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Created August 4, 2015 23:43
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using System;
using Mono.Cecil;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using System.IO;
namespace XamarinPatch
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
//const string path = "../../../../../PoSDB-Xamarin//packages/Xamarin.Forms.";
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles (@"../../../../../", "Xamarin.Forms.Core.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (string file in files) {
patchXamarinFormsCoreDll (file);
static void patchXamarinFormsCoreDll (string path)
var assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly (path);
ModuleDefinition module = assembly.MainModule;
TypeDefinition mainClass = module.GetType ("Xamarin.Forms.AnimationExtensions");
MethodDefinition method = mainClass.Methods.Single (m => m.Name == "HandleTweenerUpdated");
Console.WriteLine ("ExceptionHandlers.Count: " + method.Body.ExceptionHandlers.Count);
if (method.Body.ExceptionHandlers.Count == 0) {
var il = method.Body.GetILProcessor ();
var write = il.Create (OpCodes.Call, module.Import (typeof(Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine", new [] { typeof(object) })));
var ret = il.Create (OpCodes.Ret);
var leave = il.Create (OpCodes.Leave, ret);
il.InsertAfter (method.Body.Instructions.Last (), write);
il.InsertAfter (write, leave);
il.InsertAfter (leave, ret);
var handler = new ExceptionHandler (ExceptionHandlerType.Catch) {
TryStart = method.Body.Instructions.First (),
TryEnd = write,
HandlerStart = write,
HandlerEnd = ret,
CatchType = module.Import (typeof(Exception)),
method.Body.ExceptionHandlers.Add (handler);
string pathPatched = path + ".patched.dll";
assembly.Write (pathPatched);
System.IO.File.Copy (pathPatched, path, true);
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