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Forked from AndrasKovacs/BuildGraph.hs
Created March 9, 2017 04:01
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Graph building code for SO question. See link in source.
-- ****************** "Normal" version *****************************
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow
data Node = Node {bwd, fwd :: Edges} deriving (Eq, Show)
type Edges = [Int]
type Graph = Vector Node
type Stack = [Int]
main = do
edges <- V.fromList `fmap` getEdges "SCC.txt"
let maxIndex = fst $ V.last edges
let graph = createGraph maxIndex edges
putStrLn "Number of components in graph:"
print $ length $ kosaraju graph
getEdges :: String -> IO [(Int, Int)]
getEdges path = do
lines <- (map BS.words . BS.lines) `fmap` BS.readFile path
let pairs = (map . map) (maybe (error "can't read Int") fst . BS.readInt) lines
return [(a, b) | [a, b] <- pairs]
createGraph :: Int -> Vector (Int, Int) -> Graph
createGraph maxIndex edges = graph'' where
graph = V.replicate (maxIndex + 1) (Node [] [])
graph' = V.accumulate (\(Node f b) x -> Node (x:f) b) graph edges
graph'' = V.accumulate (\(Node f b) x -> Node f (x:b)) graph' ( (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) edges)
-- Step 1 : push the nodes onto a stack in order of dfs completion.
dfsReorder :: Graph -> Stack
dfsReorder graph = snd $ execState (mapM_ go [0 .. V.length graph - 1]) (IS.empty, []) where
go :: Int -> State (IS.IntSet, Stack) ()
go i = do
visited <- gets (IS.member i . fst)
unless visited $ do
modify $ first $ IS.insert i
mapM_ go $ fwd $ graph V.! i
modify $ second (i:)
-- Step 2 : do dfs on the stack, but using a transposed graph.
-- here we return a list of representative nodes for the graph components.
-- we use filterM to skip over the visited nodes in the stack.
kosaraju :: Graph -> [Int]
kosaraju graph = evalState (filterM go (dfsReorder graph)) IS.empty where
go :: Int -> State IS.IntSet Bool
go i = do
visited <- gets $ IS.member i
if visited then
return False
else do
modify $ IS.insert i
mapM_ go $ bwd $ graph V.! i
return True
-- ****************** Optimized/mutable version *********************
-- Works the same as the "normal" version, except here we have mutable
-- state instead of the State monad. I also sprinkled in
-- unsafe read/write ops for maximum performance. It's about 5 times faster
-- than the other version.
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MUV
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef
import Data.Function
type Edges = UV.Vector (Int, Int)
type Stack = [Int]
type Graph = Vector [Int]
main = do
putStrLn "Number of strongly connected components in graph:"
print . length . kosaraju =<< getEdges "SCC.txt"
getEdges :: String -> IO Edges
getEdges path = do
lines <- (map BS.words . BS.lines) `fmap` BS.readFile path
let pairs = (map . map) (maybe (error "can't read Int") fst . BS.readInt) lines
return $ UV.fromList $ map (\[a, b] -> (a, b)) pairs
createGraph :: Edges -> Graph
createGraph edges =
V.unsafeAccumulate (flip (:))
(V.replicate (uncurry max (UV.last edges) + 1) [])
(V.convert edges) -- conversion from unboxed to boxed vector
dfsReorder :: Graph -> Stack
dfsReorder graph = runST $ do
let nodeNum = V.length graph
stack <- newSTRef []
visited <- MUV.unsafeNew nodeNum :: ST s (MUV.STVector s Bool)
MUV.set visited False
forM_ [0 .. nodeNum - 1] $ fix $ \go i -> do
isVisited <- MUV.unsafeRead visited i
unless isVisited $ do
MUV.unsafeWrite visited i True
mapM_ go $ graph `V.unsafeIndex` i
modifySTRef' stack (i:)
readSTRef stack
kosaraju :: Edges -> [Int]
kosaraju edges = runST $ do
let graph = createGraph edges
graph' = createGraph $ (\(a, b) -> (b, a)) edges
visited <- MUV.unsafeNew (V.length graph) :: ST s (MUV.STVector s Bool)
MUV.set visited False
flip filterM (dfsReorder graph) $ fix $ \go i -> do
isVisited <- MUV.unsafeRead visited i
if isVisited then
return False
else do
MUV.unsafeWrite visited i True
mapM_ go $ graph' `V.unsafeIndex` i
return True
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