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Created October 1, 2023 07:12
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Terraform configuration for hosting a static website with Cloud Storage and Cloudflare
terraform {
required_version = "~>1.3.6"
required_providers {
google = {
source = "hashicorp/google"
version = "~>4.84.0"
cloudflare = {
source = "cloudflare/cloudflare"
version = ">= 4.15.0"
backend "gcs" {
impersonate_service_account = var.gcp_service_account
provider "google" {
project = var.gcp_project_id
region = var.gcp_region
zone = var.gcp_zone
impersonate_service_account = var.gcp_service_account
provider "cloudflare" {
api_token = var.cf_token
variable "gcp_project_id" {
type = string
variable "gcp_location" {
type = string
variable "gcp_region" {
type = string
variable "gcp_zone" {
type = string
# @todo This email needs to also be added to the list of domain owners in Google Search Console.
variable "gcp_service_account" {
type = string
variable "gcp_website_verification" {
type = string
variable "cf_token" {
type = string
variable "cf_zone_id" {
type = string
variable "website_domain" {
type = string
locals {
website_domain_parts = split(".", var.website_domain)
website_subdomain = join(".", slice(local.website_domain_parts, 0, length(local.website_domain_parts) - 2))
resource "google_storage_bucket_iam_member" "website" {
bucket =
role = "roles/storage.objectViewer"
member = "allUsers"
resource "google_storage_bucket" "website" {
name = var.website_domain
location = var.gcp_location
force_destroy = true
uniform_bucket_level_access = true
website {
main_page_suffix = "index.html"
not_found_page = "404.html"
cors {
origin = ["https://${var.website_domain}"]
method = ["GET"]
response_header = ["*"]
max_age_seconds = 3600
resource "cloudflare_record" "website_verification" {
name = "@"
value = var.gcp_website_verification
zone_id = var.cf_zone_id
type = "TXT"
resource "cloudflare_record" "website" {
name = local.website_subdomain
value = ""
zone_id = var.cf_zone_id
type = "CNAME"
proxied = true
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