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Created March 29, 2013 08:38
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Python (sklearn) FEST Wrapper
import os
import random
import string
from subprocess import call
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin
from sklearn.datasets import dump_svmlight_file
FESTPATH = "/home/tobias/applications/fest/"
def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits):
return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(size))
class FEST(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin):
Simple Python Wrapper for FEST (
Supports only binary classification.
def __init__(self):
self.model = id_generator(10)
def __del__(self):
call(["rm", self.model_filename])
def fit(self, X, y):
self.train_filename = self.model + "_data.tmp"
self.model_filename = self.model + "_model.tmp"
with open(self.train_filename, 'wb') as f:
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f)
call([os.path.join(FESTPATH, "festlearn"),
"-c", "2",
"-d", "1000",
"-t", "100",
self.train_filename, self.model_filename])
call(["rm", self.train_filename])
def predict_proba(self, X):
self.test_filename = self.model + "_test.tmp"
self.pred_filename = self.model + "_pred.tmp"
y = np.array([-55] * X.shape[0])
with open(self.test_filename, 'wb') as f:
dump_svmlight_file(X, y, f)
call([os.path.join(FESTPATH, "festclassify"), self.test_filename,
self.model_filename, self.pred_filename])
with open(self.pred_filename, 'rb') as f:
y_pred = np.array([[-float(line), float(line)] for line in f])
call(["rm", self.test_filename])
call(["rm", self.pred_filename])
return np.array(y_pred)
def predict(self, X):
return (self.predict_proba(X)[:,1] > 0).astype(int)
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