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Created October 16, 2013 16:47
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(import '[java.nio.file Path Files FileSystem FileSystems StandardCopyOption FileVisitor FileVisitResult])
(defn ->path [path]
(if (instance? Path path)
(.getPath (FileSystems/getDefault) path (into-array String []))))
(defn copy [from to]
(Files/copy (->path from) (->path to) (into-array [StandardCopyOption/COPY_ATTRIBUTES])))
(defn copying-visitor [source dest]
(reify FileVisitor
(preVisitDirectory [_ dir _]
(copy dir (.resolve dest (.relativize source dir)))
(visitFile [_ file _]
(copy file (.resolve dest (.relativize source file)))
(postVisitDirectory [_ dir _]
(defn copy-dir [source dest]
(let [source (->path source)
dest (->path dest)]
(Files/walkFileTree source (copying-visitor source dest))))
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