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Created November 2, 2015 00:39
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Install and Load Packages
#' Load packages and install packages that are not installed before loading
#' This function allows you to check install packages then load
#' @param packages Vector of packages names to be installed
#' @param dependencies Logical. Return package dependencies?
#' @param repos Repository for install.packages()
#' @keywords install.packages
#' @keywords require
#' @keywords library
#' @export
#' @examples
#' loadPackages(packages=c('hi','pscl','XML','quantmod','Rcpp','foreign'))
loadPackages <- function(packages, dependencies=TRUE, repos="", ...){
pack <- available.packages() #list of all available packages on CRAN
#create empty vectors to be returned as a list
loaded <- c()
installed <- c()
error <- c()
for(i in 1:length(packages)){
#if package is already installed just load it
if (packages[i] %in% row.names(installed.packages()) == TRUE){
#Load the Package
library(packages[i], character.only=TRUE, ...)
#List it with or without its dependencies
loaded <- rbind(loaded,cbind(packages[i], pack[packages[i],"Depends"]))
} else {
loaded <- rbind(loaded,packages[i])
#if package is not already installed install it first checcking for error and then load it
} else if (packages[i] %in% row.names(installed.packages()) == FALSE){
if(packages[i] %in% names(pack[,1])==FALSE){
error <- cbind(error, packages[i])
install.packages(packages[i], repos=repos)
installed <- rbind(installed,cbind(packages[i], pack[packages[i],"Depends"]))
} else {
installed <- rbind(installed, packages[i])
# cat("Installed Package",packages[i])
library(c(packages[i]), character.only=TRUE, ...)
list(loaded=loaded, installed=installed, error=error)
#' Quickly packages and install packages that are not installed before loading
#' Useful when using knitr.
#' This function allows you to check install packages then load
#' @param packages Vector of packages names to be installed
#' @param repos Repository for install.packages()
#' @keywords install.packages
#' @keywords require
#' @keywords library
#' @export
#' @examples
#' quickPackages(packages=c('hi','pscl','XML','quantmod','Rcpp','foreign'))
quickPackages <- function(packages, repos="",...){
#create empty vectors to be returned as a list
loaded <- c()
installed <- c()
for(i in 1:length(packages)){
#if package is already installed just load it
if (packages[i] %in% row.names(installed.packages()) == TRUE){
#Load the Package
library(packages[i], character.only=TRUE, ...)
#List it with or without its dependencies
loaded <- rbind(loaded,packages[i])
#if package is not already installed install it first checcking for error and then load it
} else if (packages[i] %in% row.names(installed.packages()) == FALSE){
install.packages(packages[i], repos=repos)
installed <- rbind(installed, packages[i])
library(c(packages[i]), character.only=TRUE, ...)
list(loaded=loaded, installed=installed)
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