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Created December 6, 2016 22:46
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Elm URL Parsing Playaround
module Main exposing (..)
{-| elm-package install elm-lang/navigation evancz/url-parser
import Html exposing (Html, caption, div, table, tbody, td, text, th, thead, tr)
import Navigation exposing (Location)
import String
import UrlParser exposing (Parser, (</>), map, oneOf, s, int, string, top, parseHash)
type Msg
= L Location
type Route
= Index
| Foo
| Bar String
| Baz Int
| Qux Int String
| Quux String
| Nested Clock
type Clock
= Hickery
| Dickery
| Dock String
| TheMouseWentUp Int
nestedMatchers : Parser (Clock -> a) a
nestedMatchers =
[ map Hickery top
, map Dickery (s "dickery")
, map Dock (s "dock" </> string)
, map TheMouseWentUp
(s "the" </> s "mouse" </> s "went" </> s "up" </> int)
matchers : Parser (Route -> a) a
matchers =
[ map Index top
, map Foo (s "foo")
, map Bar (s "bar" </> string)
, map Baz (s "baz" </> int)
, map Qux (s "qux" </> int </> string)
, map Nested (s "nested" </> nestedMatchers)
, map Quux string
toLocation : String -> Location
toLocation hash =
Location "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" (String.cons '#' hash) "" ""
testLocations : List ( String, Location )
testLocations = (\s -> ( s, toLocation s ))
[ ""
, "/"
, "foo"
, "bar"
, "bar/test1"
, "bar/test2/test3"
, "baz"
, "baz/test4"
, "baz/20"
, "qux/12"
, "qux/xx"
, "qux/yy/99"
, "qux/13/zz"
, "qux/13/zz/"
, "saveme"
, "shame/on/me"
, "nested"
, "nested/"
, "nested/dickery"
, "nested/dickery/dickery"
, "nested/plz"
, "nested/dock"
, "nested/dock/"
, "nested/dock/1"
, "nested/dock/DOCK!!"
, "nested/the/"
, "nested/the/mouse"
, "nested/the/mouse/went"
, "nested/the/mouse/went/up"
, "nested/the/mouse/went/up/666"
row : ( String, Location ) -> Html Msg
row ( h, r ) =
tr []
[ td [] [ text h ]
, td [] [ text << toString <| parseHash matchers r ]
view : Location -> Html Msg
view location =
[ table []
[ caption [] [ text "URL Parsing Playaround" ]
, thead []
[ tr []
[ th [] [ text "Hash" ]
, th [] [ text "Parsed Route" ]
, tbody []
<< row
( "Current Hash", location )
:: testLocations
main : Program Never Location Msg
main =
Navigation.program L
{ init = flip (,) Cmd.none
, update = \(L l) _ -> ( l, Cmd.none )
, view = view
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
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