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Last active April 27, 2020 20:07
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  • Save tobbbe/c9142494f7f34abebe9c36d42f311dbb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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get list of spotify links from slack channel
javascript:!function(){const SLACK_BOT_TOKEN="your slack bot token";async function get(a=[],b){let c=`${SLACK_BOT_TOKEN}&channel=CJTD5RP7Y`;b&&(c+="&cursor="+b);const d=await fetch(c),e=await d.json();return a=[...a,...e.messages],e.has_more?await get(a,e.response_metadata.next_cursor):a}async function init(){const a=await get(),b=a.reduce((a,b)=>{try{const c=b.text.split("com/track/")[1].split("?")[0],d=`${c}`;a.arr.push(d),a.str+=`${d}\n`}catch{}return a},{arr:[],str:""});console.log(b);var;const d=c.document.createElement("textarea");d.value=b.str,"width:100%;height: 600px;font-size: 16px",c.document.body.innerHTML=`<p>${b.arr.length} tracks</p>`,c.document.body.appendChild(d)}init();}();
const SLACK_BOT_TOKEN = "your slack bot token";
async function get(prevData = [], nextId) {
let url = `${SLACK_BOT_TOKEN}&channel=CJTD5RP7Y`;
if (nextId) {
url += "&cursor=" + nextId;
const resp = await fetch(url);
const data = await resp.json();
prevData = [...prevData,];
if (data.has_more) {
return await get(prevData, data.response_metadata.next_cursor);
return prevData;
async function init() {
const data = await get();
const spotifyLinks = data.reduce(
(acc, x) => {
try {
const trackId = x.attachments[0].original_url.split("com/track/")[1].split("?")[0];
const trackLink = `${trackId}`;
acc.str += `${trackLink}\n`;
} catch {}
return acc;
{ arr: [], str: "" }
var newWindow =;
const el = newWindow.document.createElement("textarea");
el.value = spotifyLinks.str; = "width:100%;height: 600px;font-size: 16px";
newWindow.document.body.innerHTML = `<p>${
} tracks</p>`;
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