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Created August 20, 2014 18:01
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-*- mode: grep; default-directory: "~/w/immutant/immutant/" -*-
Grep started at Wed Aug 20 14:01:10
git --no-pager grep --no-color -n -e "TODO" -- "*.*"
etc/bin/ TODO: domain mode
etc/build-helper/src/build_helper/docs.clj:21: (update-in project [:dependencies] conj '[org.immutant/build-helper "0.1.6"]) ;; TODO: don't hardcode this version?
messaging/src/immutant/messaging.clj:139: TODO: more docs/examples"
messaging/test/immutant/messaging/pipeline_test.clj:359: (println "NOTE: pipeline record test disabled out-of-container, as it will fail. TODO: fix it")))
web/test/immutant/web/websocket_test.clj:92: ;; TODO: bug in undertow! (is (= "/?x=y&j=k" (-> handshake uri str)))
wildfly/src/immutant/wildfly.clj:116: ;; TODO: figure out where to store/get the web-context
Grep finished (matches found) at Wed Aug 20 14:01:10
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