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Forked from garyb/RAF.purs
Created April 22, 2019 03:20
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requestAnimationFrame looping subscription in Halogen 5
module RAF where
import Prelude
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Effect.Ref as Ref
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties as HP
import Halogen.Query.EventSource as ES
import Web.HTML as HTML
import Web.HTML.Window as Window
data Action
= Start
| Stop
| Tick
type State =
{ count :: Int
, subscription :: Maybe H.SubscriptionId
component :: forall q i o m. MonadAff m => H.Component HH.HTML q i o m
component =
{ initialState: \_ -> { count: 0, subscription: Nothing }
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, initialize = Just Start
render :: forall m. State -> H.ComponentHTML Action () m
render state =
[ HH.p_ [ HH.text (show state.count) ]
, HH.button
[ HP.type_ HP.ButtonButton
, HE.onClick \_ → Just (if state.subscription == Nothing then Start else Stop)
[ HH.text (if state.subscription == Nothing then "Start" else "Stop") ]
handleAction :: forall o m. MonadAff m => Action -> H.HalogenM State Action () o m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Start -> do
handleAction Stop
subscription <- H.subscribe $ ES.effectEventSource \emitter -> do
ref <- Nothing
loop = do
ES.emit emitter Tick
id <- Window.requestAnimationFrame loop =<< HTML.window
Ref.write (Just id) ref
pure $ ES.Finalizer do ref >>= traverse_ \id ->
Window.cancelAnimationFrame id =<< HTML.window
H.modify_ (_ { subscription = Just subscription })
Stop ->
H.gets _.subscription >>= traverse_ \subscription -> do
H.unsubscribe subscription
H.modify (_ { subscription = Nothing })
Tick ->
H.modify_ (\st -> st { count = st.count + 1 })
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