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Last active June 25, 2021 02:32
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A Helper to create a Batched stream based on a producer function
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Akka.Actor;
using Akka.Pattern;
using Akka.Streams.Dsl;
using LanguageExt;
namespace Akka.Persistence.Sql.Linq2Db.Journal.DAO
public class BatchFlowControl
public class Continue : BatchFlowControl
public static Continue Instance = new Continue();
public class ContinueDelayed : BatchFlowControl
public static ContinueDelayed Instance = new ContinueDelayed();
public class Stop : BatchFlowControl
public static Stop Instance = new Stop();
public static class BatchStream
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Source that will read in batches
/// </summary>
/// <param name="startAt">The starting point</param>
/// <param name="endAt">The end point</param>
/// <param name="batchSize">number of records expected in batch</param>
/// <param name="batchProducer">
/// A function to produce a batch of records given a start and end
/// This function should return records such that the last returned
/// Has the 'last' record based on the sequencenumber
/// </param>
/// <param name="getSequenceNumber">
/// A function to retrieve the sequence number after each function,
/// Expected to return
/// </param>
/// <param name="refreshInterval">
/// If provided, this may be used to continually 'poll'
/// until <see cref="endAt"/> has been reached,
/// Rather than completing as soon as there are no more records to return
/// </param>
/// <typeparam name="TElem"></typeparam>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Source<TElem, NotUsed> Create<TElem>(
long startAt,
long endAt,
int batchSize,
Func<(long startBatchAt, long endBatchAt, int batchSize), Task<Seq<TElem>>> batchProducer,
Func<TElem, long> getSequenceNumber,
Util.Option<(TimeSpan, IScheduler)> refreshInterval
) =>
.UnfoldAsync<(long, BatchFlowControl),
(Math.Max(1, startAt),
async opt =>
async Task<Util.Option<((long, BatchFlowControl), Seq<TElem>)>>
Seq<TElem> msg;
msg = await batchProducer((opt.Item1, endAt,batchSize));
var hasMoreEvents = msg.Count == batchSize;
var lastMsg = msg.LastOrDefault();
Util.Option<long> lastSeq = Util.Option<long>.None;
if (lastMsg != null)
lastSeq =
var hasLastEvent =
lastSeq.HasValue &&
lastSeq.Value >= endAt;
BatchFlowControl nextControl = null;
if (hasLastEvent || opt.Item1 > endAt)
nextControl = BatchFlowControl.Stop.Instance;
else if (hasMoreEvents)
nextControl = BatchFlowControl.Continue.Instance;
else if (refreshInterval.HasValue == false)
nextControl = BatchFlowControl.Stop.Instance;
nextControl = BatchFlowControl.ContinueDelayed
long nextFrom = 0;
if (lastSeq.HasValue)
nextFrom = lastSeq.Value + 1;
nextFrom = opt.Item1;
return new Util.Option<((long, BatchFlowControl),
(nextFrom, nextControl), msg));
switch (opt.Item2)
case BatchFlowControl.Stop _:
return Util
.Option<((long, BatchFlowControl), Seq<TElem>)>
case BatchFlowControl.Continue _:
return await RetrieveNextBatch();
case BatchFlowControl.ContinueDelayed _
when refreshInterval.HasValue:
return await FutureTimeoutSupport.After(
throw new Exception(
$"Got invalid BatchFlowControl from Queue! Type : {opt.Item2.GetType()}");
}).SelectMany(r => r);
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