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Last active October 26, 2023 22:26
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  • Save tobiashm/c1b0b80b2f3616637a64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tobiashm/c1b0b80b2f3616637a64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add node modules to Rails assets paths
# Allow Rails to use assets from Node packages
package_json = Rails.root.join("package.json")
Rails.configuration.watchable_files << package_json
Rails.configuration.to_prepare do
node_config = JSON.parse(
paths = Rails.configuration.assets.paths
node_modules = Rails.root.join("node_modules")
paths.reject! { |p| p.to_s.start_with?(node_modules.to_s) }
node_config["dependencies"].keys.each do |node_module|
module_dir = node_modules.join(node_module)
fail "Please run `npm install`" unless module_dir.exist?
module_config = JSON.parse(module_dir.join("package.json").read)
if module_config["main"]
main_dir = module_dir.join(module_config["main"]).expand_path.dirname
paths << main_dir.to_s unless paths.include?(main_dir.to_s)
if module_config["directories"] && module_config["directories"]["lib"]
lib_dir = module_dir.join(module_config["directories"]["lib"]).expand_path
paths << lib_dir.to_s if lib_dir != main_dir && !paths.include?(lib_dir.to_s)
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