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Created January 15, 2018 04:01
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Dirty MEL script to fix odd orthographic camera clipping planes with some scene units in Maya LT
* Fix for system orthographic camera clipping planes not taking into account
* scene unit changes from centimeters.
global proc foccp_fixOrthoCameraClippingPlanes() {
float $offset_amount = 100,
string $log_header = "foccp: ",
for ($ortho_camera in `listCameras -orthographic`) {
// Assumes the camera's center of interest reliably represents its
// current distance from the scene's origin.
$center_of_interest = `camera -query -centerOfInterest $ortho_camera`;
$cur_far_clip_plane = `camera -query -farClipPlane $ortho_camera`;
if ($cur_far_clip_plane < $center_of_interest) {
// Far clipping plane is set first to make sure setting the near
// won't be set to an out of bounds value.
$far_clip_plane = $center_of_interest + $offset_amount;
camera -edit -farClipPlane $far_clip_plane $ortho_camera;
$near_clip_plane = $center_of_interest - $offset_amount;
camera -edit -nearClipPlane $near_clip_plane $ortho_camera;
print `format -s $log_header -s $ortho_camera "^1s \"^2s\" camera center of interest is outside clipping plane bounds\n"`;
print `format -s $log_header -s $center_of_interest "^1s Center of interest: ^2s\n"`;
print `format -s $log_header -s $cur_far_clip_plane "^1s Far clipping plane: ^2s\n"`;
print `format -s $log_header -s $near_clip_plane -s $far_clip_plane "^1s Clipping planes adjusted to ^2s (near), ^3s (far)\n"`;
print "\n";
scriptJob -event NewSceneOpened "foccp_fixOrthoCameraClippingPlanes";
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If you've never mucked with userSetup.mel before there is a gotcha when interacting with other scripts. Specifically I ran into an issue with this script and Unity's FBX Exporter.

In the documentation for userSetup.mel, the following (version specific) paths are mentioned:

  • Windows: ..\My Documents\maya\<version>\scripts
  • Mac OS X: ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/<version>/scripts
    (where ~ is your home folder)

The Unity FBX Exporter bootstraps itself from what appears to be location that would apply to all Maya installs:

  • Windows: ..\My Documents\maya\scripts
  • Mac OS X: ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts

Turns out this won't get run if there is a version specific userSetup.mel as noted on Unity's FBX Exporter thread. So have to add the following line to the version specific setup script:

if(`exists unitySetupUI`){ unitySetupUI; }

Or I guess update your global(?) setup script, which already has Unity's bootstrap.

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