [stage x y val]
(assoc-in stage [y x] val))
(defn append [stage]
(if-let [positions (empty-positions stage)]
(let [{:keys [x y]} (rand-nth positions)]
(change stage x y (inc (rand-int 2))))))
(defn growth [line]
(let [line
(->> line
(remove #(= 0 %))
(partition-by identity)
(map #(partition-all 2 %))
(apply concat)
(fn [[v :as items]]
(if (and (not= v 0)
(> (count items) 1))
(* v 2)
(vec (concat line (take (- size (count line)) (repeat 0))))))
(defn direction->positions [{:keys [direction-fn init-positions]}]
(for [init-pos init-positions]
(reduce (fn [positions i]
(let [{:keys [x y]} (last positions)
[x y] (direction-fn x y)]
(conj positions {:x x :y y})))
(range (dec size)))))
(def actions #{:up :down :right :left})
(def directions
(direction->positions {:direction-fn (fn [x y] [x (inc y)])
:init-positions [{:x 0, :y 0}
{:x 1, :y 0}
{:x 2, :y 0}
{:x 3, :y 0}]})
(direction->positions {:direction-fn (fn [x y] [x (dec y)])
:init-positions [{:x 0, :y 3}
{:x 1, :y 3}
{:x 2, :y 3}
{:x 3, :y 3}]})
(direction->positions {:direction-fn (fn [x y] [(dec x) y])
:init-positions [{:x 3, :y 0}
{:x 3, :y 1}
{:x 3, :y 2}
{:x 3, :y 3}]})
(direction->positions {:direction-fn (fn [x y] [(inc x) y])
:init-positions [{:x 0, :y 0}
{:x 0, :y 1}
{:x 0, :y 2}
{:x 0, :y 3}]})})
(defn show [stage]
(doseq [line stage]
(println line))
(defn update-by-direction [stage direction]
(reduce (fn [stage positions]
(let [line (map (fn [{:keys [x y]}]
(at stage x y))
line-with-pos (map (fn [v pos] (assoc pos :v v))
(growth line)
(reduce (fn [stage {:keys [x y v]}]
(change stage x y v))
(directions direction)))
(defn next! [stage action]
(swap! stage
#(-> %
(update-by-direction action)
(defn game-over? [stage]
(and (= (count (empty-positions stage)) 0)
(every? (fn [action] (= (update-by-direction stage action)
(defn -main []
(reset! stage (gen-stage))
(while (not (game-over? @stage))
(next! stage (rand-nth (seq actions)))
(show @stage))))
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