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Created May 2, 2013 14:04
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<< ~/w/torquebox/torquebox-dists >>
$ gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
blankslate (
bundler (1.2.3)
edn (1.0.0)
jruby-win32ole (0.8.5)
parslet (1.4.0)
rack (1.4.1)
rake (
thor (0.16.0)
torquebox (2.2.0)
torquebox-cache (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-capistrano-support (2.2.0)
torquebox-configure (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-core (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-messaging (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-naming (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-no-op (2.2.0)
torquebox-rake-support (2.2.0)
torquebox-security (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-stomp (2.2.0)
torquebox-transactions (2.2.0)
torquebox-web (2.2.0 java)
<< ~/w/torquebox/torquebox-dists >>
$ gem update --system
Updating rubygems-update
Fetching: rubygems-update-2.0.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rubygems-update-2.0.3
Installing RubyGems 2.0.3
RubyGems 2.0.3 installed
=== 2.0.2 / 2013-03-06
* Bug fixes:
* HTTPS URLs are preferred over HTTP URLs. RubyGems will now attempt to
upgrade any HTTP source to HTTPS. Credit to Alex Gaynor.
* SSL Certificates are now installed properly. Fixes #491 by
* Fixed HTTP to HTTPS upgrade for
=== 2.0.1 / 2013-03-05
* Bug fixes:
* Lazily load API credentials to avoid failure during
RubyGems installation. Bug #465 by Isaac Sanders.
* RubyGems now picks the latest prerelease to install. Fixes bug #468 by
Santiago Pastorino.
* Improved detection of missing Zlib::GzipReader encoding support. Works
around JRuby-only bug #472 by Matt Beedle.
* "Done installing documentation" is no longer displayed when documentation
generation is disabled. Fixes bug #469 by Jeff Sandberg
* The existing executable check now respects --format-executable. Pull
request #471 by Jeremy Evans.
* RubyGems no longer creates gem subdirectories when fetching gems. Fixes
#482 by Loren Segal.
* RubyGems does not require OpenSSL like RubyGems 1.8, but still prefers it.
Fixes #481 by André Arko.
* RubyGems only fetches specs for list, search and query commands when
needed like RubyGems 1.x. Fixes bug #487 by bitbuerster, Ruby bug #8019
by Ike Miller.
* Allow specification of mode for gem subdirectory creation.
Ruby bug #7713 by nobu
* Fix tests when an 'a.rb' exists. Ruby bug #7749 by nobu.
=== 2.0.0 / 2013-02-24
RubyGems 2.0 includes several new features and many breaking changes. Some of
these changes will cause existing software to break. These changes are a
result of improvements to the internals of RubyGems that make it more
maintainable and improve APIs for RubyGems users.
If you are using bundler be sure to install a 1.3.0.prerelease version or
newer. Older versions of bundler will not work with RubyGems 2.0.
Changes since RubyGems 1.8.25 (including past pre-releases):
* Breaking changes:
* Deprecated Gem.unresolved_deps in favor of
* Merged Gem::Builder into Gem::Package. Use
instead of
* Merged Gem::Format into Gem::Package. Use instead
of Gem::Format.from_file_by_path
* Moved Gem::OldFormat to Gem::Package::Old. Gem::Package will
automatically detect old gems for you, so there is no need to refer to it.
* Removed Gem::DocManager, replaced by Gem::RDoc and done_installing hook
* Removed Gem::Package::TarInput in favor of Gem::Package
* Removed Gem::Package::TarOutput in favor of Gem::Package
* Removed Gem::RemoteFetcher#open_uri_or_path. (steveklabnik)
* Removed Gem::SSL in favor of using OpenSSL directly
* Removed Gem.loaded_path
* Removed RSS generation from the gem indexer
* Removed benchmark option from .gemrc
* Removed broken YAML gemspec support in `gem build`
* Removed support for Ruby 1.9.1
* Removed many deprecated methods
* Major enhancements:
* Improved support for default gems shipping with ruby 2.0.0+
* A gem can have arbitrary metadata through Gem::Specification#metadata
* `gem search` now defaults to --remote and is anchored like gem list. Fixes
* Added --document to replace --rdoc and --ri. Use --no-document to disable
documentation, --document=rdoc to only generate rdoc.
* Only ri-format documentation is generated by default.
* `gem server` uses RDoc::Servlet from RDoc 4.0 to generate HTML
* Add ability to install gems directly from a compatible gemdep
file (Gemfile, Isolate, gem.deps.rb)
<code>gem install --file path</code>
* Add ability to load gem activation information from a gemdeps
file (Gemfile, Isolate, gem.deps.rb).
Set RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS=path to have it loaded. Use - as the path
to autodetect (current and parent directories are searched).
* Minor enhancements:
* Added `gem check --doctor` to clean up after failed uninstallation. Bug
#419 by Erik Hollensbe
* RubyGems no longer defaults to uninstalling gems if a dependency would be
broken. Now you must manually say "yes". Pull Request #406 by Shannon
* Gem::DependencyInstaller now passes build_args down to the installer.
Pull Request #412 by Sam Rawlins.
* Added a cmake builder. Pull request #265 by Allan Espinosa.
* Removed rubyforge page from gem list output
* Added --only-executables option to `gem pristine`. Fixes #326
* Added -I flag for 'gem query' to exclude installed items
* Added Gem.install(name, version=default) for interactive sessions
* Added Gem::FilePermissionError#directory
* Added Gem::rubygems_version which is like Gem::ruby_version
* Added RUBYGEMS_HOST documentation to `gem env`
* Added a post_installs hook that runs after Gem::DependencyInstaller
finishes installing a set of gems
* Added a usage method for Gem::Commands::OwnerCommand. (ffmike)
* Added an optional type parameter to Gem::Specification#doc_dir.
* Added announcements url and clarified how to file tickets
* Added guidance for how to use rdoc and ri in setup command. (jjb)
* Attempting to install multiple gems with --version is now an error. You
can specify per-gem versions like <code>rake:0.9.5</code>
* Clarified Gem::CommandManager example code to avoid multi load problems.
* Corrupt or bad cached specs are now re-downloaded. (cookrn)
* Extension build arguments are saved from install and reused for pristine
* If the OS allows it, documentation is built in a forked background
process. (alexch)
* Imported gem yank from the gemcutter gem. Fixes #177, #343
* Packaged gems now contain and verify SHA1 checksums
* Removed commas from gem update summary so you can paste it back to
cleanup. (amatsuda)
* RubyGems will now warn when building gems with prerelease dependencies.
Fixes #255
* The RUBYGEMS_HOST environment variable is used to determine appropriate
API key for pushing or yanking gems
* Uninstall is now performed in reverse topological order.
* Users are told what to type when they try to uninstall a gem outside
* When building gems with non-world-readable files a warning is shown.
* Bug fixes:
* Gem.refresh now maintains the active gem list. Clearing the list would
cause double-loads which would cause other bugs. Pull Request #427 by
Jeremy Evans
* RubyGems now refuses to read the gem push credentials file if it has
insecure permissions. Pull Request #438 by Shannon Skipper
* RubyGems now requires a local gem name to end in '.gem'. Issue #407 by
Santiago Pastorino.
* Do not allow old-format gems to be installed with a security policy that
verifies data.
* Gem installation will fail if RubyGems cannot load the specification from
the gem. Bug #419 by Erik Hollensbe
* RubyGems tests now run in FIPS mode. Issue #365 by Vít Ondruch
* Only update the spec cache when we have permission. Ruby Bug #7509
* gem install now ignores directories and non .gem files that match the gem
to install. Bug #407 by Santiago Pastorino.
* Added PID to setup bin_file while installing RubyGems to protect against
errors. Fixes #328 by ConradIrwin
* Added missing require in Gem::Uninstaller when format_executable is set.
* Exact gem command name matches are now chosen even if a longer command
overlaps the exact name
* Fixed Gem.loaded_path? with a Pathname instance. (mattetti)
* Fixed mismatch with checks
* Fixed SecurityError in Gem::Specification.load when $SAFE=1. (ged)
* Fixed SystemStackError with "gem list -r -a" on 1.9 (cldwalker)
* Fixed `gem owners` command so that exceptions don't stop the rest of the
command from completing
* Fixed `gem unpack uninstalled_gem` default version picker.
* Fixed defunct rubyforge urls in gem command line help
* Fixed documentation for the various hooks collections
* Fixed documentation generation on setup when the gem directory does not
exist. Fixes #253
* Fixed documentation to reflect where defaults overrides are loaded from.
* Fixed editing of a Makefile with 8-bit characters. Fixes #181
* Fixed gem loading issue caused by dependencies not resolving.
* Fixed independent testing of test_gem_package_tar_output. Ruby Bug #4686
by Shota Fukumori
* Fixed typo in uninstall message. (sandal)
* Gem::Requirement#<=> returns nil on non-requirement arg.
* Gem::Requirement.satisfied_by? raises ArgumentError if given a non-version
* Gem::Version#initialize no longer modifies its parameter. (miaout17)
* Group-writable permissions are now allowed for gem repositories. (ctcherry)
* Memoized values in Gem::Specification are now reset the version or
platform changes. Fixes #78
* More specific errors are raised for bad requirements. (arsduo)
* Removed reference to 'sources' gem in documentation
* Removed unused block arguments to avoid creating Proc objects. (k-tsj)
* RubyGems now asks before overwriting executable wrappers. Ruby Bug #1800
* The bindir is now created with mkdir_p during install. (voxik)
* URI scheme matching is no longer case-sensitive. Fixes #322
* ext/builder now checks $MAKE as well as $make (okkez)
Changes since RubyGems 2.0.0.rc.2:
* Bug fixes:
* Gem.gzip and Gem.gunzip now return strings with BINARY encoding. Issue
#450 by Jeremy Kemper
* Fixed placement of executables with --user-install. Ruby bug #7779 by Jon
* Fixed `gem update` with --user-install. Ruby bug #7779 by Jon Forums.
* Fixed test_initialize_user_install for windows. Ruby bug #7885 by Luis
* Create extension destination directory before building extensions. Ruby
Bug #7897 and patch by Kenta Murata.
* Fixed verification of gems at LowSecurity due to missing signature.
Thanks to André Arko.
=== 2.0.0.rc.2 / 2013-02-08
* Bug fixes:
* Fixed signature verification of gems which was broken only on master.
Thanks to Brian Buchanan.
* Proper exceptions are raised when verifying an unsigned gem. Thanks to
André Arko.
=== 2.0.0.rc.1 / 2013-01-08
* Minor enhancements:
* This release of RubyGems can push gems to Ordinarily
prerelease versions of RubyGems cannot push gems.
* Added `gem check --doctor` to clean up after failed uninstallation. Bug
#419 by Erik Hollensbe
* Bug fixes:
* Fixed exception raised when attempting to push gems to Bug
#418 by André Arko
* Gem installation will fail if RubyGems cannot load the specification from
the gem. Bug #419 by Erik Hollensbe
=== 2.0.0.preview2.2 / 2012-12-14
* Minor enhancements:
* Added a cmake builder. Pull request #265 by Allan Espinosa.
* Removed rubyforge page from gem list output
* Bug fixes:
* Restored RubyGems 1.8 packaging behavior of omitting directories. Bug
#413 by Jeremy Kemper.
=== 2.0.0.preview2.1 / 2012-12-08
* Minor enhancements:
* Gem::DependencyInstaller now passes build_args down to the installer.
Pull Request #412 by Sam Rawlins.
* RubyGems no longer defaults to uninstalling gems if a dependency would be
broken. Now you must manually say "yes". Pull Request #406 by Shannon
* Bug fixes:
* RubyGems tests now run in FIPS mode. Issue #365 by Vít Ondruch
* Fixed Gem::Specification#base_dir for default gems. Ruby Bug #7469
* Only update the spec cache when we have permission. Ruby Bug #7509
* Restored order of version marking. Fixes an issue with bundler. Thanks
to Aaron Patterson and Terence Lee.
* Gem cleanup now skips default gems. Pull Request #409 by Kouhei Sutou
* gem list, search and query can show remote gems again. Bug #410 by
Henry Maddocks
* gem install now ignores directories that match the gem to install. Bug
#407 by Santiago Pastorino.
=== 2.0.0.preview2 / 2012-12-01
This release contains two commits not present in Ruby 2.0.0.preview2. One
commit is for ruby 1.8.7 support, the second allows RubyGems to work under
$SAFE=1. There is no functional difference compared to Ruby 2.0.0.preview2
* Breaking changes:
* Deprecated Gem.unresolved_deps in favor of
* Merged Gem::Builder into Gem::Package. Use
instead of
* Merged Gem::Format into Gem::Package. Use instead
of Gem::Format.from_file_by_path
* Moved Gem::OldFormat to Gem::Package::Old. Gem::Package will
automatically detect old gems for you, so there is no need to refer to it.
* Removed Gem::DocManager, replaced by Gem::RDoc and done_installing hook
* Removed Gem::Package::TarInput in favor of Gem::Package
* Removed Gem::Package::TarOutput in favor of Gem::Package
* Removed Gem::RemoteFetcher#open_uri_or_path. (steveklabnik)
* Removed Gem::SSL in favor of using OpenSSL directly
* Removed Gem.loaded_path
* Removed RSS generation from the gem indexer
* Removed benchmark option from .gemrc
* Removed broken YAML gemspec support in `gem build`
* Removed support for Ruby 1.9.1
* Removed many deprecated methods
* Major enhancements:
* Improved support for default gems shipping with ruby 2.0.0+
* A gem can have arbitrary metadata through Gem::Specification#metadata
* `gem search` now defaults to --remote and is anchored like gem list. Fixes
* Added --document to replace --rdoc and --ri. Use --no-document to disable
documentation, --document=rdoc to only generate rdoc.
* Only ri-format documentation is generated by default.
* `gem server` uses RDoc::Servlet from RDoc 4.0 to generate HTML
* Add ability to install gems directly from a compatible gemdep
file (Gemfile, Isolate, gem.deps.rb)
<code>gem install --file path</code>
* Add ability to load gem activation information from a gemdeps
file (Gemfile, Isolate, gem.deps.rb).
Set RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS=path to have it loaded. Use - as the path
to autodetect (current and parent directories are searched).
* Minor enhancements:
* Added --only-executables option to `gem pristine`. Fixes #326
* Added -I flag for 'gem query' to exclude installed items
* Added Gem.install(name, version=default) for interactive sessions
* Added Gem::FilePermissionError#directory
* Added Gem::rubygems_version which is like Gem::ruby_version
* Added RUBYGEMS_HOST documentation to `gem env`
* Added a post_installs hook that runs after Gem::DependencyInstaller
finishes installing a set of gems
* Added a usage method for Gem::Commands::OwnerCommand. (ffmike)
* Added an optional type parameter to Gem::Specification#doc_dir.
* Added announcements url and clarified how to file tickets
* Added guidance for how to use rdoc and ri in setup command. (jjb)
* Attempting to install multiple gems with --version is now an error. You
can specify per-gem versions like <code>rake:0.9.5</code>
* Clarified Gem::CommandManager example code to avoid multi load problems.
* Corrupt or bad cached specs are now re-downloaded. (cookrn)
* Extension build arguments are saved from install and reused for pristine
* If the OS allows it, documentation is built in a forked background
process. (alexch)
* Imported gem yank from the gemcutter gem. Fixes #177, #343
* Packaged gems now contain and verify SHA1 checksums
* Removed commas from gem update summary so you can paste it back to
cleanup. (amatsuda)
* RubyGems will now warn when building gems with prerelease dependencies.
Fixes #255
* The RUBYGEMS_HOST environment variable is used to determine appropriate
API key for pushing or yanking gems
* Uninstall is now performed in reverse topological order.
* Users are told what to type when they try to uninstall a gem outside
* When building gems with non-world-readable files a warning is shown.
* Bug fixes:
* Added PID to setup bin_file while installing RubyGems to protect against
errors. Fixes #328 by ConradIrwin
* Added missing require in Gem::Uninstaller when format_executable is set.
* Exact gem command name matches are now chosen even if a longer command
overlaps the exact name
* Fixed Gem.loaded_path? with a Pathname instance. (mattetti)
* Fixed mismatch with checks
* Fixed SecurityError in Gem::Specification.load when $SAFE=1. (ged)
* Fixed SystemStackError with "gem list -r -a" on 1.9 (cldwalker)
* Fixed `gem owners` command so that exceptions don't stop the rest of the
command from completing
* Fixed `gem unpack uninstalled_gem` default version picker.
* Fixed defunct rubyforge urls in gem command line help
* Fixed documentation for the various hooks collections
* Fixed documentation generation on setup when the gem directory does not
exist. Fixes #253
* Fixed documentation to reflect where defaults overrides are loaded from.
* Fixed editing of a Makefile with 8-bit characters. Fixes #181
* Fixed gem loading issue caused by dependencies not resolving.
* Fixed independent testing of test_gem_package_tar_output. Ruby Bug #4686
by Shota Fukumori
* Fixed typo in uninstall message. (sandal)
* Gem::Requirement#<=> returns nil on non-requirement arg.
* Gem::Requirement.satisfied_by? raises ArgumentError if given a non-version
* Gem::Version#initialize no longer modifies its parameter. (miaout17)
* Group-writable permissions are now allowed for gem repositories. (ctcherry)
* Memoized values in Gem::Specification are now reset the version or
platform changes. Fixes #78
* More specific errors are raised for bad requirements. (arsduo)
* Removed reference to 'sources' gem in documentation
* Removed unused block arguments to avoid creating Proc objects. (k-tsj)
* RubyGems now asks before overwriting executable wrappers. Ruby Bug #1800
* The bindir is now created with mkdir_p during install. (voxik)
* URI scheme matching is no longer case-sensitive. Fixes #322
* ext/builder now checks $MAKE as well as $make (okkez)
RubyGems installed the following executables:
RubyGems system software updated
<< ~/w/torquebox/torquebox-dists >>
$ gem --version
<< ~/w/torquebox/torquebox-dists >>
$ gem install torquebox-backstage --conservative
Fetching: tilt-1.4.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed tilt-1.4.0
Fetching: sinatra-1.2.6.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sinatra-1.2.6
Fetching: haml-3.1.8.gem (100%)
Successfully installed haml-3.1.8
Fetching: sass-3.1.21.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sass-3.1.21
Fetching: jmx-0.9.gem (100%)
Successfully installed jmx-0.9
Fetching: json-1.5.1-java.gem (100%)
Successfully installed json-1.5.1-java
Fetching: tobias-sinatra-url-for-0.2.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed tobias-sinatra-url-for-0.2.1
Fetching: rack-accept-0.4.5.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rack-accept-0.4.5
Fetching: thor-0.14.6.gem (100%)
Successfully installed thor-0.14.6
Fetching: multi_json-1.0.4.gem (100%)
Successfully installed multi_json-1.0.4
Fetching: bond-0.4.3-java.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bond-0.4.3-java
Fetching: ripl-0.5.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed ripl-0.5.1
Fetching: ripl-multi_line-0.3.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed ripl-multi_line-0.3.1
Fetching: tobias-rack-webconsole-0.1.4.gem (100%)
Successfully installed tobias-rack-webconsole-0.1.4
Fetching: torquebox-webconsole-0.1.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed torquebox-webconsole-0.1.0
Fetching: torquebox-backstage-1.0.7.gem (100%)
Successfully installed torquebox-backstage-1.0.7
16 gems installed
<< ~/w/torquebox/torquebox-dists >>
$ gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
blankslate (
bond (0.4.3 java)
bundler (1.2.3)
edn (1.0.0)
haml (3.1.8)
jmx (0.9)
jruby-win32ole (0.8.5)
json (1.5.1 java)
multi_json (1.0.4)
parslet (1.4.0)
rack (1.4.1)
rack-accept (0.4.5)
rake (
ripl (0.5.1)
ripl-multi_line (0.3.1)
rubygems-update (2.0.3)
sass (3.1.21)
sinatra (1.2.6)
thor (0.16.0, 0.14.6)
tilt (1.4.0)
tobias-rack-webconsole (0.1.4)
tobias-sinatra-url-for (0.2.1)
torquebox (2.2.0)
torquebox-backstage (1.0.7)
torquebox-cache (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-capistrano-support (2.2.0)
torquebox-configure (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-core (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-messaging (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-naming (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-no-op (2.2.0)
torquebox-rake-support (2.2.0)
torquebox-security (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-stomp (2.2.0)
torquebox-transactions (2.2.0)
torquebox-web (2.2.0 java)
torquebox-webconsole (0.1.0)
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