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Last active July 14, 2020 06:39
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A Post component which fetches and displays title
open Relude.Globals;
module R = Relude;
let (>>=) = IO.(>>=);
let fetchPostById: string => IO.t(string, string) =
id =>
Fetch.fetch("" ++ id)
|> Js.Promise.then_(Fetch.Response.text)
|> RJs.Promise.toIO
|> IO.mapError(_ => "Failed to fetch user with ID " ++ id);
let parseJson: string => IO.t(Js.Json.t, string) =
str =>
IO.tries(() => Js.Json.parseExn(str))
|> IO.mapError(_ => "Failed to parse JSON");
let decodeTitle: Js.Json.t => IO.t(string, string) =
json =>
|> R.Option.flatMap(obj => Js.Dict.get(obj, "title"))
|> R.Option.flatMap(title => Js.Json.decodeString(title))
|> IO.fromOption(() => "Failed to parse title");
let make = (~postId: string) => {
let (result, setResult) = React.useState(_ => "Please wait...");
// IO is lazy evaluated
let doStuffsIO: IO.t(string, string) =
|> IO.pure
>>= fetchPostById
>>= parseJson
>>= decodeTitle
|> IO.tap(v => Js.log2("Log:", v));
() => {
|> IO.unsafeRunAsync(
| Belt.Result.Ok(content) => setResult(_ => content)
| Belt.Result.Error(error) => setResult(_ => error),
<div> result->React.string </div>;
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