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Created June 14, 2023 08:34
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Simple JWT deocder
* @typedef {object} Header - JOSE Header
* @property {string} typ - Type
* @property {string} alg - Algorithm
* @param {string} char - a string containing a single character
const toURIComponent = (char) => '%' + ('00' + char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
* @template T
* @param {string} part - The encoded header or payload part of the JWT to decode
* @returns {T} - object containing the payload of the JWT
const decodeJWTPart = (part) =>
* @template T - The payload type
* @param {string} jwt - The JWT to decode
* @returns {{ header: Header, payload: T, signature: string }}
export function decodeJWT(jwt) {
const [encodedHeader, encodedPayload, signature] = jwt.split('.');
return {
header: decodeJWTPart(encodedHeader),
payload: decodeJWTPart(encodedPayload),
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