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Predicting with Regression in R.
# Plot data.
plot(x=faithful$waiting, faithful$eruptions)
# Calculate linear model.
fit <- lm(eruptions ~ waiting, data=faithful)
# Plot trend line.
# Now do it again, this time with machine learning.
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=faithful$eruptions, p = 0.6, list = FALSE)
training <- faithful[inTrain,]
test <- faithful[-inTrain,]
# Plot training data.
plot(x=training$waiting, y=training$eruptions)
# Train linear model (the coefficient values should be very similar to the first linear model fit that we made above).
fit2 <- train(eruptions ~ ., data = training, method = 'lm')
# Plot trend line from trained model.
results <- predict(fit2, newdata=training)
lines(x=training$waiting, y=results)
# Calculate error with RMSE (root mean square error).
trainRMSE <- sqrt(sum((fit2$finalModel$fitted.values - training$eruptions) ^ 2))
# Now predict on the test set and draw a new line.
plot(x=test$waiting, y=test$eruptions)
# Draw the predicted regression line on the test set. It should match the data points pretty closely, as it was trained on the training set.
results <- predict(fit2, newdata=test)
lines(x=test$waiting, y=results)
# Calculate error with RMSE (root mean square error).
testRMSE <- sqrt(sum((results - test$eruptions) ^ 2))
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