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Last active February 3, 2016 22:51
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import Data.Char (toUpper)
-- space is high priority function application:
-- f x = f(x) in other languages
-- functions are defined like this:
-- f x = x * 2
-- is equivalent to
-- def f(x): return x * 2
-- to say f is SomeType:
-- f :: SomeType
-- $ is low priority function application:
-- f (g (h x))) = f $ g $ h x
-- IO () means "An IO action that doesn't return anything"
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ reverseCapitalize "asdf qwerty zxcv" -- prints Zxcv Qwerty Asdf
-- pointfree
reverseCapitalize :: String -> String
reverseCapitalize = unwords . reverse . map capitalize . words
-- pointful
reverseCapitalize' :: String -> String
reverseCapitalize' s = unwords $ reverse $ map capitalize $ words s
-- you can define piecewise functions
-- f 1 = "One"
-- f 2 = "Two"
-- f x = "Anything else"
-- and pattern match on arguments, like how python lets you do
-- x, y = [1, 2]
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize "" = ""
capitalize (first:rest) = toUpper first : rest
-- : is the list prepend operator
-- 0:[1] = [0, 1]
-- in general
-- f x = blahBlah x
-- reduces to
-- f = blahBlah
-- see also
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