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Created April 23, 2020 11:01
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Running Adobe Digital Editions on Void Linux

Running Adobe Digital Editions on Void Linux


I'm an avid reader with a lot of ebooks, some of them protected by Adobe DRM. While I do not particularly like copy protection, there are excellent books out there that are not otherwise (legally) available. Also, I do see the point that authors have a justified desire to protect their works against illegal copies. It is not their fault that DRM companies seem to ignore alternative operating systems (also here, I do get that it is difficult to justify huge efforts to cater to a relatively small group of people - but belonging to that small group, I still find it somewhat annoying). end of rant :)

Long story short: I want to be able to run Adobe Digital Editions on Linux, because it seems wasteful to keep a Windows machine around just for managing my eBooks, and I do not want to illegally download them, either.

Since a couple of days, I run Void Linux (musl) on my main laptop. That is probably one of the most difficult setups to get Adobe Digital Editions to run on, mainly because:

  • At the time of writing, there's no multilib repo for musl yet, meaning: No pre-packaged wine
  • For the same reason, compiling a 32bit version of wine is also not trivial

Thankfully, there are really smart guys out there who solved those issues, and I managed to find their artifacts :)


Here's the smart guys:

Without further ado:

sudo xbps-install -S docker
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/docker /var/service
sudo usermod -a -G docker <your username>
<logout and log back in to update your groups>
mkdir ~/bin/
wget -O bin/docker-wine
bin/docker-wine winetricks win10 corefonts windowscodecs dotnet40
# finally, installing ADE
# now, you are inside docker wine
# ctrl-D to exit wine
bin/docker-wine wine ADE_4.5_Installer.exe
# now, you can simply start ADE using:
bin/docker-wine wine "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Digital Editions 4.5\DigitalEditions.exe"

I hope this is useful for somebody who wants to legally use ADE on his Linux machine.

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