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Created May 17, 2012 16:44
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Save tobiash/2720105 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dynamically generate pages for Docpad (from categories)
path = require 'path'
fs = require 'fs'
balUtil = require 'bal-util'
Backbone = require 'backbone'
module.exports = (BasePlugin) ->
class Category extends Backbone.Model
constructor: ->
@documents = new Backbone.Collection
class CategoryPages extends BasePlugin
name: "categorypages"
constructor: ->
@categories = {}
getOrCreateCategory: (name) ->
return @categories[name] if @categories[name]?
category = new Category name: name
@categories[name] = category
return category
addToCategory: (categoryName, document) ->
category = @getOrCreateCategory(categoryName)
category.documents.add document
parseAfter: ({}, next) ->
# Requires
logger = @logger
logger.log "info", "Parse after"
documents = @docpad.documents
tasks = new balUtil.Group (err) =>
logger.log 'info', "Created #{Object.keys(@categories).length} category pages for #{documents.length} documents"
return next()
unless documents.length
return tasks.exit() = 2
documents.forEach (document) =>
categoryNames = document.get('categories') or []
@addToCategory(name, document) for name in categoryNames
@tmpPath = @docpad.config.rootPath + '/tmp/' + @name
tmpCategories = @tmpPath + '/category'
logger.log "info", tmpCategories
# Where would be a better place to prepare (and clean) the tmp directory?
balUtil.ensurePath tmpCategories, (err) =>
logger.log "info", "Ensured path!"
logger.log 'warn', err if err
for name, category of @categories
fileFullPath = @tmpPath + '/category/' + name + ''
logger.log 'info', 'Generated category: ' + fileFullPath
content = """
layout: category
category: #{name}
title: Category #{name}
fs.writeFile fileFullPath, content, (err) ->
logger.log 'warn', err if err
# Augment Docpads documents query, this is necessary so the documents get picked up
# for rendering - maybe there is a cleaner way to this.
# Also, it should be setup somewhere else
paths = @docpad.config.documentsPaths.slice()
@docpad.collections.documents.setQuery('isDocument', fullPath: $beginsWith: paths)
# Parse the tmp directory
path: @tmpPath
createFunction: @docpad.createDocument
resultCollection: @docpad.database
next: =>
# This contextualizes everything again, maybe we can limit it to the generated files
@docpad.generateParseContextualize (err) =>
logger.log "warn", err if err?
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