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Created January 10, 2011 22:39
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Cluster Netstat
# #
# Cluster Tools: #
# Copyright 2007-2010, Albert P. Tobey <> #
# #
=head1 NAME
Cluster Netstat - display cluster network usage
This program opens persistent ssh connections to each of the cluster nodes and
keeps them open until the user quits.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use Net::SSH2;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib $Bin;
use DshPerlHostLoop;
our @interfaces;
our $sleep = 2;
our %osnums = (
linux => 0, Linux => 0,
solaris => 1, SunOS => 1
our @commands = (
'/bin/cat /proc/net/dev',
'/usr/sbin/dladm show-link -s -o link,rbytes,obytes,ierrors,oerrors -p'
# use a libssh2 (Net::SSH2) instead of shelling out to ssh
# it's a lot more efficient over the long times this can be
# left running
my @ssh;
my @sorted_host_list;
foreach my $host ( reverse hostlist() ) {
# connect to the host over ssh
print "Connecting to $host via SSH ... ";
my $ssh = libssh2($host);
print "connected.\n";
# find out if it's linux or solaris
my( $os ) = libssh2_slurp_cmd( $ssh, 'uname' );
chomp $os;
my $osnum = $osnums{ $os };
# set up the polling command and add to the poll list
push @ssh, [ $host, $ssh, $commands[$osnum], $osnum ];
push @sorted_host_list, $host;
#tobert@mybox:~/src/dsh-perl$ cat /proc/net/dev
#Inter-| Receive | Transmit
# face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
#lo: 3636173666 5626431 0 0 0 0 0 0 3636173666 5626431 0 0 0 0 0 0
#eth0: 4592765291 6225806 0 0 0 0 0 0 2378883618 5545356 0 0 0 0 0 0
sub cl_netstat {
my( $struct, %stats, %times );
foreach my $host ( @ssh ) {
$stats{$host->[0]} = [ libssh2_slurp_cmd( $host->[1], $host->[2] ) ];
$times{$host->[0]} = time();
foreach my $hostname ( keys %stats ) {
my @legend;
foreach my $line ( @{$stats{$hostname}} ) {
chomp $line;
if ( $line =~ /bytes\s+packets/ ) {
my( $junk, $rl, $tl ) = split /\|/, $line;
@legend = map { 'r' . $_ } split( /\s+/, $rl );
push @legend, map { 't' . $_ } split( /\s+/, $tl );
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*(eth\d+):\s*(.*)$/ ) {
my( $iface, $data ) = ( $1, $2 );
my @sdata = split /\s+/, $data;
$struct->{$hostname}->{$1} = { map { $legend[$_] => $sdata[$_] } 0 .. $#sdata };
# opensolaris dladm
#atobey@opensolaris ~ $ dladm show-link -s -o link,rbytes,obytes,ierrors,oerrors -p
elsif ( $line =~ /^(\w+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/ ) {
my @parts = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 );
$struct->{$hostname}{$parts[0]} = {
rbytes => $parts[1],
tbytes => $parts[2],
rerrs => $parts[3],
terrs => $parts[4]
$struct->{$hostname}{last_update} = $times{$hostname};
return $struct;
sub diff_cl_netstat {
my( $s1, $s2 ) = @_;
my %out;
foreach my $host ( keys %$s1 ) {
my @host_traffic;
foreach my $iface ( keys %{$s1->{$host}} ) {
next if ( $iface =~ /^lo/ or $iface eq 'last_update' );
#next if ( @interfaces != 0 && (grep(/^$parts[0]$/, @interfaces)) == 0 );
my $rdiff = $s1->{$host}{$iface}{rbytes} - $s2->{$host}{$iface}{rbytes};
my $tdiff = $s1->{$host}{$iface}{tbytes} - $s2->{$host}{$iface}{tbytes};
my $seconds = $s1->{$host}{last_update} - $s2->{$host}{last_update};
push @host_traffic, int($rdiff / $seconds), int($tdiff / $seconds);
# for now, just set second interface to 0 if it doesn't exist
if ( @host_traffic == 2 ) {
push @host_traffic, 0, 0;
$out{$host} = \@host_traffic;
return %out;
my( $iterations, $total_send, $total_recv, %averages ) = ( 0, 0, 0, () );
my $previous = cl_netstat();
sleep 2;
while ( 1 ) {
my $current = cl_netstat();
my %diff = diff_cl_netstat( $current, $previous );
$previous = $current;
printf "% 12s: % 13s % 13s => % 13s / % 13s % 13s / % 13s\n",
qw( hostname eth0_total eth1_total eth0_recv eth0_send eth1_recv eth1_send );
# 8487285 9772156 => 8043608 / 443677 9265996 / 506160
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
my $host_count = 0;
my $host_r_total = 0;
my $host_s_total = 0;
foreach my $host ( @sorted_host_list ) {
my $hostname = $host;
$hostname =~ s/\.[a-zA-Z]+.*$//;
printf "% 12s: % 13s % 13s => % 13s / % 13s % 13s / % 13s\n",
c($diff{$host}->[0] + $diff{$host}->[1]),
c($diff{$host}->[2] + $diff{$host}->[3]),
$host_r_total += $diff{$host}->[0] + $diff{$host}->[2];
$host_s_total += $diff{$host}->[1] + $diff{$host}->[3];
printf "Total: % 13s Recv: % 12s Send: % 12s (%s mbit/s)\n",
c($host_r_total + $host_s_total),
c((($host_r_total + $host_s_total)*8)/(2**20));
$total_send += $host_s_total;
$total_recv += $host_r_total;
printf "Average: % 13s Recv: % 12s Send: % 12s (%s mbit/s)\n",
c(($total_recv + $total_send) / $iterations),
c(($total_recv / $iterations) / $host_count),
c(($total_send / $iterations) / $host_count),
c(((($total_recv + $total_send) / $iterations)*8)/(2**20));
print "\n";
sleep $sleep;
# add commas
sub c {
my $val = int(shift);
$val =~ s/(?<=\d)(\d{3})$/,$1/;
$val =~ s/(?<=\d)(\d{3}),/,$1,/g;
return $val;
# sets up the ssh2 connection
sub libssh2 {
my( $hostname, $user ) = @_;
$user ||= $ENV{USER};
my %keys = (
$ENV{USER} => [ $ENV{HOME}.'/.ssh/', $ENV{HOME}.'/.ssh/id_rsa' ],
# for testing on a single machine, create a localhost-rsa key and add it to authorized_keys
$ENV{USER} => [ $ENV{HOME}.'/.ssh/', $ENV{HOME}.'/.ssh/localhost-rsa' ]
# potentially add other users/keys here for local hacks where ssh-agent
# doesn't cover your needs
my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new();
eval { $ssh2->connect( $hostname ); };
if ( $@ ) {
$ssh2->connect( $hostname );
my $ok = $ssh2->auth_publickey( $user, @{$keys{$user}} );
unless ( $ok ) {
delete $keys{$user};
my $next_user = (keys %keys)[0];
warn "Failed to auth as $user - trying user '$next_user'";
$user = $next_user;
$ok = $ssh2->auth_publickey( $user, @{$keys{$user}} );
$ok or die "Could not authenticate as $user\@$hostname using RSA.";
return $ssh2;
sub libssh2_slurp_cmd {
my( $ssh2, $cmd ) = @_;
confess "Bad args." unless ( $ssh2 && $cmd );
my $chan = $ssh2->channel();
$chan->exec( $cmd );
my $data = '';
while ( !$chan->eof() ) {
$chan->read( my $buffer, 4096 );
$data .= $buffer;
return wantarray ? split(/[\r\n]+/, $data) : $data;
This software is copyright (c) 2007-2010 by Al Tobey.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
of the Artistic License 2.0. (Note that, unlike the Artistic License 1.0,
version 2.0 is GPL compatible by itself, hence there is no benefit to having an
Artistic 2.0 / GPL disjunction.) See the file LICENSE for details.
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tobert commented Jan 10, 2011

me@box ~ $
Connecting to via SSH ... connected.
Connecting to via SSH ... connected.
    hostname:    eth0_total    eth1_total =>     eth0_recv /     eth0_send      eth1_recv /     eth1_send
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         4,385             0 =>         1,974 /         2,411              0 /             0         1,018             0 =>           673 /           345              0 /             0
Total:           5,403         Recv:        2,647     Send:        2,756    (0 mbit/s)
Average:         5,403         Recv:        1,323     Send:        1,378    (0 mbit/s)

    hostname:    eth0_total    eth1_total =>     eth0_recv /     eth0_send      eth1_recv /     eth1_send
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         1,106             0 =>           419 /           687              0 /             0         1,652             0 =>           937 /           715              0 /             0
Total:           2,758         Recv:        1,356     Send:        1,402    (0 mbit/s)
Average:         4,080         Recv:        1,000     Send:        1,039    (0 mbit/s)

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tobert commented Jan 10, 2011

Also, the hostlist() function is in my unreleased It just returns an array of hostnames or ip's. This would work:
sub hostlist { qw( ) }

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