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Created March 19, 2022 19:08
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List of Banned Subdomains when building Multi-Tenancy App
module.exports = {
0: 'about',
1: 'abuse',
2: 'access',
3: 'account',
4: 'accounts',
5: 'acme',
6: 'activate',
7: 'activities',
8: 'activity',
9: 'ad',
10: 'add',
11: 'address',
12: 'adm',
13: 'admanager',
14: 'admin',
15: 'administration',
16: 'administrator',
17: 'administrators',
18: 'admins',
19: 'ads',
20: 'adsense',
21: 'adult',
22: 'advertising',
23: 'adwords',
24: 'affiliate',
25: 'affiliatepage',
26: 'affiliates',
27: 'afp',
28: 'ajax',
29: 'all',
30: 'alpha',
31: 'analysis',
32: 'analytics',
33: 'android',
34: 'anon',
35: 'anonymous',
36: 'answer',
37: 'answers',
38: 'ap',
39: 'api',
40: 'apis',
41: 'app',
42: 'appengine',
43: 'appnews',
44: 'apps',
45: 'archive',
46: 'archives',
47: 'article',
48: 'asdf',
49: 'asset',
50: 'assets',
51: 'auth',
52: 'authentication',
53: 'avatar',
54: 'backup',
55: 'bank',
56: 'banner',
57: 'banners',
58: 'base',
59: 'beginners',
60: 'beta',
61: 'billing',
62: 'bin',
63: 'binaries',
64: 'binary',
65: 'blackberry',
66: 'blog',
67: 'blogs',
68: 'blogsearch',
69: 'board',
70: 'book',
71: 'bookmark',
72: 'bookmarks',
73: 'books',
74: 'bot',
75: 'bots',
76: 'bug',
77: 'bugs',
78: 'business',
79: 'buy',
80: 'buzz',
81: 'cache',
82: 'calendar',
83: 'call',
84: 'campaign',
85: 'cancel',
86: 'captcha',
87: 'career',
88: 'careers',
89: 'cart',
90: 'catalog',
91: 'catalogs',
92: 'categories',
93: 'category',
94: 'cdn',
95: 'cgi',
96: 'cgi-bin',
97: 'changelog',
98: 'chart',
99: 'charts',
100: 'chat',
101: 'check',
102: 'checked',
103: 'checking',
104: 'checkout',
105: 'client',
106: 'cliente',
107: 'clients',
108: 'clients1',
109: 'cnarne',
110: 'code',
111: 'comercial',
112: 'comment',
113: 'comments',
114: 'communities',
115: 'community',
116: 'company',
117: 'compare',
118: 'compras',
119: 'config',
120: 'configuration',
121: 'confirm',
122: 'confirmation',
123: 'connect',
124: 'contact',
125: 'contacts',
126: 'contactus',
127: 'contact-us',
128: 'contact_us',
129: 'content',
130: 'contest',
131: 'contribute',
132: 'contributor',
133: 'contributors',
134: 'coppa',
135: 'copyright',
136: 'copyrights',
137: 'core',
138: 'corp',
139: 'countries',
140: 'country',
141: 'cpanel',
142: 'create',
143: 'css',
144: 'cssproxy',
145: 'customise',
146: 'customize',
147: 'dashboard',
148: 'data',
149: 'db',
150: 'default',
151: 'delete',
152: 'demo',
153: 'design',
154: 'designer',
155: 'desktop',
156: 'destroy',
157: 'dev',
158: 'devel',
159: 'developer',
160: 'developers',
161: 'devs',
162: 'diagram',
163: 'diary',
164: 'dict',
165: 'dictionary',
166: 'die',
167: 'dir',
168: 'directory',
169: 'direct_messages',
170: 'direct-messages',
171: 'dist',
172: 'diversity',
173: 'dl',
174: 'dmca',
175: 'doc',
176: 'docs',
177: 'documentation',
178: 'documentations',
179: 'documents',
180: 'domain',
181: 'domains',
182: 'donate',
183: 'download',
184: 'downloads',
185: 'e',
186: 'e-mail',
187: 'earth',
188: 'ecommerce',
189: 'edit',
190: 'edits',
191: 'editor',
192: 'edu',
193: 'education',
194: 'email',
195: 'embed',
196: 'embedded',
197: 'employment',
198: 'employments',
199: 'empty',
200: 'enable',
201: 'encrypted',
202: 'end',
203: 'engine',
204: 'enterprise',
205: 'enterprises',
206: 'entries',
207: 'entry',
208: 'error',
209: 'errorlog',
210: 'errors',
211: 'eval',
212: 'event',
213: 'example',
214: 'examplecommunity',
215: 'exampleopenid',
216: 'examplesyn',
217: 'examplesyndicated',
218: 'exampleusername',
219: 'exchange',
220: 'exit',
221: 'explore',
222: 'faq',
223: 'faqs',
224: 'favorite',
225: 'favorites',
226: 'favourite',
227: 'favourites',
228: 'feature',
229: 'features',
230: 'feed',
231: 'feedback',
232: 'feedburner',
233: 'feedproxy',
234: 'feeds',
235: 'file',
236: 'files',
237: 'finance',
238: 'folder',
239: 'folders',
240: 'first',
241: 'following',
242: 'forgot',
243: 'form',
244: 'forms',
245: 'forum',
246: 'forums',
247: 'founder',
248: 'free',
249: 'friend',
250: 'friends',
251: 'ftp',
252: 'fuck',
253: 'fun',
254: 'fusion',
255: 'gadget',
256: 'gadgets',
257: 'game',
258: 'games',
259: 'gears',
260: 'general',
261: 'geographic',
262: 'get',
263: 'gettingstarted',
264: 'gift',
265: 'gifts',
266: 'gist',
267: 'git',
268: 'github',
269: 'gmail',
270: 'go',
271: 'golang',
272: 'goto',
273: 'gov',
274: 'graph',
275: 'graphs',
276: 'group',
277: 'groups',
278: 'guest',
279: 'guests',
280: 'guide',
281: 'guides',
282: 'hack',
283: 'hacks',
284: 'head',
285: 'help',
286: 'home',
287: 'homepage',
288: 'host',
289: 'hosting',
290: 'hostmaster',
291: 'hostname',
292: 'howto',
293: 'how-to',
294: 'how_to',
295: 'html',
296: 'htrnl',
297: 'http',
298: 'httpd',
299: 'https',
300: 'i',
301: 'iamges',
302: 'icon',
303: 'icons',
304: 'id',
305: 'idea',
306: 'ideas',
307: 'im',
308: 'image',
309: 'images',
310: 'img',
311: 'imap',
312: 'inbox',
313: 'inboxes',
314: 'index',
315: 'indexes',
316: 'info',
317: 'information',
318: 'inquiry',
319: 'intranet',
320: 'investor',
321: 'investors',
322: 'invitation',
323: 'invitations',
324: 'invite',
325: 'invoice',
326: 'invoices',
327: 'imac',
328: 'ios',
329: 'ipad',
330: 'iphone',
331: 'irc',
332: 'irnages',
333: 'irng',
334: 'is',
335: 'issue',
336: 'issues',
337: 'it',
338: 'item',
339: 'items',
340: 'java',
341: 'javascript',
342: 'job',
343: 'jobs',
344: 'join',
345: 'js',
346: 'json',
347: 'jump',
348: 'kb',
349: 'knowledge-base',
350: 'knowledgebase',
351: 'lab',
352: 'labs',
353: 'language',
354: 'languages',
355: 'last',
356: 'ldap_status',
357: 'ldap-status',
358: 'ldapstatus',
359: 'legal',
360: 'license',
361: 'licenses',
362: 'link',
363: 'links',
364: 'linux',
365: 'list',
366: 'lists',
367: 'livejournal',
368: 'lj',
369: 'local',
370: 'locale',
371: 'location',
372: 'log',
373: 'log-in',
374: 'log-out',
375: 'login',
376: 'logout',
377: 'logs',
378: 'log_in',
379: 'log_out',
380: 'm',
381: 'mac',
382: 'macos',
383: 'macosx',
384: 'mac-os',
385: 'mac-os-x',
386: 'mac_os_x',
387: 'mail',
388: 'mailer',
389: 'mailing',
390: 'main',
391: 'maintenance',
392: 'manage',
393: 'manager',
394: 'manual',
395: 'map',
396: 'maps',
397: 'marketing',
398: 'master',
399: 'me',
400: 'media',
401: 'member',
402: 'members',
403: 'memories',
404: 'memory',
405: 'merchandise',
406: 'message',
407: 'messages',
408: 'messenger',
409: 'mg',
410: 'microblog',
411: 'microblogs',
412: 'mine',
413: 'mis',
414: 'misc',
415: 'mms',
416: 'mob',
417: 'mobile',
418: 'model',
419: 'models',
420: 'money',
421: 'movie',
422: 'movies',
423: 'mp3',
424: 'mp4',
425: 'msg',
426: 'msn',
427: 'music',
428: 'mx',
429: 'my',
430: 'mymme',
431: 'mysql',
432: 'name',
433: 'named',
434: 'nan',
435: 'navi',
436: 'navigation',
437: 'net',
438: 'network',
439: 'networks',
440: 'new',
441: 'news',
442: 'newsletter',
443: 'nick',
444: 'nickname',
445: 'nil',
446: 'none',
447: 'notes',
448: 'noticias',
449: 'notification',
450: 'notifications',
451: 'notify',
452: 'ns',
453: 'ns1',
454: 'ns2',
455: 'ns3',
456: 'ns4',
457: 'ns5',
458: 'null',
459: 'oauth',
460: 'oauth-clients',
461: 'oauth_clients',
462: 'ocsp',
463: 'offer',
464: 'offers',
465: 'official',
466: 'old',
467: 'online',
468: 'openid',
469: 'operator',
470: 'option',
471: 'options',
472: 'order',
473: 'orders',
474: 'org',
475: 'organization',
476: 'organizations',
477: 'other',
478: 'overview',
479: 'owner',
480: 'owners',
481: 'p0rn',
482: 'pack',
483: 'page',
484: 'pager',
485: 'pages',
486: 'paid',
487: 'panel',
488: 'partner',
489: 'partnerpage',
490: 'partners',
491: 'password',
492: 'patch',
493: 'pay',
494: 'payment',
495: 'people',
496: 'perl',
497: 'person',
498: 'phone',
499: 'photo',
500: 'photoalbum',
501: 'photos',
502: 'php',
503: 'phpmyadmin',
504: 'phppgadmin',
505: 'phpredisadmin',
506: 'pic',
507: 'pics',
508: 'picture',
509: 'pictures',
510: 'ping',
511: 'pixel',
512: 'places',
513: 'plan',
514: 'plans',
515: 'plugin',
516: 'plugins',
517: 'podcasts',
518: 'policies',
519: 'policy',
520: 'pop',
521: 'pop3',
522: 'popular',
523: 'porn',
524: 'portal',
525: 'portals',
526: 'post',
527: 'postfix',
528: 'postmaster',
529: 'posts',
530: 'pr',
531: 'pr0n',
532: 'premium',
533: 'press',
534: 'price',
535: 'pricing',
536: 'principles',
537: 'print',
538: 'privacy',
539: 'privacy-policy',
540: 'privacypolicy',
541: 'privacy_policy',
542: 'private',
543: 'prod',
544: 'product',
545: 'production',
546: 'products',
547: 'profile',
548: 'profiles',
549: 'project',
550: 'projects',
551: 'promo',
552: 'promotions',
553: 'proxies',
554: 'proxy',
555: 'pub',
556: 'public',
557: 'purchase',
558: 'purpose',
559: 'put',
560: 'python',
561: 'queries',
562: 'query',
563: 'radio',
564: 'random',
565: 'ranking',
566: 'read',
567: 'reader',
568: 'readme',
569: 'recent',
570: 'recruit',
571: 'recruitment',
572: 'redirect',
573: 'register',
574: 'registration',
575: 'release',
576: 'remove',
577: 'replies',
578: 'report',
579: 'reports',
580: 'repositories',
581: 'repository',
582: 'req',
583: 'request',
584: 'requests',
585: 'research',
586: 'reset',
587: 'resolve',
588: 'resolver',
589: 'review',
590: 'rnail',
591: 'rnicrosoft',
592: 'roc',
593: 'root',
594: 'rss',
595: 'ruby',
596: 'rule',
597: 'sag',
598: 'sale',
599: 'sales',
600: 'sample',
601: 'samples',
602: 'sandbox',
603: 'save',
604: 'scholar',
605: 'school',
606: 'schools',
607: 'script',
608: 'scripts',
609: 'search',
610: 'secure',
611: 'security',
612: 'self',
613: 'seminars',
614: 'send',
615: 'server',
616: 'server-info',
617: 'server_info',
618: 'server-status',
619: 'server_status',
620: 'servers',
621: 'service',
622: 'services',
623: 'session',
624: 'sessions',
625: 'setting',
626: 'settings',
627: 'setup',
628: 'share',
629: 'shop',
630: 'shopping',
631: 'shortcut',
632: 'shortcuts',
633: 'show',
634: 'sign-in',
635: 'sign-up',
636: 'signin',
637: 'signout',
638: 'signup',
639: 'sign_in',
640: 'sign_up',
641: 'site',
642: 'sitemap',
643: 'sitemaps',
644: 'sitenews',
645: 'sites',
646: 'sketchup',
647: 'sky',
648: 'slash',
649: 'slashinvoice',
650: 'slut',
651: 'smartphone',
652: 'sms',
653: 'smtp',
654: 'soap',
655: 'software',
656: 'sorry',
657: 'source',
658: 'spec',
659: 'special',
660: 'spreadsheet',
661: 'spreadsheets',
662: 'sql',
663: 'src',
664: 'srntp',
665: 'ssh',
666: 'ssl',
667: 'ssladmin',
668: 'ssladministrator',
669: 'sslwebmaster',
670: 'ssytem',
671: 'staff',
672: 'stage',
673: 'staging',
674: 'start',
675: 'stat',
676: 'state',
677: 'static',
678: 'statistics',
679: 'stats',
680: 'status',
681: 'store',
682: 'stores',
683: 'stories',
684: 'style',
685: 'styleguide',
686: 'styles',
687: 'stylesheet',
688: 'stylesheets',
689: 'subdomain',
690: 'subscribe',
691: 'subscription',
692: 'subscriptions',
693: 'suggest',
694: 'suggestqueries',
695: 'support',
696: 'survey',
697: 'surveys',
698: 'surveytool',
699: 'svn',
700: 'swf',
701: 'syn',
702: 'sync',
703: 'syndicated',
704: 'sys',
705: 'sysadmin',
706: 'sysadministrator',
707: 'sysadmins',
708: 'system',
709: 'tablet',
710: 'tablets',
711: 'tag',
712: 'tags',
713: 'talk',
714: 'talkgadget',
715: 'task',
716: 'tasks',
717: 'team',
718: 'teams',
719: 'tech',
720: 'telnet',
721: 'term',
722: 'terms',
723: 'terms-of-service',
724: 'termsofservice',
725: 'terms_of_service',
726: 'test',
727: 'testing',
728: 'tests',
729: 'text',
730: 'theme',
731: 'themes',
732: 'thread',
733: 'threads',
734: 'ticket',
735: 'tickets',
736: 'tmp',
737: 'todo',
738: 'to-do',
739: 'to_do',
740: 'toml',
741: 'tool',
742: 'toolbar',
743: 'toolbars',
744: 'tools',
745: 'top',
746: 'topic',
747: 'topics',
748: 'tos',
749: 'tour',
750: 'trac',
751: 'translate',
752: 'trace',
753: 'translation',
754: 'translations',
755: 'translator',
756: 'trends',
757: 'tutorial',
758: 'tux',
759: 'tv',
760: 'twitter',
761: 'txt',
762: 'ul',
763: 'undef',
764: 'unfollow',
765: 'unsubscribe',
766: 'update',
767: 'updates',
768: 'upgrade',
769: 'upgrades',
770: 'upi',
771: 'upload',
772: 'uploads',
773: 'url',
774: 'usage',
775: 'user',
776: 'username',
777: 'usernames',
778: 'users',
779: 'uuid',
780: 'validation',
781: 'validations',
782: 'ver',
783: 'version',
784: 'video',
785: 'videos',
786: 'video-stats',
787: 'visitor',
788: 'visitors',
789: 'voice',
790: 'volunteer',
791: 'volunteers',
792: 'w',
793: 'watch',
794: 'wave',
795: 'weather',
796: 'web',
797: 'webdisk',
798: 'webhook',
799: 'webhooks',
800: 'webmail',
801: 'webmaster',
802: 'webmasters',
803: 'webrnail',
804: 'website',
805: 'websites',
806: 'welcome',
807: 'whm',
808: 'whois',
809: 'widget',
810: 'widgets',
811: 'wifi',
812: 'wiki',
813: 'wikis',
814: 'win',
815: 'windows',
816: 'word',
817: 'work',
818: 'works',
819: 'workshop',
820: 'wpad',
821: 'ww',
822: 'wws',
823: 'www',
824: 'wwws',
825: 'wwww',
826: 'xfn',
827: 'xhtml',
828: 'xhtrnl',
829: 'xml',
830: 'xmpp',
831: 'xpg',
832: 'xxx',
833: 'yaml',
834: 'year',
835: 'yml',
836: 'you',
837: 'yourdomain',
838: 'yourname',
839: 'yoursite',
840: 'yourusername',
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