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Created September 24, 2022 09:36
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% \textbf{\href{}{\Large Henry Dao}} & Email : \href{}{}\\
% \href{}{} & Mobile : +84-865-491-347 \\
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{\Huge \scshape Toan Dao(Henry)} \\ \vspace{4pt}
% 123 Street Name, Town, State 12345 \\
\small \raisebox{-0.1\height}\faPhone\ +84-865-491-347 \href{}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faEnvelope\ \underline{}} ~
\href{}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faLinkedin\ \underline{toandaominh1997}} ~
\href{}{\raisebox{-0.2\height}\faGithub\ \underline{}}
{One Mount Group - VinGroup}{Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam}
{Data Scientist}{Oct 2019 \textbf{--} Present}
\resumeItem{Worked closely with the product team to build a real-time model of Frequency Bought Together recommendations on the cart pages using feature embedding, approximate nearest neighbors increased AOV by 10\%.}
\resumeItem{Developed and experimented with Ensemble of Graph Embedding and Sequence-Based Recommendation that increased conversation rate by 4\% for Discount Product Recommendation.}
\resumeItem{Utilized XGBoost to develop Uplift model for personalization campaign that help decrease cost-per-order by 60\% and a double customer transaction frequency per month compared to traditional campaigns.}
\resumeItem{Designed \& developed machine learning framework to deploy and manage models on production that reduced time in deployment by 50\% and enable other data scientists to quickly build, test and deploy standardized data flows.}
{Funix University}{Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam}
{Data Science Mentor}{Aug 2019 \textbf{--} Jun 2021}
\resumeItem{Collaborated with an instructor and 5 other mentors to lead guide assignments and answer 60+ student’s questions.}
{Cinnamon}{Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam}
{AI Researcher}{Jan 2019 \textbf{--} Oct 2019}
\resumeItem{Research algorithms and implemented OCR, Spelling Correction by RCNN model that improved 7\% accuracy and achieved state-of-the-art model in a private dataset of the company.}
\resumeItem{Worked closely with 3 other researchers to build an end-to-end model for text detection and text recognition that help reduce 10\% parameter of the model and optimized 25\% costs on the google cloud platform.}
{GameLoft}{Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam}
{Software Engineer}{May 2018 \textbf{--} Dec 2018}
\resumeItem{Incorporated with 3 software engineers to redesign leaderboard module in Java, Redis that improved 30\% runtime.}
\resumeItem{Integrated CI/CD by Jenkin to automated build, test, and deploy in Dungeon Hunter Game.}
{FPT Software}{Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam}
{Software Engineer}{Dec 2017 \textbf{--} May 2018}
\resumeItem{Utilized parallelization to speed up data processing and algorithms by 5x.}
\resumeItem{Implemented REST API to aggregate 20+ metrics in system monitor.}
%-----------PROJECTS AND LEADERSHIP-----------------
\section{Projects And Leadership}
{\textbf{EfficientDet.Pytorch(1k4 star on Github)} $|$ \emph{\href{}{\color{blue}GitHub}}}{}
\resumeItem{Implemented EfficientDet model from scratch using Pytorch to training, evaluation, and inference on most datasets.}
\resumeItem{Worked closely with a friend at Shanghai JiaoTong University to compress 15\% parameters without losing accuracy.}
{\textbf{Shopee Code League}$|$ \emph{\href{}{\color{blue}Kaggle}}}{}
\resumeItem{Led a team of 4 data scientists to research and develop multi-label classification using Pytorch.}
\resumeItem{Placed \textbf{1\% percentile} from 650 teams of detect real product on Shopee with an accuracy of more than 84\%.}
%-----------HONORS AND AWARDS-----------------
\section{Honors And Awards}
\resumeSubItem{Olympiad in Informatics: }{Top \textbf{5th} of 120 students in Competitive Programming at University of Science 2017.}
\resumeSubItem{Two Sigma: }{Top \textbf{1\% percentile} from 3000 teams using news to predict stock movements on \textbf{Kaggle}.}
{University Of Science}{Vietnam National University}
{B.S.E in Computer Science}{2015 \textbf{--} 2019}
%--------PROGRAMMING SKILLS------------
\resumeSubItem{Languages: }{Python, SQL, C/C++, Java, Go, JavaScript, Scala.}
\resumeSubItem{Technologies: }{Pytorch, Tensorflow, Django, FastAPI, Spark, Kafka, Redis, gRPC, Neo4J, Kubernetes, Kubeflow.}
\resumeSubItem{Data Science \& Miscellaneous Technologies: }{Machine Learning, Deep Learning, A/B Testing, ETL, Probability\&Statistics, Experiment Design, OOP, Design Pattern, System Design.}
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